Page 83 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 83
On the Hill ----------- - The Phoenix Thursday, Decembe 7,1995, Page 7 Physics department Service ofLights to be held in Baker home of student talent uv JOYCF. MUl.I.ER Baker Memorial Chapel. The WMC College Choir Public tnformatton Direclor Representatives from Bud- will perform several selections, ev GRANT RIO: His laser was assembled from Western Maryland College dhism, Hinduism, Islam, Chris- including the peace song sung LayvurEdilar very unique parts ranging from two will bring together holiday tra- tianity, Judaism, and the Bahai by the [ate Yitzhak Rabin just Since the age of 8, junior Dan yogurt containers from Glar to fish ditions and religious customs wi [I take part in the service and prior to his assassination in Is- Wooten knew what he wanted to be hosing fora fish tank. The laser was from around the world for its perform readings, candlelight r acl. The college's Gospel when he grew December Service of Lights on ceremonies or musical selec- Choir also will perform at the up: a scientist. Friday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m., in tions special to the respective service. His aspi- faiths, according to Rev. Mark The service will conclude rations to be a Rare Lancaster, the college's coordi- with a candlelight ceremony ph y sic i s 1 nator of religious life. Also, the and the singing of "Let There weren't real- African-American customs of Be Peace on Earth." ized until his colorguard Kwanzaa will be celebrated. The chapel will be open junior year in "It's a unifying event for from 7-7:20 p.m. for a sing- high school people of all faiths," said Rev:, along of Christmas carols be- when he en- present at Lancaster fore the interfaith service. rolled into a two-yeur phys- ~ashington res course at Dundalk High School. His ~uIIets laser ~s ~~~~[~' h~~r~ experiment he is working on for NASA great impact on Woot,~n 's futUl;, to be used for the education of stu- game "He completely changed my dents in labs or classes and 10 show 1't11° oftJ~ ~ life as far as physics goes, he was how simple a basic laser is. BUI un- Student cadet members of the the most incredible teacher I've ever fortunately the laser didn't work. Green Terror Battalion of the By Harrry Songer f had He's absolutely Wooten didn't let this set him Western Maryland College Anny , brilliant. ..completely dedicated to back. He moved on that year to work ROTC recently served as the color kudos UJ you! An excellent job well his students, a great guy, and knew with Dr. Vasil is Pagonis, assistant guard and participated in opening Circulation/Promotion Dirrectcr done. what he was talking about;' ex- professor of physics, in a multi-stu- ceremonies for two Washington Two Kudos is back this week to And for my next rwokudos I sa- plnincd Wooten dent venture to research "The Ther- Bullets games at the USAir Arena bring you IWO good deeds students lute those that made the blood drive a Wooten decided 10 visit rnoluminescencetecbniquesto study in Largo, MD. have done for the W,MC Community. success. WMC during an open house. His the effects of annealing on the kinet- The color guard teams took Crystal Zagomg afreshmanhas Matt Wachter of the Sigma Phi first experience of Westminster was lcs of synthetic calcite." In this ex- done the best good deed that I have Epsilon Fraternity and Holly Roback the floor before the November 10 a fury of snow and ice covering.rhc .... they, would heat up an ob- game~between the Bullets and heard so far this year. On the chilly and lSathlccn Walner of the Phi Mu roads as he tried driving up Main jeer and watch how it would cool New York Knicks and the Novem- winter night when freshman were Fraternity and alJ of the respective Street. But just up the hill at 2 Col- down. Then graphing cooling curves ber 30 game between the Bullets sleeping outside the Forum waiting to members of each fraternity organized lege Hill he would find a home. and other data plotting techniques, and the Cleveland Cavaliers. sign up for classes, she was out there this event ill good spirit of comrnu- There was one thing, though, they could then find the age of the makinglife asbearableuspossiblefor nity service. The Red CrO$ Blood which made it set in stone in his object. using charts and graphs ob- were: Members of the cadet teams of those who were dedicated to getting Servicecamchereon Octcber Hlask- Wittenberg Heather mind that he would go to WMC: rained through data. From this In- Arnold, MD; John Green of the classes they wanted. At 10: 15 that ing students to give blood to help &'lv~ the view. formation they could then dale an ob- Linthicum. MD; Wendy Schatz of night, she went out on the patio be- the lives of those that need if deeper- "We took a tour [during open - ~ject -or learn about what it is con- side the Forum with that idea in mind. ately They were heresix hours and in Houston, DE; Jeannine Dabb of house] and we walked through the structed out of. She lirst started helping out by num- lhat time they had 63 donors. They York, PA; Patrick Douglas of library to the back part on the tirst This research is being carried Ixtingcachstudclllshandso!hatwhen came here with the goal of 601 The Lanham, MD; Jessica Belz of floor, looked out these windows on out all over the world and WMC . Timonium, MD;Janet Keymetian the Forum opened far registration, blood that Ihe donors gave is enough the athletic tieldand llhought it was added its data to the scientific com- there would be some order oul oft.he 10save over 170 Jives. "It makes you of Teaneck, NJ; and David Seydel the most incredible signt! Ithought, munity through their studies be,ing , chaos that would have occurred . .But feel really good." Kathleen had to of Silver Spring, MD. 