Page 117 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 5 Theatre on the Hill announces Lehigh Cement science donation page J Continued/rom summer season schedule models real world applications of ees to meet one-an-one with stu- science theory and management at dents to promote positive attitudes Theatre on the Hill has sched- In July, TOTH presents Michael 8 p.m. the Lehigh plant for student visi- about scholastic achievement and to uled five shows for the 1997 sum- Frayn's hilarious, smash hit farce The 1997 children's show ex- tors from nearby Francis Scott Key work on improving the self-confi- mer season, including the first pro- of a farce, "Noises Off." Also a plores A.A. Milne's world of High Schoo!' and Lehigh provides dence of students. duction of "Blood Brothers" Broadway smash, this comedy fol- Winnic The Pooh and friends. This annual financial sponsorship of "The sciences have always been mounted by an area company. lows a third-rate touring company lovable, huggable bear friend of Key's Top Scholar awards. strong at Western Maryland College Entering its 16th year in resi- stumbling through the final dress Christopher Robin enjoys hum- "Scientists playa huge role in and the new center should certainly dence at Western Maryland Col- rehearsal of a typical British sex ming songs, stopping quite often to our business, and chemistry is es- add to its reputation," Dr. Chambers lege, the professional theatre com- farce. An hysterical mix of comic "eat a little something" and just pecially important," Roush said. said, noting the WMC curriculum pany also will present "My Fair characters and absurd situations, drifting happily through life. In this "So it only makes sense that we stresses hands-on collaboration with Lady," "Noises Off," "Winnie the "Noises Off' takes farce to a new, original adaptation of the beloved support local programs as much as outstanding science faculty and the Pooh," and "The Fabulous Post absolutely outrageous level and is children's book, Pooh finds himself we can. Afterall, we hope some of opportunity for undergraduate stu- Show Revue." a delightful reminder that the show entangled in a host of frantic and these well-trained area students dents to publish in major research "My Fair Lady," a long-running must go on even when it is falling fun adventures, ably assisted by his might someday be working in our journals. Broadway favorite. opens the sea- apart. equally squeezable buddies such as plant." "We are committed to making son June 20 and runs through July Directed by Josh Selzer, who the bouncy Tigger, the energetic Lehigh's involvement in educa- the sciences more available and 5. Theatre on the Hill newcomer staged "Greater Tuna" last season Roo, the timid Piglet, the worried tional programs, which earned it an more enjoyable for our students Jeff Lee will direct the story of Pro- at TOTH, "Noises Rabbit, and the gloomy Eyeore. award from the Carroll County now and in the future," he contin- fessor Henry Higgins and spunky Off" opens Ju ly 18 and runs "Winnie The Pooh" opens July 5 Chamber of Commerce, also in- ued. Eliza Doolittle, the Cockney bird through August 13 in the Dorothy and runs through August 16 with cludes a mentoring program at "We have a tradition of success who on a dare and a brag becomes Elderdice Studio Theatre. All Saturday matinees at 2 p.m. on the Elmer A. Wolfe Elementary School and with support like this gift from the famous pbenericist's greatest showsareat8p.m. Mainstage. in New Windsor. Through the pro- Lehigh, we will continue to build challenge. The legendary Lerner "Blood Brothers," a haunting Also, the TOTH cast gathers gram, Lehigh Portland Cement on that strength." and Loewe score boasts some of the musical drama by Willy Russell, after most Saturday night shows provides release time for employ- Courtesy of Public Information musical theatre's finest treasures, author of "Educating Rita" and for a late night cabaret. "The including the rousing "With a Little "Shirley Valentine," runs August 1- Fabulous Post Show Revue" be- Bit of Luck," the tender "On the 16 on the Mainstage. A modern-day gins after the July 5 performance Street Where You Live," and the take on "The Prince and the Pau- of "My Fair Lady" and runs Sat- exuberant "I Could Have Danced per," it is the deeply moving story urdays until the end of the sea- All Night." of a struggling single mother who son. It should be no problem for Lee, finds she is expecting twins. Know- Subscriptions, which include who has directed a myriad of shows ing she cannot possibly afford to one ticket to each of the shows ranging from a U.S. tour of care for two more children, she re- and the Fabulous Post Show Re- "Shirley Valentine" starring Loretta luctantly agrees to give one of the vue, are now available. Cost is This Thursday, Friday & Saturday @ Sp.m. Swit to the live stage version of babies to her wealthy, childless $40/adult, $35/seniors, $25/chil- Tickets: "Mortal Kombat." He also has di- employer. Although the women dren 12 and under. For informa- $5 adults; rected other showbiz greats includ- make every effort to keep the broth- tion or tickets please call the $3 WMC community/seniors/students ing Helen Reddy, Ellen Burstyn, ers from learning the truth, fate in- WMC Box Office at (410)857- To reserve seats call x599; Dorothy Loudon, Davy Jones, tervenes to remind them all that a 2448. Box office opens at 7pm Betty Buckley, and Cleo Laine, and price must be paid for the deed. The had productions staged in Washing- cost comes in a shattering and truly ton, D.C., New York, Chicago, unforgettable climax. Buenos Aires, and Mexico City. A huge hit on Broadway and All performances of "My Fair still running after nine years in Lady" begin at 8 p.m. on Alumni London, this will be the show's first Hall's Mainstage. local production. All shows are at ~d~~"f \ .•', It'\_, June July 3.5 J I My Fair Lady (musical) All shows at 8 p.m. July 18. August 3.6.10. 13 Noises Off [comedv] All shows at 8 p.n~. August 1.2. 7. 8. 9. 14. 15. 16 Blood Brothers (musical) All shows at 8 p.m. MY DEGREEGOT ME THE INTERVIEw. ARMY ROTC GOT ME THE JOB. July 5, 12, 19,26, August 2,9,16 Winnie the Pooh (children's show) All shows at 2 p.m. Things got pretty competitive for ROTC taught me responsibility self- this job. I'm sure my college degree discipline and leadership. Those are me in the and good grades management i things you just can't learn from a kept , June 28, July 5, 19,26, August 2,9, 16 running. But in the end it was the textbook. I don't knew where I'd be Fabulous Post Show Cabaret leade~ship and right now if I hadn't enrolled in All shows 45 minutes after Saturday performances expenence I got through Army Army ROTC, but I do know one ROTC that won them over. Army thing for sure ... Iwouldn't be here. There are no shows scheduled for Wednesday, uly 9, or Friday, July 11. Those dates are reserved ARMYROTt or the concluding concerts of Common Ground on THE SMlIRTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOD CAN TAKE l Hill's annual week-long arts and music summer the I experience. For deta1ls, Visit the 2nd Floor. Gill Gym or call 851·2720
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