Page 84 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 84
On The Hill The Phoenix Thursday, December 7,1995, Page 8 Dr. Boner celebrates twenty-five years at WMC finds this improvement rewarding as a pro- of sledding down the golf course BECKY COCKERILL SIGJJWrilel fessor. hill on campus, a feat Boner and Where will you be in twenty live years? Boner reflected on the very first Pho- his family have accomplished If someone had asked Dr. Robert P. Boner tography classes offered by WMC around several times. that question back in 1970, he may not have 1972, which was taught by him, along with A thoughtful professor, told you he would be Chairman of the Math Professor Dave Cross, and wasyl Palijczuk, Boner encourages his students to, and Computer Science department. But during one of Boner's first January rerms. "get some excitement about learn- looking back now, he feels he would not want Acting as a kind of icebreaker' for him, Boner ing," and to understand that, to be anywhere else. quickly became comfortable with his occu- "math is about ideas and the rela- After graduating from Rockhurt College pation at Western Maryland. tionships of those ideas, not just in Kansas City, then receiving his masters at "I can't imagine doing anything else," about numbers." But the benefits Indiana University, and his Ph.D. at Notre Boner spoke honestly. Over the years, he of this exchange between the pro- Dame, Boner has dedicated all of his time to has experienced many changes. For ex- fessor and the students is not one- Western Maryland's students and comrnu- ample, he mentioned the event of removing sided. Boner said working with nity. "There was never any reason \0 leave," the cross on the Baker Memorial Chapel his students "keeps me young. Boner explained. Western Maryland stu- when the college separated itself from its Being around young people is a dents had a reputation for having a good original affiliation with the Methodist kick!" To show support for his quality of students, an attraction that made Church. He also commented on the various students, he attends as many him look at Western Maryland College for changes in the departments (including the sports events, concerts and other job opportunities. He feels the attitude stu- math dept.), and the addition of the Com- activities as he can. dents hold about mathematics, even for the munication and Business departments. "As long as I am working, I non-mathematics majors, has steadily got- At the same time, serving Western intend to be here," stated Boner. ten better within the last few years. Boner Maryland for so long, Boner has had the After twenty-five years of service, Western represented being too laid back, so his choice privilege of teaching generations of the same Maryland gives the professor a choice of a was a quick one. "I will take the Captain'S family. He commented that some things beautifully furnished captain's chair or a chair," he responded, smiling, "not the rock- chair. rocking ing chair!" chair To Boner, the rocking . never change, like the ever steady tradition .............................................. Dan Wooten : Wmter Wonderland in Englar Dining Hall : frompage 7 . December 7, 1995 : Data collected from Wooten will be used : stuffed breast of chicken, carved steamship round of : around the world to see if this new breed of laser is worth investment. Wooten is bringing : beef, cheese lasagna, twice baked potatoes, broccoli : his experiences and education in to the 21 st century, along with WMC. : spears, com O'Brien, apple pie a lamode, Christmas: Wooten is a teacher's assistant for Dr. Guerra. He also is a physics tutor for students cake, banana nut bread, cheese cake torte . or who are unable to follow class discussions ........ " for people who need help when the professors are unavailable. Guerra explained that with more than one FREE TAX HELP person helping the sruderus at a time, the stu- dents are more apt to learn and take their time untilthey do understand, and not rush and try to keep up with the class. FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low- "Dan is very helpful in Dr. Guerra's lab Moderate Income Taxpayers as a teacher's aid, he comes around and makes sure we are doing our labs right. If there is any trouble we might have, Dan is always right WHERE: Western Maryland College-Gold Room B {here to help," commented Shaune Greenwood, a freshman majoring in physics WHEN: Wooten is more than all work and no rience. play. He is involved in an impressive list of Tuesday Thursday Saturday CALL, (520) 505-3123 organizations. He holds offices as the presi- 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 11 am-2pm dent of Sigma Pi Sigma, a national honor February 15 February 17 society for physics majors which he helped MACINTOSH COMPUTER FOR found last year, and is the vice president of February 20 February 22 February 24 SALE! the Rouzer Association of Governance February 27 February 29 March 2 Complete system including printer (RAG). only $499. Call Chris at 1-800-665- He was a student oricntator for the class March 5 March 7 March 9 4392 ext. 9460 of 1999, a member of Circle K, CAPBoard's March 12 March 14 multicultural activities committee. common March 26 March 28 March 30 ground and was also a RA last year in Blanche. April 2 April 4 April 6 Excellent Opportunity for College Looking into the future Wooten wants to Students: become a college professor. Continually work- April 9 April 11 April 13 Gain professional experience in the ing hard and not complaining, he is model health care field. Hands on experi- WMC student. He feels he owes these cbarac- ence working with patients in a teristics to his hero, his father. Walk-ins welcome from February 15 to February 29 doctor's office. Will train. "He instilled a work ethic into me of By appointment only after February 29 Call 717-633-6944 or 717-229-2562 work, work, work. If you work hard at some- thing it can be accomplished," Wooten as- For appointments and/or more information, contact Karen ADVERTISE sured. His father has been his inspiration through campus, or stop by Winslow 114 and ask for Susan Milstein, if you're off- Beamer x8261 (on campus) or 751-8261 college and his entire life. Education was al- IN THE ways stressed in life through education. by his father and how one can only succeed And this is exactly what Dan Woolen ap- PHOENIX! pears to be on the road to: success. Spring Break begins March 15. Classes resume March 25.
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