Page 126 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 126
Thursday, February 20, 1997 -Page 14 SPORTS Wrestlers compete at East Regionals, Smiddy advances to NCAA Division III National Tournament JULIE EDWARJ)S Smiddy graduated from Northeast High Sports Editor School in AnneArundel county in 1994. He started his successful wrestling career at the When the Green Terror wrestling team tender age of eight by joining the Buckeneers arrived at the East Regional Wrestling Cham- Wrestling Club, sponsored by Parks and pionship on February 22, nearly all of them Recreation. He also played football and la- had placed a week earlier at the Centennial crosse and said that he first got involved just Conference Championship. because all of the neighborhood kids played. Steve Smiddy, John Wert, and Rick Estes Once he reached high school, Smiddy won conference titles, and freshman 167- concentrated on wrestling and was able to pounder Charlie Conaway of Mount Airy, compete in the Maryland high school wres- MD and junior heavyweight Bob Picton of tling tournament all four years. His junior Point Pleasant, NJ placed second, to help the year, wrestling at 130 pounds, Smiddy placed team to a second overall finish, their highest second in the high school tournament and in the four year history of the tournament. repeated at second place his senior year at At the regional tournament, four Green 140 pounds. Terrors placed in their weight classes: sopho- ""I am just happy to have the opportu- more Iaz-pouqder John Wert of Halifax, PA, nity to be an All-American and fulfill one of sophomore l50-pounder josh Ellin of my dreams," commented Smiddy about the Reisterstown, MD, senior 167-pounder Phi! national tournament. He has already com- Simmerer of Upper Marlboro, MD, and se- peted against seven of the wrestlers he will nior I77-pounder Rick Estes of Baltimore. face next weekend, and Head Coach John Steve Smiddy, junior 134-pounder Lowe believes he will place in the top eight decisioned Jerrod Weida of Delaware Val- in his weight. ley 14-4 in the regional championship bout "He showed that what he could do with to capture his weight class. good competition when he was focused," Smiddy became WMC's first qualifier stated Lowe on Smiddy's performance at the for the NCAA Division III wrestling cham- regional tournament, "nobody was close to pionship in 12 years and upped his record to Steve." 39-6 on the season and 63-27 for his career Lowe added that he was very pleased with three wins in the tournament. about his team's.accomplishments this sea- The ten weight class champions from the son, although he feels they could have done East Regional, plus seven wild card selec- a lot better. He will encourage the wrestlers tions, advance to the Division III national to compete in Freestyle and Greco Roman championship March 7-8 at Ohio Northern wrestling this spring. "This will help their University. technique and give them all more experi- The last Western Maryland wrestler to ence," explained Lowe. Western Maryland FRANCESCASAYLOR Junior 134-pounder Steve Smiddy won his division at the East Regional wrestling . reach the pational tournament was 158- will host a USA wrestling open-tournament tournament. He will compete in the NCAA Division //1 tournament on March 7-8. pounder Mike Martinovich in 1985. on May II. -;:oiiI Womens lacrosse looks forward to season Congrats! TOM GILL "I'm really excited about this upcom- six goals and two assists at the end of last Junior guard Katie ASS/Mont SportsEditor ing season. Everybody wants to work real season. Haley of Rockville, MD was The 1997 Women's lacrosse team is hard and were all getting into great shape," Sophomore defender Natalie Hannibal named to the 1997All-Cen- currently getting ready to try and go all said Francis. _ will be back once again along with sopho- tennial Women's Basketball the way this season. Junior goalie Amanda Rose, will once more Wanda Malihom. Team. Haley was second in The ladies finished the 1996 season again be in the net. Last season Rose saved Hannibal had an excellent first season. with a record of 8-5 overall and 6-4 in the 221 goals, and allowed only 137 goals. She netted four goals and four assists as the Conference in scoring Centennial Conference. With a .617 save average compared to the a defender. (18.8 ppg.) while placing They were unstoppable when they lead .554 save average of the WMC opponents With the graduation of three starting third in rebounding (10.6 at half-time, 5-0, while on the flip side, in '96, Rose is 3rd in career saves with defenders, Rose and Hannibal will be rpg.) and eighth infree throw percentage (74.9). Haley HI never would have guessed when I came to WMC that I would be starting my was on the Second-team All- freshman year and breaking a school save record in my second season. I am real Centennial in 1996. excited about the possibility of breaking the all time save record. " Junior forward Will Marshall was named to the Amanda Rose, goalie 1997 Second-team All Centennial after reaching the 1000 point mark in just three they were 0-4 when trailing at the half. 347. The school record is 507 career looked to, to lead the defense. Sophomore Although the team is fewer in num- saves, not far out of reach for Rose, who attackers Amy North and Robin Zimmerly years. Marshall was named bers this season, the ladies are expected played every minute last season with a will try to better their number of 16 & 29 to the Centennial Second- to do well. With new assistant coach Erin total of 786 minutes played. goals respectively. team last year as well. Eaton and head coach Kim Easterday ''''I never would have guessed when I The team added eight new freshman Senior center Heidi back for her 21st season, the outlook is came to Western Maryland College that I players in 1997, Meghan Bellucci, Shan- Snyder was chosen as a CC good. Eaton came in and worked the would be starting my freshman year and non Benson, Cynthia Berger, Megan Player of the We.ekfor her team hard, with head coach Easterday fin- breaking a school save record in my sec- Giorno, Jessica Horwath, Nicole Interior, ishing the swim season. ond season. I am real excited about the Christy Jones, and Janelle Milam. performances against Both senior co-captains Mary Beth possibility of breaking the all time save The women's lacrosse team will com- Lebanon Valley, Dickinson, Francis and Jodi Wagner have played all record," Rose said. pete against Limestone college at home on and Franklin and Marshall. four years at WMC, and are hoping to Courtney Boden and Stacey O'Brien March 12, and then travel to Florida over She scored a career-high 25 grab yet another letter. are the other returning juniors, with jun- spring break for more training. Wagner is currently 4th in career goals ior Marjorie Hargrave playing in her first. When they return, the ladies will see points against F&M and with 104 heading into her final season. season at Western Maryland .. Dickinson away, and then host Washing- added 14 against Dickinson. She is also 4th in career points with 128 Boden had a total of three goals last ton College and Ursinus on April 1st and goals and 124 assists. year with one assist, while O'Brien had 3rd, respectively.
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