Page 79 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 79
Commentary The Phoenix Thursday, Decernberz, i995: 'Page 3 IILetters to the Editor Adviser reflects on The Phoenix It is time to give thanks, The is- devotion. And no less importantly, in on to an internship with the Baltimore will continue Study abroad student sue of The Phoenix that you are hold- this admittedly biased view, the appear .. Sun and John Manard at the Frederick ance and content im- his sports reporting ing is Lisa Hill's last one as Editor-in- of The Phoenix Chief. And it is also the farewell issue proved along with its staff For the News Post. I wish them well, and I laments lack of aid and for Sports Editor John Manard. Both newspaper's adviser, let alone its read- will not soon forget the incredible will number thing to watch. of these fine student-journalists ers. it was a wonderful of hours they have given to remain active with The Phoenix next At the beginning of this semester, this newspaper. Fortunately, tal- scholarships available semester, but neither in their present but Lisa's third as Editor, a small wave of ented successors are waiting Michelle in the In somewhat different, capacities, on. Have you wings: firsr-yearstudentssigred sophomore equally impressive ways, LisaandJohn been reading their stories? Noticing Hamilton, the current News Editor, I was a little disappointed to read (Mexico), cOSIS about half of what it have left lasting impressions on this the new layout devices? Filling out will take over as Editor-in-Chief the headline in the October 27 issue of costs to attend WMC and live in newspaper, its staff, and its adviser. the reader surveys? Ihope so. next semester, and Carolyn Bames, the Phoenix, "Students fail to apply for Westminster (a cheaper alternative Approximately 14 months ago, Although John Manard's contri- just a freshman, will be the new study abroad scholarships," as if there to living on campus). But, had I the editor of The Phoenix at that time bution to the newspaper has been lim- Sports Editor. were numerous scholarships available wanted 10 study in Europe, I don 'I quit the newspaper. The Phoenix staff ited to sports, it has been no less no- . As the leaders of this newspa- foreverypotentialstudyabroadstudent. believe I would have been able to in October 1994 was relatively small ticed or appreciated. With a big assist per change, it's a good time to pause TIle only scholarships listed were two do so because of WMC's policies and inexperienced. There were few if from formerco-sports editor Josh Fos- and give thanks-c-ard welcome the in- for minority students, I don'! have a about aid and study abroad. any logical successors to the suddenly ter and, more recently, first-year "dis- coming editors. Asalways, The Phoe- problem with highlighting the two mi- One thing that truly upset me vacant editorship, rut then-sophomore covery" Carolyn Bames, John has nix is looking for additional staff for noriry scholarships that are available, is that, for a reason I was never told Lisa Hill agreed to take a whack at it. completely revamped, expanded and the upcoming semester. So no matter but no scholarship was mentioned for (except for, "It's WMC policy."), I And what a whack it was. Lisa brought modernized The Phoenix's sports sec- your class, area of interest, or level of students who cannot classify them- was not able to apply outside money, an energy and vitality 10 the newspa- tion. Combininghisconsiderableskills experience, come see us at the end of selves as a minority, like myself, except an SEOO grant, to my costs. per- that was matched only by an in several areas--reporting and writ- January when The Phoenix holds its Not only did the article not men- This particular grant is accepted by my uncAnny ability to spread her own in- ing, photography, and layout-John first staff meeting of 19%. In the tion the AlFS scholarship ($I,OCXJ/se- study abroad program (AIFS) and I do fectious love of student journalism to and his small cadre of reporters have meantime, if you see Lisa Hill or John meser) available for-students based on receive this aid while I am on campus. others. Plus, she was (and is) a Solid given the sports section a respectabil- Manard on campus, tell them thanks academic merit and essay, but it was Butbecause ofpressureby students and ioumafist. ity and professionalism that it has not for a job well done. very indecisive about what aid trans- faculty, the $500 paperwork fee for Gradually, but without intenup- always enjoyed. TerryD-,lltOll fers for students studying abroad. I re- study abroad students was dropped last tion, the staff grew in size, spirit! and Soon, Lisa Hill will be moving Adviser, The Phoenix alize that each~tu~jlC~ fi~.JaI aid spnng. if enough students be- Citizen champions use of~Qildoms to package is very different and the pro- Hopefully, gram~ and places they, wish to study come interested in the amazing possi- protect against "IY, make each situation unique, but, from bilities of study' .abroed, it will be pas- .. ';''~"'JO~,: I personal experience I can say that sible to change WMC financial poli- WMC's financial aid for students study- cies, and more students, especially those Religiousright political hacks like tected by routine testing. And an FDA 'strength or con~oms .~nde~ยท high . ing a~ad leaves a big whole in ihe whoRELYOIlaid,wilibeabletostudy columnist-Cal Thomas try to portray study simulating free HIV in fluid un- elbngdfion and direct expertmema- . use of condoms and safer sex as a lib- der pressure found that most condoms- tiorr with the HIV virus. eral-Jeft J~q!Is::'~'~alIY,ios~~~~~~.$1'0,001, 1 ':::!