Page 116 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 116
Thursday, March 6, 1997 - Page 4 COMMENTARY The Last Word by John Greene Campus Safety? The Last Word/rom the 2-20 issue is reprinted be/ow in its entirety. The Phoenix apologizes for the inadvertent mistake from last issue. It's a typical Saturday nigh! on Western Mary- people that were in the hallway at the time were pected considering where the school is located will save for another editorial. land College's sinfully titillating campus. The my friends, one of whom was playing darts with Really, though, this event wasn't too violent, and I JUS! want to write about the fact campus lime, around 12:30 a.m. You're on your respec- me, and the other, who just so happened to be the only event that I can think of which was vio- safety as an organization, which has been es- tive floor, in your respective room, doing a little the owner of the empties. He's 22 years old. lent (last year's brawl with the townies in front tablished to protect us from criminal activities drinking, and not really bothering anybody at all. So, I kinda know what Campus Safety is all of Blanche) was handled, very well I might add, occurring on this campus is somewhat frivo- In fact, the majority of your friends, who oddly about by the students. Campus safety did nothing to lous. They are here to make the campus as enough share your current location, are engag- Basically, I believe Campus Safety is no stop the townies from coming up into the build- safe a place as possible for the students who ing in much the same acnvtry, AllfnalJ.itisa more than the means which the administration ing (in fact they came about the same time the pay their salary. How do they do this? By festive atmosphere, where all involved are hav- hopes to use in order to realize their idealized Calvary from Westminster's finest arrived), so harassing and coming down like a bunch of ing a good time, and nobody is complaining. So goal. What is this goal? A dry campus. Think the students took care of business. End of story. tough guys on the very students they are paid picture it, the music's playing, you're with your about it, Of course the administration is trying So how safe does campus safety keep us? Well, to keep safe? Perhaps it is time for students to friends having a good time, when all of a sudden to make this a dry campus. They come swoop- I don't think we, as a student body, are in much evaluate OUf employees' performance. How (pardon the cliche) the men in green step onto ing down out of nowhere for every function danger from any serious malignant criminal el- can they keep us safe when their only priority the floor, immediately the shit hits the fan, They which has anything to do with alcohol, or fun ement. So, I think campus safety is a farce, a is keeping the beer out of OUf hands? They walk from room to room, disrupting the fun, writ- (not that I think you need alcohol to have fun, smoke screen, if you will, an institution set up can't. They can only affect the aspects of cam- ing up numerous alcohol violations (most of with but it does make things, well, more interesting.) by the administration in order to enforce and pus life which the administration allows them are the bogus "you got caught in room with open So who, of course does the administration tar- implicate policy, set up to make this campus beer containers" type), and basically acting like get as the scapegoats? The Greek organizations a dry one My purpose is not to attack any members a bunch of tough guys (and girls), Tum out the It only makes sense for the administration to Another good question to ask: Is iueally of campus safety on a personal level. I don't lights, the party is over. targetthemandunfairlY,Ibelieve,harassthem necessary to make this campus a dry one? I know any of them socially, so for all I know So now it's 12:45, you've been "written up," all to hell. The majority of the Greek popula- think, this question is a good one, one which they could be really cool people. However. and you're generally cheery mood has been de- tion (especially the guys from Gamma Beta) are cuts to the heart of the matter, I also think their inflated sense of worth, given to them by stroyed, This is an all too typical Saturday night extremely cool guys and gals. They don't want the answer has to be no, there is no real need the administration, has subsequently swelled occurrence for manyof the students on this cam- to cause much trouble, well at least most of them for a campus safety who's only real task, be- their heads to mammoth proportions, They pus. Lmyself.have had a run in with the men in don't, and I think it's appalling the way they are sides driving around in their illegally tinted think they are cops, now matter what they say, green. A few weekends into Jan term they came marked by the administration. station wagon (and what self-respecting crimi- and I've seen the look of satisfaction they get into one of the affinity suites where I had been Besides, is there any reason for campus nal is going to run scared from a Celebrity?) when they bust someone. Like I said. how- hanging out with some of my friends, and throw- safety to be here? It's not as though we have and writing tickets for students who do not ever, the probably are good people. ing a few darts. I heard a key in the door, saw some huge, inner-city crime rate which would have parking permits, is to keep the student I merely wanted to call attention to a sub- the doorknob starting to tum, and proceeded to necessitate a campus safety organization. The body from drinking. While some may argue, ject I feel relatively strongly about. I think open the door. Big mistake. Behind door num- worst thing that has happened, since I've been however, that we come here to learn, not to there are alternatives to having to pay a group ber one were two campus safety men all ready to here was the fact that someone sprayed a racist party, I offer this. We pay somewhere around of men and women to take care of us; 10 treat bust heads and immediately give everybody a word (nigger, if you didn't know about it, or $21,000 a year to come here and learn. One us with an attitude very similar to the very hard time. My information was taken down couldn't figure it out for yourself,) with a fire can only learn so much, and a student can only people that everybody endeavors to escape (name, school 1.0.