Page 80 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 80
--~-- ,--- News The Phoenix Thursday, December 7,1995, Page 4 WMC bookstore .hires fifth Kimberly shares her II'!' I ,f,.. ,- :1 - - _ _ _ ... :'t 'nlanager in-only, three years, 'experiencesas an 1llV+.,!,oman ::~c~OI(I~gaen~~:'~o;::nt~~Oc~~~~~~'r~~~~ Over 120 students attend her intimate lecture By~~~I~eT~~;E~ill~~CAT The area where the college bookstore is Bosley. located was leased to Barnes and Nobles in Johnson plans (0 "be here for quite a few By ADAM DEAN 1992. This decision was made because the years to come" and said he is going to help SlaffWriler college felt the bookstore could be improved take the store into some new directions A woman approaches the podium. ifit was managed by a professional business. "What you folks want in a bookstore is hope- Short, with streaked blonde hair, she ap- Since the transition, there have been five fully what we will provide," Johnson said. pears to be a healthy young woman. But managers; the current one is named Thor Bosley is excited about Johnson's new she is not. Her name is Kimberly, and she Johnson. position because he is "young and energetic." has HIV. When asked 10 cornrnent on the reason "He has the experience to succeed. Once he On November 13, 1995 Kimberly there have been so many managers in the past gets plugged, I think we will see some ex- came to Western Maryland to speak about few years, Lorraine Fazzolare, Barnes and citing things happen," said Bosley. HIV/AIDS and her experiences with this Nobles regional manager, said, "A lot of According 10 Bosley, some of the items disease. She sought to help educate the people have been promoted and moved Johnson plans 10 expand sales on include the WMC community about the dangers of this around ahd we like to move people around following items: graduation announcements infection and how to avoid it. in our company." and robes, college clothing and memorabilia, Kimberly had never been sexually pro- 'Barry L. Bosley. di~ctor of facilities and greeting cards." miscuous. She always practiced what she management and auxiliary services, said, A bookstore committee will be formed calls "serial monogamy." She was only "We recognize that consistency in the book- next semester and Bosley would like any stu- sexually active with men whom she had a sto~e maf!flgement is vital to the success of dents with an interest in joining to contact serious relationship, and even then she al- the bookstore J in the college community." him. I -ways used a condom . met Steve and ·In 1985, at age I~.she . 1/ T >h'i> Phoenix publishes .started dating hirn. Steve, becauseof his ',> ~,'" ", '" ",,,",,,,, t" ,,', i"",: ' .dislike fmcondoms,p"ss~"d>Kil'1"'dYI" I i';,"~,u'U;j, 'J,~lv',"e' ,",Jresulfs"'fro,m rea,de, rs '"",~~~~~~~~~~,~h:~:,~\~d:~~h'~;':in~ " ' ,f~:~rI S. "f .cn IY' ",.," ,,' hedidn'tshare~a~eedle,Ki~berlytookit moresusb~p[ibl~tomisi~fect~on~, ,1" Ir ,,' ,I. " ", , ~' ,... '.,','J",,' J, .... 1,1 'f' , "" mented once With heroine and even then be careful, It J~st meLans thal.a w~man , IS ~ di1J! ,: ,,8Y HARRY~.It'!PE.,\ti; .,' ;,;There .~lso, congratulations t.?! ~~ei'l foe.granted that he _w~sn'ot at, risk for ,the, Al:'ohol a~d\U'/-ti,g\Jse',~lso is a,~,a)or; Circuialio"IPronwllOn Director , P?o~n,l~ ~P!" ItS Improve~e_~IlS over }oe HIM virus.: ~ . , : . . 'factor inrhe transmission of thi~ disease,~ ,. 1"'''}'~le ,,~rthr~~J, )lt~>"oflqe re,ade~'~'~I~Y;r,?~lft,youir~tethe sonally,., •• ,i ""Ir~ " ,il 'W-Trrnost,HIV riruses. Vaginal fluids and Ilth~s~m~e~tl,o~S'i~I~I'I,a,r,~,.~,~~~~omedl-1 topic,s d,,~cUSS~9 i1! Thf; f.hoenix articles? "," ~~ ...\\t?'¥t\~~q1,€;_liifr f E~llo.~-.In-chlef, ;b~east milk can'al~G' rransmit the virus bUf;' ..cine. !1-'" .,!lU, r!. .1.. ,,~ , I , ""t:8JJfI2._I~: 1')3~1(/: '4:-!23 S-I ,' .. Mfclle{leI-hmilton, planson'atta'tl(i'rt~e~I:'. ',itis~o~ difficult, '. "'," ", "", , ~Iti's oppoh:uni~tic' iilfectionslWtiich" :),'1.", :i ',t,".'::II;,"I!.."'~,"';; pl,'H I",,"I '.'" ":,~' ,1.1 ! t"· .,. '\torial problems .."We o~'r~vilsi~g i~~:~tl<"I" , "It i~,JO% m~re likely ~Iw'oman will, '~idIhe A1JjS''p~\i:enI'AIDS''i't's''slM is not> ~,' ,., II~' 11'· ',l~?If ers anti. editors to learn beliel' "OO'c~ t~e' ''lD .' ·''fter ~ea4-...I~,I at Gaile': 'ry" 'O'n'e" , i,n\i~stiga- , " , ' .. " ,,~,; ,I 1>, 1r~~ci;ri1'~eMs'~lJid~~ig~si'ion~:' The most' live r~porting skills.' She adds: am popular o.n~ address~d! fy'ros, ~ilh 20 , st~ff co~municates.,betlef\';~th each o,ther c; ~, ,.tw n1, ,', .. '1 people commenti'ng on' the issue. blher' and mbdifi'catibris are made m staff setup, "., .~ ,,' ; comme~;~, in~rud~d the nature of articles!!' J.e will have a' smoother running opera- 8y JOY'?9IJfI·,I,ntne lltake a more posillve putlook, on articles, the Sid ImPr o ,e " "c ' ';; , .The paintings of Ed Ramsburg of 'abstract,'j sfl~ M.rrRamsbu,(g, ,Frederick will!be featured in,a three- viollsly,ft~hil;>it~d,aJ ~e_Sl~rn ,MarlYJand f£l(am rrreats week exhibil open now lhrough.Decem- in 1.993,..--,"\,,a!sOj~nj,Oy playing wit~ Ihe ber 15 at Gallery O~e in Peterson Hall. juxtaposition of Ihings people,don;t usy- 'Decem6er 10·11 & 'Decem6er 13·14 The paintihgs. while abstract, are ally see together.~~l':: ". I deeply rooled 1n the human ~ondi~ion ,.Alsp, on!qHjtl!1:UO)lS display al0al- 8:30·10:30 p,m, Via Mr. RamsQurg's exploratiOns mto !ery One is the Alberl and Eva Bluhl evocative themessuch as dark inlcrio;S CollecTIOn, which includcs artitnd art i- , In tfie Pu6 'n' griff and relationships. Trie 20-piece exhibil facts from five conlincnts.
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