Page 115 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 115
COMMENTARY Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 3 PHOENIX SUPPORTS 12% FACULTY PAY RAISE WMC Professors have re- cently requested, through the American Association of Uni- versity Professors (AAUP), a 12% salary raise to take effect in the 1997-98 fiscal year. The Phoenix fully supports the fac- uity request. Each year, the AAUP pre- sents a proposal to the budget committee, which includes Dr. Robert Chambers, President of the college, requesting a salary "We agree with the professors that a 12% pay increase is needed in order to hring them closer to their goal. " Upon Dr. Chambers arrival at WMC, the faculty felt that he lowest three schools in the Cen- would bring the salaries back up far as attracting top professors, portrayed a goal of raising the tennial Conference. to previous standards. Unfortu- which in turn attracts top stu- Finally. the Phoenix feels that faculty salaries to the top 25th For two consecutive years nately, these requests did not dents, would add to the college's just compensation must be made percentile in the Centennial (1991-92, 1992,93 school's amend the loss. prestige. Also, untenured, part- for the two years the faculty went We Conference. In 1988, this goal years), neither faculty nor admin- We agree with the professors time and newer professors would without that any the pay increase. than 12% is more feel was nearly achieved with full istration received any raise what- that a 12% increase is needed in be more inclined to stay at reasonable if available. If fund- and associate professors in the soever. In order to compensate order to bring them closer to WMC. ing for the full 12% is not avail- top percentile and assistants in thee faculty for the two years their goa\. 1hi~request is more Third, compared with other able. maybe the college should the second. Since an enrollment without a raise, the AAUP's plan than reasonable for several rea- small liberal arts colleges. such consider a plan to recompensare drop in the early nineties, the was to receive a six to seven per- sons, if the funds are available. as Ursin us. WMC professors re- the faculty over a period of a few salaries have fallen within the cent increase which they hoped First, the college's image, as ceive much less pay. years. LETTER To THE EDITOR CUPID'S CROSS- WORD PUZZLE AN- he following letter was originally pigs living with him. Not only is and her entire suite from campus rirten to Dean Sayre, but was sub- this a violation of college policy, housing because he discovered SWERS itted by the author to the Phoe- but it is a direct contradiction to cat in the dormitory. It is my hope ix for publication. several statements he has made. that you will understand my out- He told me repeatedly that he be- rage at the deplorable hypocrisy 0 ear Dean Sayre; lieved having a cat in a Residence someone who is supposed to b I am writing to you because I Hall was unsanitary and unfair to setting a good example for stu- eel that it is vital for the adminis- the other residents. I hardly think dents. ation and the students to under- that two pot bellied pigs could be I do not wish to cause trouble tand the detrimental effects one considered more sanitary than a in the campus community, but I feel ember of the Residence Life cat. He also told me that he had that I must express my disappoint- eam is having on the student body. given up his pets in order to com- rnent at a situation which appears everal people have experienced ply with college policy. This is 10 highlight behavior that would no nnecessary concern and worry obviously not the case since on be tolerated in students. Not only aused by the actions of Mr. Tom January 22, he told Dr. Robin is this behavior hypocritical, but i much He has appeared insensi- Armstrong that he had two pigs is an apparent abuse of the powe ive and unethical in his behavior living with him, and he actually given to someone in a position 0 owards students. Some of the invited her to visit the pigs if she authority. Mr. Zmucki seems to ther people affected will write let- wished. Dr. Armstrong also re- think that he is above the rules im- ers about Mr. Zmucki's actions ports that as of February 7, Mr. posed on students. I would like the hich will be mailed in the near Zmucki still had the pets. I am administration as well as the cam- uture. incredulous at the audacity it must pus community to be aware of this As most people know, I have take to be so obviously uncon- behavior, and I request that the ad- een discussing the issue of my cat cerned about the ethical issues in- ministration investigate the circum- ith the Residence Life team for volved in these contradictory stances surrounding the pet policy everal years. This however is not statements. and consider more productive al- he focus of my complaint. In addition to that issue, Mr. ternatives for both students an am concerned because I recently Zmucki has imposed strict sane- staff at this college. earned that Mr. Zmucki, the Resi- tions on students he has found to ence Life Coordinator living in have animals on campus. He Sincerely, cDaniel Hall, has two pot bellied threatened to remove one person Carolyn Arney
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