#, and room#) for being in the extinguisher, out on the tennis courts. So this learn as much as he or she wants to anyway. from when they come to college ... ourparents. same hallway with two open, yet empty, alco- was a bad event, something done in ignorance, When the learning is over, why can't we have We can watch out for ourselves, and I don't holic beverage containers. The only other two but something which also can be kind of ex- some harmless fun? This topic, however, I think we need to pay anybody to do it for us. --------1 Substance Free Housing 1-------- under Presently, at least forty two next year. PRO CON mon areas of the donnsare smoke free. Under classmen express an interest in continuing college policy they are also drug and alcohol to live in substance-free housing free. All students who wish to lead a substance Recently Residence Life asked the SGA to VS. free lifestyle need do is not allow the use of recommend a space where these students substances in their rooms. How hard is that? who desire to continue living in substance- So why is substance free housing needed? free housing could live. However, instead ERtN HOWARD ADAI\! DEAN At the Feb. 24 forum, Dana Jacobson, a sub- of coming up with a place to accommodate Commemary Co-Editor Commentary co- Editor stance free student, complained that she could these students, the SGA dismissed the idea free students on a floor dominated by non Substancefreehousingseemslikeagood "smell"th~odorofcigarettesmokethroughher of substance-free housing for upper classmen substance-free students is as equally unfair idea. After all, what could be better than al- door. Is this reason enough to give this group altogether. as doing the opposite. To quote Dana lowing students who wish to avoid the drink- it's own housing? Odor? When I lived in Rou- The SGA's main objection is that there Jacobson, one of the students petitioning for ing, smoking and substance abuse which of- zer I could smell the guy next door's aftershave. is no separate space in any dorm to place substance-free housing," I don't like being ten is associated with college life to have It was very strong and unpleasant. When walk- these students without infringing on inde- in an environment where I wake up in the their own living area. An area where they ing across Red Square this afternoon I could pendent students. Yet substance-free stu- morning and have to see puke all over the can live, work and play substance free. But smell manure from the farms in Carroll County. dents are infringed upon by independent stu- bathroom floor or have to smell smoke. It's like all utopian ideas (Marxism) the reality That is not a sweet smell either. There are many dents on numerous occasions. I recently had just not very appealing to me." is often somewhat different. smells in the world and not all of them are kind the misfortune of watching as a drunk stu- Not only would substance-free housing Substance free housing is not necessar- to the nose. Cigarette smoke has been proven dent stumbled from his room and proceed provide these students with an environ- ily a bad thing. As a matter of fact I support to be cancer causing. But I would like some- to puke on the hall floor while also on an ment where they would not have to be ex- substance free housing for all those colleges body to show me any data proving that the faint innocent, sober student's shoes. If that isn't posed to these type of occurrences, but it which have room for it. Unfortunately West- odor of cigarettes filtered through two doors is a reason for substance free housing, I don't would look good for the college as well. em Maryland does not have enough room to ofharm to anyone. If that is the case smokers know what is, They also suggest that, with Providing substance-free housingfor up- give every group its own housing. Recently would have to be locked up and never go any- the large incoming freshman class, there is per classmen is the trend on many college Student Goverrunent was asked by the admin- where. The smell of cigarettes gets into not ample housing to provide these students campuses. Other colleges devote entire istration to recommend a location for substance people's hair, their clothes, their belongings. with the space they need (preferably their dormitories to substance-free students, free housing on campus. After careful consid- Just because you think someone or something own floor.) And yet, Residence Life more which makes asking for a floor seem mini- erationofargumentsbothproandcontheSGA smells bad is not enough reason to receive than gladly provides the Greek organizations mal. Whether or nOI it is possible to pro- decided to vote not to recommend a specific special treatment. and numerous affinity groups with their own vide this space without upsetting the Greek location for substance free housing. At the fo- It has been claimed that 42 students are floors and separate living spaces, without re- organizations and other affinity groups rum held February 24, 1997 representatives of interested in substance free housing, It is not gard for the independents. Why not do the should not be a question. This college pro- the SGA said that they were not opposed to possible to house all 42 together and not wind same for the one group least likely to cause motes itselfas a "community" and as a com- substance free housing. They were concerned up including some students who do not wish problems with campus safety? munity, we should be willing to sacrifice cer- that independent students who do not wish to to go along for the ride. Whether or not we With the incoming freshman class tak- tain comforts for the benefit of others. be placed in substance free housing would be like it, alcohol plays an important part in the ing over their current living space (ground The fact is these students have a legiti- assigned there against their will and forced to social life at college. To force those who do floor Whiteford) and the SGA's dismissal of mate request that is not being dealt with obey the substance free guidelines. That would not wish to be substance free into this would the subject these students are left with very properly. These students deserve the same be extremely unjust to any student so affected. be an injustice and would deprive them of an few options. The unfortunate thing is that amount of consideration, if not more, as any The argument that in the past students have important college experience. Establishing a substance-free housing for students other other group on campus regarding the provi- been forced into honors housing and had un- substance free suite or other affinity housing than freshmen is a really good idea. Some .sion of special housing. It is up to Residence wanted rules and regulations thrust upon them would be fine. But dedicating an entire floor students simply do not like being exposed Life and especially the SGA, as representa- does not hold any water. Two wrongs do not or dorm to this minority would be almost to the alcohol and smoking which is ram- rives of the student body, to see to it that these make a right. impossible and unfair to the entire college pant on a regular floor and placing substance- students needs are met. Under Maryland law the hallways and com- community.
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