Page 120 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 120
Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 8 FEATURES Letter from abroad: Living Renovations included in "the good life" in Spain Chambers' current agenda Living and studying here is what we BY NICKI KASSOLIS Another major project on Chambers' BV JOHATHAN SHACAT agenda is the WMC Budapest program. In Comnbiuing writer like to call "la vida buena," which trans- Assistant Fe{l(!fre., Editor lates to "the good life." I reside with a early March, Chambers will travel to Hungary I am studying at the Center for Spanish family. The food my Spanish Recuperating from the Gill Gymnasium with Provost Joan Coley and director of ad- Cross-Cultural Study in Seville, mal her prepares is delicious and I some- fire, planning a trip to Hungary, and getting missions, Martha O'Connell. Spain. I arrived here a few weeks ago limes find myself looking forward to the ready to break ground for the new science He also plans to co-sponsor a fund-raising and I am having the time of my life. next meal. Their house is about a 30 facility have kept President Chambers' date event with the Hungarian Ambassador. The The climate here is perfect. H rarely minute walk (10 minute bus ride) from book full throughout these past few event will be held at the Hungarian Embassy months. rains and the temperature is about 20 my school. At the Center, we have in Washington. degrees Celcius (60 to 70 degrees classes Monday through Thursday and The fire, which captivated the spotlight Dr. Chambers has been busy spending a lot Farenheit) most of the time. The life Fridays are free to allow for traveling throughout January, continues to affect the of time in both Washington and Annapolis, but here is very relaxed and laid back. I during the three day weekends. Most of WMC community. Chambers said that the not just to sponsor fund-raising events. think it is safe to say that the only the students in my program are females. fire was one of the largest in Maryland's Chambers is very active in both the Maryland people who are in a rush to get some- Getting around town is not a problem. history. He was amazed at how quickly Independent Colleges and Universities where are the taxi cab drivers. And Most people walk, but a 101 take the bus. Inrecon, the clean-up company, was able Association and the National Association of that is probably because their custom- A bus ride costs about 50 cents each way to restore the offices located in Gill. "The ers are late for a meeting. if you buy a 10 trip pass. Gasoline prices fire was unfortunate, but we are fortunate Lewis Hall of Science will But overall, it seems as though all here are about three and a half times that nobody was hurt, it was contained, and said Chambers. Spaniards follow the same rule: fi- higher than those in the U.S. Also, park- we were well insured," of old Gill Gymna- soon undergo $12 million As for the future esta at night and siesta during the day. ing spaces are sometimes tough to find. sium, Chambers hopes the restorations will worth of renovations, as a The older people seem to only follow Hence, most people don't have cars. be complete by June. "We want it back as the latter part of that rule though. I Those who do, drive small or compact new science facility is don't know exactly where I fit in when vehicles. Motorcycles are very common. fast as possible, we need it," he said. added. it comes to following this rule. Some- Traveling out of town is equally as Chambers also noted that use ofWMC for times I go to the bars in the evening, simple. The bus and train stations are the Baltimore Ravens summer camp will sometimes I don't, sometimes I take very close by and the costs are reason- not be affected by the fire. Independent Colleges and Universities. a mid-day pap, sometimes I don't. able. I have not gone on any trips on my Old Gill Gymnasium is not the only He feels that President Clinton's pledge to The drinking age here is 18-years- own yet, bUI I plan to go to Madrid and building on campus to get a facelift in the become "'The Education President" has made old and this law is usually not even Barcelona in March. Almost each week- coming months. Lewis Hall of Science will this "an exciting time to be in education." One enforced. If you have 100 pesetas you end, CC-CS sponsors tours in Seville and soon undergo $12 million worth of reason is the HOPE scholarship. President can buy a beer at most any cerveceria. trips to other parts of Spain, and they are renovations, as a new science facility is Clinton is attempting to implement a riational As a result, teenagers grow up with free. We went to Cadiz recently to cel- added. scholarship fund, similar to a project presently easy access to alcohol and (unlike ebrate and experience Carnaval '97. It On April 18, the Board of Trustees will underway in Georgia. most students in the U.S.) don't have was basically a huge festival. We will meet to hold the official ground-breaking to The HOPE scholarship would give every facility. for the new Accordtng drinking problems when they get also visit sights in Seville including the qualifying high school graduate, with a B older. One could say that the "Span- Cathedral, the Alcazar, and Museo Bellas Chambers, the Henry Lewis Construction average or better, a $1500 grant or tax ish drink alcohol" and the "Americans Artes. Other trips will be to places such company will start construction in June. deduction for their college education. "It's going to have a major impact on the get drunk." as Italica, Granada, and Rabida. Although the exact details still need to be campus for the next two years," says worked out, Chambers is enthusiastic about Chambers, who adds "this is the biggest the current political emphasis on education. project in the history of the school." CRYPTIC CROSSWORD ACROSS 2 Put out on a DOWN • criminal 1 • 5 One of many Day warriors in 3 Irish sea qod ••• verbal argument 4" and Away," • • • with Cuchulain starring Tom 6 What Irish did Cruise ••••••• in bogs for 7 Goddes's of •• • turf fire, the 7 White Lady of hearth, and ••• Ireland poetry- 9 Fonner name of 8 e.g., Irishman • Ireland in L.A. • 10 Poetic name for 12 and behold • t. Ireland 14 Morning ••••••• 11 Ended reign of Irish gods 13 Irish Icon •••• •••• 15" be or not tObe ..." • • 16 Possessive ••• 91 1Il1I•• pronoun in commoner's iI. •• dialect
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