~~te;l~~:~~:~~y~ politicalplot. leaked no fluid utuil end that, "even the A Ma~h i989 Consumer Re- in aid (scholarship and grant(s)) by par- THING! Yet Surgeon General Antonia C. worst-perfonningcOOdomreducedes- ports article "Can You Rely on ticipatmg in study abroad. Luckily, my Sincerely, Novello, rappointed by Republican timated viral exposure IO,OCXJfold." Condoms?" also reports that exami- prognun, because.ofits location and the Pamela Barry (in Mexico) President George Bush, issued 11state- The statementcitescondomefTec- nation of slICtc,hed latex condoms by current economy of the country Dec. '96Sociology/Spanish ment published in the June 9,1993 is- tivenessduringactual useevidencedby an electron microscope showed "no Living in McDaniel sue of the Journal of the American contraceptivefailurerate.<;r.tngingfrom pores" and "an effective intact bar- less that one per 100 to 16 per 100 us- strongly support- Medical Association rier which won't even let water--one ing conctqm use for prevention ofHIV ers per year, She illustrates the impor- of the tiniest ot'molecules-filter if we have to live here, you have to "\ to those in. vcharge of living transmission. Similar statements were lance of proper condom use by results through." It also describes various give us proper living conditions! conditions.cor that it will mean linle issued by her predecessor, Surgeon from a British study of married, more laboratory experiments showing that As residents of McDaniel Hall until I point something out to them. general C. Everett Koop, who was ap- experienced users with condom-user various sexually transmitted genns wandered through theswamps wecall Prospective student~ and their parent~ pointed by Republican President failure rdtes for pregnancy ;l~low a~six cannot pass through latex condoms. hallways, myself included, I won- do ask us about the school. No one Ronald Reagan. per 1,000 users per year. The leaky boat rumors about dered tor the millionth time this year ha~ ever heard me complain aoout the Novelloclaims that 200/0,4O%,or The Center for Disease condoms spread by the religious J wheretheschool'sprioritiesare. Why education I have received here. But if 80% of all new HIV seroconversirons Control's August 6, 1993 Morbidity right do not hold water. But is il that they can affoni luxuries such they ask, they do hear me express my in the U.S. will beavoided if25%,5O%, and Monali!y Weekly Report esti- condoms do hold water and hold as motion sensor lights in Hill Hall or honest feelings that we are not treated or I (X)%, respectively, of persons use mates that the HIV transmission rate back the HIV virus too. . names engraved into marble in Me- with the respect that we deserve in our condoms consistently and correctly, for consistent condom users is 1.1 per Jim Senyszyn morial Plaza and cannot afford to call "homes"---theresidencehalls, iflwa<; As to the question of Pores in 100 person years of observalion, in someone to fix a flood jf it's not forced to endure such blatant disrespect condoms, which has replaced the me- compared with 9.7 for the inconsis- the business hours? for my living conditions in 1m apart- dieval question about how many an- tent users. of latex rub- creen The thini floor of McDaniel had ment building, I would move out within gels can stand on the head of a pin in CM. Roland's concerns about an "accident." I don'l know who a month. Here, if I move out, I am the minds of mCdit. I don't care who caused it. fined--school regulations say that if ots, she cites a National Institute.~ of ber featured in the June 1993 issue TCffilr I do care that when OlffipUS Safety discovered off caniPllS (not married or Health study which found no holes of Rubber World were rebutted by was called, they said nothing could living with my parents) I would be even at 2,OCXJtimes magnification. an article by M.D. Morris and 1:0. be done. The RAs said nothing could charged the fees for room and board I Acknowledging that holes can Pendle in the very same issue. presented by be done. Meanwhile, wuler was pour- should have paid had I been on cam- occur, she refers to the quality control Morris and Pendle attribute Mike Puskar '99 ing from the thini nOOI", through the pus. testing by the U.S. Food ,md Drug Ad- condom failures mainly to misuse ceiling inlo my room on the second What does it take to betreated like ministration which has found an aver- rather than any inhercntdcfect in the "Phoenix Fire" pt. IV floor, ruining posters :md card I had paying residents? When are the pri- ilge condom water leak mte of 0.3%. product. Leaching in water, which will not appear in this hung on my door. Still nothing could orities of the school going to be put . lfthefailurerateofabatchofcondoms is pari orlhe nOmJal condom produc- be done. I understand thaI Canlpus back onto the students instead of re- exceeds four per 1,0::0, the condoms tion process, effectively makes the issue, but will continue in Safety and the R.A.s were Iclling the ducing the strain of flicking light are recalled and barred from sale. This porous structure in the latex disap- the first spring issue of truth--there wa~ nothing they could switches on in an acadcmic building? is a far cry froin the 33% failure rate pear, they claim. They also refer to The Phoenix! do. But shouldn'l there have been? It's time that the respect demlmded by hysteria mongers like 'nlOm:l~ pro- the two rubber layers of a condom If the president's house had a flood those in charge be returned. It's time claim. She says Ihal there a funherob- saying that, "the possibility of a hole In addition,Mike that could have caused any damage that the institution which should be pre- stades 10 pa'iSageofHlV even through being made through both layers. or at all, would they have waited IWO paring us for the "real world"start treat- a microscopic hole, of a hole in each layer being perfectly Puskar's "Name That days to fix it? My guess would be ing us at least a<;well. However,monocyteandlympho- aligned seems extremely remote." Theme" puzzle will also Sincerely, cytes that may carry HlV are too large They say that their contention is reappear in the Spring! I'm sure this editorial means little Amie G. Glasgow to pass through microscopic holes de- further borne out by the tensile
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