Page 85 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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On The Hill The Phoenix Thursday, December 7,1995, Page 9 Student experiences Letter from abroad college life in Spain BY SARAH E. SIIECKELLS including her in everything they did. SrajJWr;/el "I was very happy, but some "Quiero volvera Granada mi otra students weren 'r as lucky to have realidad tengo las palabras para this," she said. "[Unfonunately,) I Escorpi6n, ar afia, mosco, contrar mi experiencia" haven't heard from them yet, but [ mosca, bornuga ... I never thought Spanish that the first important In Spanish, this is how senior plan to write them soon," should know Candace Craig feels about her trip 10 Having Spanish every day for words that everyone 10 Merida would before coming Granada, Spain, last semester. When four hours during the first month, all be insects. translated it means. "1 want 10 return grammar lessons were taught very I am gelling ants used 10 the to Granada.myotberrealiryand Idon't quickly. The rest of the time was (I have little choice about it!), but have the words to tell of my experi- spent studying the culture and his- ence." tory of Spain, while studying Span- the mosquitoes are impossible for Having only one semester of el- ish every other day for only two me to accept-my blood is their ementary Spanish with Dr. Isabel hours. only goal in life. Valiela (who is nota! WMCanymore), "On the weekends, we had ex- As for the rest of my experi- Craig went abroad for four months, cursions to see remote villages in the ences, I guess I am going through taking 12 credits of intense language Sierra Mountains because [the all the normal phases. So far I hated Merida, study and four credits of culture semi- school) wanted us to the see the ru- have loved Merida, gotten frustrated ; . been ambivalent, nars about the history, art, and eoollOm-. ral life there," Craig said. "We vis- Sayil an ancient palace. ics of Spain. ited the coast to learn about the ag- with the pollution, noise, men, glish, even after he replies in Being a Spanish and religious , and been enchanted and Spanish. Even knowing that they asked if I would help him with his studies major, Craig had previously by all the friendly and are trying to make a living in a English. In exchange, he helps me studied French for five years. genuine people I have met. De- with my Spanish and teaches me spite my emotions and temper be- worsened economy does not ease a lot about the culture. He ing pulled every which way, I AM my frustration. teaches English for Mexicans looking forward to the next five I had expected to live in a cul- who are out of school but think to six months. ture that was only minimally they need to improve their En- I think my biggest disap- tainted by the U.S. I gave up on glish, usually fortourism. I even pointment, though, is that there that fantasy when I walked into the got to talk with his class so that are so many things here that are supermarket. The same U,S. com- they could hear a native-English from or influenced by the United panies are in every aisle. Nestle is speaker and learn about the States. Merida is the largest city going to take over the world! states and some of my political on the Yucatan Peninsula (+/- I never realized how many views. I think I really upset one 700,000 people), but it is not as products were produced by so few guy! "touristy" as Cancun. Yct I can companies, and mostly U.S. com- As for the. area. it is very Jist more than ten businesses that panies at that. They do not adver- simple. Anyone interested in ar- are from the U.S. The fast food tise their monopoly on production chaeology, ancient civilizations, in the U.S. like they do down here. or pre-conquest history will find Some of the benefits of U.S. a never-ending fountain of infor- mation here. I have been to about eight ruins and still have not Portugeuse town below. ist and not a student who majors and movies. Although a couple trip when I return from Christ- in their language. I really do not months late, they are current for us. mas vacation in the states will background has helped her pick lip on with her newly found language? have a big ego. but even I think If Iget a chocolate craving Ican buy probably be to Palenque in the the Spanish language. This semester she is taking a that they would recognize me by any kind of candy bar (except mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. "I have always wanted to study 400 level class in Spanish Theatre Reese's peanut butler cups for some Spanish and I'm interested in Latin of the Twentieth Century, which is now; I stand out more than Icould reasontj.or I can get good American That will probably be the subject of my next article. And it is not just have imagined. America," said Craig. "I [also] real- alltaught in Spanish by Dr. Thomas food if J go to T.G.I.Friday's. Until then, thanks to my ized how important Spanish is in our Deveny, and so far, she is doing well. My best friend here is black, My opinion of Yucatecan men friends, Lynne and Mary Jo, for country." "I was glad J kept [the Spanish and there are no black people in has improved ...a little. Ihave met a Through the School for Interna- rnajorl.rsaid Craig. "I was ready to calling ... and spending all that still harass tional Training in Brattleboro. Ver- drop the major and make it a minor Yucatan. The people My six-foot. couple who have not made noises, money! You guys made those weeks Whistled, or simply stared at me. One her in English. mont; Craig's program was very in- because I thought the 400-level blond-haired, blue-eyed boy- of these men, my friend Felix, came so much happier! Happy Holidays tense. The family that she lived with class would just be too difficult." friend still gets pestered in En- up to me without introduction and and enjoy the cold weather-it's made an agreement that they could Craig is amazed at her speak- 85 Q FinMexico! review. Trumpeters not speak any English with Craig, ing level. but does think she could music so she could benefit from hearing benefit from a grammar Spanish constantly. "I can hold a conversation and "It was scary, but I figured that communicate well," she said. "I By KIMBERI"Y HAKER was founded in 1944. It was through their senior year in everyone in the group of students learned more being in Spain for L'OtllriiJulil1!: wriler used as an organization to rec- academics, leadership, campus who went were ar the same level [of four months than I would have if I Many people think that the ognize senior women who dis- involvement, and community speaking]," said Craig. just went through classes at Trumpeters organization at played contributing characteris- service. Once in Granada, speaking and WMC." WMC is just another musical tics such as integrity, loyalty, The Trumpeters have been is not true. understanding Spanish was defi- In the upcoming semester, group. This This however members in- and leadership. Later on, mem- planning activities throughout year's nitely difficult for Craig at first. Craig will be taking a 200-level clude Kathy Gaston, Tim bership was then offered to the year. Most importantly, 'The first night I was with my Spanish course, which may be a males on campus. they look for community ser- Duex , Amy Becky Spanish family, Icould only say my little below her level, and a 300- Cottins, and Kim Haker, and the Jo New members for Trumpet- vice involvement. Sheriff, name, age, and that I was happy to level course in Spanish literature, faculty advisor is Mrs. Susan ers are chosen in the spring se- For December, they have be there," she said. "With patience, but nothing is definite for her af- Milstein. The Trumpeters' mester of their junior year. planned a holiday dinner for Ibegan to understand conversations ter graduation just yet. They are looked at for their the members, friends, and fac- is "For If {he trumpet at the dinner table, the television, and . "I have thought a lot about go- mOItO an uncertain sound. who leadership, character, and ser- ulty. Also, the Trumpeters will gives the newspapers," ing to Latin America to study or shall prepare themselves for vice to both the campus and be contributing articles to the Craig said that the people she volunteer, but I'm not sure yet," community during their first Phoenix. Each edition will spot- stayed with were wonderful and she said. "I definitely would like boule?" (l Corinthians 14:8). three years at WMC. They must light a different organization on Trumpeters is a campus- treated her like part of the family by to go abroad again." also demonstrate the potential campus, their history, activities, based honorary society which' to continue this involvement and how to become a member.
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