Page 81 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 81
News The Phoenix Thursday, Decemberr 7, 1995, Page 5 Curriculum Commitee plans on Pre-Law societyformed revising current BLARS to ~d law students take the LSAT and apply to law More wrriting. intensive courses are needed according to Reed slaff .....riler .school. Plus, law schools tend to The Bench and the Bar, the pre- favor students who have been in In addition, Dr. Reed em- skills. law society at Western Maryland pre-law societies because it By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL SlaffWriter phasized that many committee Agreeing with Reed, Dr. College, has recently formed. shows that they are serious about The Curriculum Committee is members have their own ideas Sam Case, member of the Cur- Under the direction of advisor starting a career in law." one the college's standing commit- about the on going process of riculum Committee, said that Dr. Charles r---------~~-= tees comprised of faculty and stu- formulating the college's cur- students will improve their Neal, the so- dent representatives. The commit- riculum. writing technique through ciety has tee meets regularly to discuss Reed wants the college to "writing across the curricu- t wei v e courses and concerns about the designate more courses as lum." A proponent of the Lib- members. college's curriculum. "writing intensive" and to eral Arts, he stated that the Lib- The society According 10 the Commit- spread these courses through- eral Arts should constitute one- alms to pre- tee-chair, Dr. Reed, the com- out different levels of' each of third of a student's course load pare stu- mittee is currently reevaluating the disciplines. at Western Maryland, and the dents for the the SLARs in light of the 4- He feels that students will remaining two-thirds should be application credit system and exploring benefit from' courses that help filled with courses related to a process to and electives. several options. . them to develop strong writing student's major such a curriculum law school, not Through though Renovations of Glar structure, students gain greater of everyone 10 Bench the variety to a wide exposure from p.I courses. and the Bar In order for students to fur- has decided that law school is in their Dr. Neal agrees withSavage taken up front to the serving line, Sons, will be handling the con- ther their interests in certain ar- future. Another purpose of the so- that there are a 101 df things po- ate and transferred again 10 an oven struction to Glar, and Sodexho eas OF co ncentr more ciety is to expose students to what tential law students need to un- already warming Hems. With food services, the current Glar strongly in their majors, Case studying law is like so that they derstand. Neal says, "I'd like to the new Atro-Shaam equipment, management, will provide ·the suggests the college encourage can decide if they truly are inter- involve some of Western its recruits to take advantage of ested in a career in law." In. order' Maryland's alumni Who ~r~ Jaw- · the pizza will be cooked and~ actual financing. The maximum Advanced Placement Tests and to meet these goals, the Bench yers or judges in the'pre-law'so- then-placed right into -a holder, .Rudget for the' renovations is CLEP programs and offer stu- and the Bar plans to take trips to ciety. They can help the students while being served on the food $800,000 and is being provided line. by Sodexho in the form of a low dents higher level placement to law school faira.invite lecturers tolearn what it take's to succeed Students will continue t~, interest loan that can be payed afford students these opportu- to campus, publish a newsletter," in'Taw ~cho91"'ind, once ihey pay for food using their ID cards. back over a 15 year span. Be- nities. . 'j, :' conduct a mock rriakand build a graduate law school. what. it's Seidel said that student opinions cause of this extended pay back Case, ""iho s~udled abroad library of law school information like to bela lawyer or a judge as a will be consulted on the new period, Seidel said the college in Norway during graduate to help students apply to schools. career." school, stated that the college Gregory Savage, President The society, hopes to hold a ~food coprt .slyie;Wore"pOs;s;LbJy, "' ~wil!. have time tooraise funds to 11 . changing to an a la carte system, go towards the payment. He said should. work to increase student of the Ben'ch and Ihe Bar, has, mock trial nex sp,r" participation in the study- been the initiator in getting the will be invited back~~!;act i~::~ Un4~ the a la carte system, SIU- current students will not see any dents would pay for food by the effects to their tuition due to the abroad program.. lie believes club started this year. "Western roles of judge and la\vyerf, while item as opposed to paying a renovations of Glar. participation in this program Maryland has; not had a pre-law the students of the Bench and the lump, sum for food at the begin- Dean of Student Affairs Dr. enhances one's education. society for about eight years,". Bar will act as jurors and wit- ning of the semester. ./ .. , Philip Sayre, who is a member Interested in studying says Savage. "I think a pre-law nesses. '" ",We, don', want to change: of the Residential College Task abroad? society is helpful to students pre- The Bench and the B"; is still too many things at once. We Force, said, "The limes have call Dr. Martine Motard- paring to go to law/school be- .. I~king for new members. Anyone Noar -want everybody to settle into the changed and we 'need to consoli- at ext. 467 cause there are a lot of things sro-." interested in joining' the society new format." Seidel explained. date and become more accom- dents need to kn~w when they should contact Gregory Sayag,e. The renovations to Gjar modating Lin the dining hall]." were originally sl~ted for-the: The Task Force has made rceom- Student's voiceopinions at SGAforum 7 sUrl1~er of. 199?, but bids from j mendations for,further imprOv. :, II fromp.l the general contractors were ~op, ments to. Gla~ beyond t.he J~n oi, ' '. ' high39.r, t~e sl
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