'Alright, I'm coming here!' ," he publish~d in the Joumal of Radiation to every good side there is a badAfter share. And she also added that Tpe November 10 game was recalled. ~J Measurements. the fir~t time the College program she started numbering hands, people , "Greeks acrually dQ something goOO Soon after Wooten applied and Wooten will also be working on would go back totheirroomsand wait other th.'Ulparty." HallyRoback said provided fl- color g~ard for the bas- receive a scholarship for his aca- a joint venture between NASA and until seven toregisterwhile many sLlIl that the b!&.xidrive "Mt$everyoniin- ketball team, according to Capl. demics at Dundalk. WMC this year and next. NASA has waited oulSide. valved," and she wanted 10 thank all Matt Burke, executive officer and Wooten entered Rouzer a little planned to place a holographic laser So in order to keep people from ",. donors because without their partici- recruiting operations officer of the scared and a little unsure of what technically known as a "Neodyum leaving, she enticed them to stay by pation, this would not have been suc- ROTC Battalion. He said the baf- would lie ahead in-his college ca- dopen yttrium aluminum gamate" [a- going to Walmart at 2:00 AM and ceSsFuI. And Man Wachler said that talion has two color guard teams reer. But all of his anxieties were ser or NO: Yag for short, on the roof spending twenty dollars of her own blooddrive"helpsthewho[earea,not and has be.~n asked by Bullets of- reJieved when he found a home in of Lewis Ha[J. money OIl chapstick. hand Wannet'S, just the campus," and he WllIlted to ficials to open more home games the physics department. Wooten will be the sole person t and candy to give to thosethat stayed. say those that were turned away this season. The physics department, in charge of this project. Over $2 To make the time being spent more should not be deterred.1'here will be "The flag ceremony is a lim- chaired by Dr.David Guerra, has million of equipment and resources interesting, sheraffled offth;:: ifems off iIllOther one in the spring. Well, I don't ing and drill c;remony," said been the place of many hard- will be on Wooten's shoulders. Capt. Burke. "It is a good way for for free. Crystal said th.'lt"peopJe were know about you, bUtIthink that these worked hours for Wooten. This project will be the only one us to introduce the cadets to the gettingreallyintoit," .Thooc.whowere three:ffid their I'r.ltemities deserve a He got ajobhis freshman year, inthe world taking place. His re- traditions of the military and be- roughing it out to get thedtI$SCS that whQppinglWQkudoslOyou! It'sgreaf of selting up, te~ting and ex~ri- search will be to -bounce a laser off ing the color guard for the bas- they wanted deserved something for that groups on campus can do some- menting with new equipment the the ozone caught between the tropo- ketbal[ game is a good way to dis- their troubles was her philosophy. thing this wonderful to help so many department received. Even during sphere and the stratosphere, then col- play the hard work and training Cry.stal did not sleep for niile people in need ofbloOO. his first year, he ran his own labs to lect the reflected [tght and mea~ure Ihal these students put into that hours and fifteen minutes that night 'TWo Kudos To You Crystal, test the equipment and see how it the data returned. This is not to be ceremony." "1 had a whole lat of fun and meeting Holly,.Man. arlct is great could be utilized in labs or classes. confused with the ozone layer being The color guard teams arc people was the best part of iL"Crystal lQfinally write.about something gOod As a sophomore, Wooten be- . eaten by chlorofluorocarbons. This trained_ by SGT Cedric Craig of clearly enjoyed what she was doing that people on camPus have done. gan to deal more with research. He level of ozone vertically rises and IheArmy ROTC instructor group and after having beard what went on Please keep those no(ninations flbw- invested many hours to build a falls everyday and can have a slight at Western Maryland. The th.'lI night I can only wish. thai I had ing in to: Harry Singer, Two Kudos homemade laser as pan his educa- impact on local weather. College's ROTC program was in- been there to share in the fun. Ihereby FoiYou Column. 'Thank You. cte- continued on page 8 stituted in [919. giveCl)'staJ Zagomy astupendous two tion :~il~ea~h::~:yd~r;;~:L~~' Courtesy of Puhlic Iliformation sign," Wooten explained.
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