Page 125 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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SPORTS Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page l3 Green Terror Swimmers compete at the baseball covers all Centennial Conference bases going into championship 1997 season Senior Peter Fuller qualifies provisionally for the NCAA Division IJ! Championships Western Maryland College In addition, Fuller added a while the Green Terror women All-Conference shortstop Brian Van senior Peter Fuller won the sec- third place in the 200 breaststroke wound up sixth in the eight-team ond Centennial Conference title with another Western Maryland field. Deusen returns to coach of his career to highlight the record of 2: 12.69. The Gettysburg men and Green Terror's performance at In his career, the Green Ter- women both won their fourth the fourth annual Centennial ror senior placed fourth or better consecutive Centennial titles. BY DAN GADD concern is going to be our offen- swimming championships at staffwriler eight times in Centennial cham- The men's team will lose se- sive productivity," he said. "How Franklin & Marshall College. pionships. Shortstop Brian Van Deusen competitive we are is really going Fuller won the IOO-yard niors Kevin Lundell, Mike Wel- had Welter Mike Senior ended his playing career at West- to depend on our run production." breaststroke and broke his own sixth place finish in the 400 indi- a ter, and Fuller this year, all with three letters. ern Maryland last season as the Rick Estes, who hit .483 in con- school record with a time of vidual medley and an eighth- only member of the team selected ference play last season, and Pat 59.47 seconds, which also is a place effort in the 200 backstroke The Green Terror women, on to the All-Centennial Conference Durand, who hit .343 overall last rovisional qualifying standard for the Green Terror. the other hand will be back with team. He was also Centennial season, both return and should help for the NCAA Division ITT cham- The Western Maryland full force, as there are no seniors graduating. Conference Player of the Week in spark the team's offense. Estes was pionship meet women were led by freshman the final week if the season, going selected to the "'-II-Centennial Con- He edged David Miksa of Barkley Dameron, as she came in Juniors Heather Jacoby, and Captain Lynnae Stoehr, 7 for 12 at the plate with three ference Second Team a year ago. Franklin & Marshal! by just seventh in the 50-yard freestyle Tasha Berry will return next year home runs. "A shortstop is one of Siebert is also looking to Christian seven-hundredths of a second in at 25.79 seconds and eighth in the to lead the ladies, as will fresh- your key defensive players. He Abildso, Chip Dickey, and Brian the final. In 1995, Fuller captured 100 free. man swimmer Barkley Dameron was also one of our top hitters. You Culley to create some offense. the 200 individual medley, in Western Maryland's men fin- who was a huge asset this sea- don't just replace those people," With 17 players returning and which he placed fifth this year. ished fifth our of seven teams, said head coach Dave Siebert. new freshman class coming in Courtesy of Sports Information "[feel good about our depth, we have a lot Outdoor track jumps into season of numbers. " Dave Siebert, head coach II\'Tot-1GII,L several events. Tucker might try the long jump AniSian! Sports Editor Siebert won't have to replace Siebert hopes that enough compe- Roselove Nunoo returns as a and shot put also this spring. Van Deusen, just find someone to tition will be created to push some With spring-like weather in the sprinter, as does Quiava Polland Junior Robert Birdsall is "go- play his position, as Van Deusen of his players. He said that the air, the track & field team is ready who will be spending her seuior ing to be OUf key leg in the 4x8oo returns this season as a coactr. pitching and catching duties will be to &.0 outside. year doing sprints this spring. and 4x400 races," coach Doug Siebert feels that Van Deusen will especially competitive. There are Coming off of a good winter Jenny Spahr is ready for a fine Renner said. Birdsall is a tough be especially helpful coaching the currently four catchers on the learn indoor season, the team is looking season once again. She scored well competitor and should score in ei- infielders this season because he and he is expecting good things forward to continuing their win- in thel 00,200, and sprint relays last ther the 400m or the 800m. played every position in the infield from Dan Angelini and Wade ning ways, outdoors. season. Paul Charbonnier is a junior during his playing career. Hughes. Head coach Doug Renner feels Mike Bogart's back after hav- shot and discus man. If he is "in While Van Deusen will be Last season only two members that the team will "do well in the ing a stress fracture a year ago, but the groove, he is one or the top missed as a player, 17 players re- of the team were given Ail-Centen- conference, which is always our if healthy he should score high in throwers in the conference," turn from last season's team that nial Conference honors of any kind. goal. We're pretty excited," several events at the conference Renner stated. went 14-15 and 9-9 in conference While Siebert would like to see Renner added. meet. Malt Helfrich placed 5th in the play. "I feel good about our depth, more in the future, he has other ex- we have a lot of numbers," Siebert pectations from his players. "I'm "We will do well in the conference, which is always our goal. said. more concerned with how they con- Of the 17 returning players tribute to the team concept than I We are pretty excited. " seven are pitchers, four of whom am with individual (honors), and I started 25 of the team's 29 games think the individual stuff takes care Doug Renner, head coach last season. "Probably our stron- of itself. If a guy has a great year gest point is our pitching. We have he'll get credit for it." The ladies this year are without Duane Campbell placed 4th in indoor pole vault last season. most of our experience back in our Siebert says that this season, as Julie Cox, a three time conference the 55m dash and may show more Helfrich will run hurdles this pitching department. I feel very he does every season, he is looking Most Valuable Player. Cox com- talents when he enters the 100,200, spnng. good about our pitching right for more than individual accom- peted at nationals in the 55-meter 400m dashes. "We are excited about the up- now," Siebert said. plishments, he wants a champion- dash and 55-meter hurdles. Mike Cushwa in his early ca- coming season," assistant coach Siebert said he expects seniors ship. "My general philosophy is Sophomore Kare Fisher is back reer at Western Maryland College, Becky Martin said. The track team Tim D'Angelo, Bryon Druzgal, that I recruit very hard and we're and expected to do well once again, has already set an indoor school appears to have a lot of young tal- and Brian Culley to be important going to be able to compete for the possibly even place for medals in record in the 800m dash. Mike ent that will make them tough com- pitchers for WMC this season. "I Centennial Conference every year. sprints and hurdles. should do well at the 800m in the petitors in conference play for always expect a lot out of our se- We're not a rebuilding program," Junior Aimee Crewalk will conference and may try to run the many years. niors," he said. commented Siebert. "I have five compete in middle distance this 1500m dash. The track and field teams will While Siebert is confident that seniors this year, a good enough spring. Gavin Def-reitas and Patrick open their season in March 22 at the pitching will be solid this sea- nucleus to compete for the confer- Sophomore Tara Kelly is ex- Douglas add depth to the team. Franklin and Marshall. On the 29th son, he feels that the offense will ence championship. That's what pected to score high in all three of DeFreitas will compete in the 100, they will visit Susquehanna. be the key to success. "Our big my goal is for this team." her events. Kelly is a jumper and 200, and 400-meter dashes. Dou- is competing in long jump, triple glas will run the 400 and 800- and high jump. I<>.f)()() - IS.f)()() Mf>IIthlY jump, Pauline McAlonan is a senior meters. will compete in the Jim Parsons WORkiNG distaiburixq OUR PRoduCT BROdwRES. who is coming off of a productive shot put, discus, and javelin. Par- and sprinter winter. She is a jumper sons could score high in all three GET PAid - WE Supply BROC~URES. who is expected to score high in her conferences this spring. Fff ORPff. FORFREE INfo WRirE: events. Robert Siek will be a high She already has a school record jumper and a 400m man. Siek is DIRECTOR 1375 Coney IAland Ave., Ste. 427 in the 800m dash, now senior Erin capable of scoring well in both Murphey looks ahead 10 the spring. events at the conference. Brooklyn, NY 11230 Murphy runs sprints and has a Len Tucker came in sixth at the chance to qualify for Nationals in indoor conference in the 55m dash.
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