Page 78 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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suming. And in many cases this is true. Staff members can decide for them- selves how involved they can gct in the workings of the paper. Editor-In-Chief As the Editor-in-Chief. however, [ Lisa T. Hill '97 often have no choice. If it is gelling down 10 deadline and everyone else is Advertising Manager busy, the responsibility to finish it falls Bobbi Leister '97 on me. My name is at the top of the staff list, and I am the first one to hear News Editor about it being late to press or if a word Michelle Hamilton '98 is misspelled. I feci as if I have been working on On The Hill Editor The Phoenix for my entire life. And Jonathon Shacat '98 now it is finally over. I am really re- lieved to pass the torch of leadership on Sports Editor Although it seems virtually impos- helluva job. to Michelle Hamilton, a sophomore who John Manard '97 sible, this issue marks the end of my ca- I have initiated many changes in The I am completely certain will do an ex- reer as Editor-in-Chief of The Phoenix. Phoenix over the past three semesters. cellent job with The Phoenix. She has Layout Editor Am I happy? Extremely. Cosmetically, The Phoenix has changed its already taken on many important respon- Grant A. Rice '99 As those of you who know me can masthead and IOtal layout style. In addi- sibilities and has a massive list of new attest, I eat, sleep, and breathe this tion, I have worked hard to make sure that ideas. [am very excited to see my dedi- Circulation/Promotion Director newspaper. Since the beginning of my all articles from news to features to sports cation and love for this newspaper re- Harry Singer '99 sophomore year, The Phoenix has ruled are as timely as a bimonthly paper can be. flected in Michelle and all other new and my life, determining my class schedule, The size and talent of the staff has in- old staff members and section editors. Photography Staff extracurricular activities, ability to hold creased over 400%; the paper actually I know that for the rest of my college Grant A. Rice '99 a part-time job necessary for the pocket has enough reporters to assign them to career I will miss being Editor-in-Chief. Aden Moges '97 money we college students find so es- specific sections and beats, something Despite all my blood, sweat, and tears John Manard '97 sential, a social life, sleep time, friends, of which The Phoenix never dreamed spent in that little office, I have loved Heather L Jacoby '98 and a relationship. With the end of this before I took over. every minute of it. I want to leave my semester I will finally have my life The list of changes and improve- mark here at WMC and create enough General Staff back, and it is definitely something I am ments goes on. I am not bragging about momentum 10 keep the ball rolling. I Aaron Alhburn '97. Carolyn Sarnes looking forward to. my success (well, maybe just a little!), feel that I have accomplished Ihis, and '99, Laurie F. Cicero '98, Aaron However, I ejso have a great sense but simply repeating what so many pro- can step back with a sigh filled with Corbett '99, Becky Cockerill '99, of nostalgia as a phase of my life comes fessors, administrators, staff, and stu- both relief and regret. Adam Dean '98, Joshua Foster '96 to an end. I am proud of what I have dents have said in praise of my work I wish Michelle, the current staff, Amy Hanna '99, Meghpn Joyce '99, done with The Phoenix. I have poured with The Phoenix. and any new people who join the ranks Nicki Kassolis '99, Mike Puskar '99, my heart and soul into changing this One of my close friends often mar- of The Phoenix a heartfelt "Good Sara Beth ~e~rQ '98, Sarah newspaper and making it better. vels at my ability to keep up with all my Luck!" I know you will continue to Shecketts,)l7, Sarah.Sneli '98, I know we still have a long way to responsibilities arid still manage to re- make me proud. Camerpn Speir '97, Jen Vick 118, go to make it perfect, but based on the main sane. I happen to agree with her. With love, ChristianWUwohl'98,'Robin Zimmerly limited resources with which we have To outsiders, working on the newspaper Lisa T. Hill to work, my staff and I have done one may not seem too difficult or time con- Editor-in-Chief Layout Staff Lisa Hill '97, Michelle Hamilton '98, John Manard '97, Stacey MCintyre '99, Mike Puskar '99, Jonathon Shacat <'98/ Sarah Sheckells '97 ~"'"" Lock and Xey with Jonathon Shacai Adviser , Terry A. Dalton Is it hot in here? Why does it fact the residents of McDaniel Hall, Rouzer the second question, Iguess whales have feel like it is about Hall, and Blanche Ward Hall have had prob- fun swimming in the vastness of the The Phoenix is published biweekly. The 100· in most faculty lems with heat in the rooms. I heard some- ocean and people can relate to this form opinions expressed do not necessarily repre- offices and resi- one say the following phrase in Glar the other of diversion. sent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, dence halls? Well, day (loosely quoted): "I would bring my fan He said it, not me or the administrators ofWMC, probably because it home but I'm afraid 1 might need it some- In a section called "Deep thoughts The paper welcomes free-lance submis- is 100· in many of time when it is too hot in my room." You about life ... " in the previous edition of L sions on Macintosh disks in most word pro- these places. I entered one foreign lan- should not need to open a window ortum on & K, I neglected to attribute an idea re- cesser formats. The editor reserves'lhe right guage professor's office in Baker Memo- a fan during the winter. My only argument ferring to the reason so many young to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to pub- rial Chapel recently and nearly passed out is wouldn't cutting down on unnecessary and people "wish their lives away" to Dr. lish as space permits. All submissions (ex- due to the heat. The pathetic part is the wasted heat save money? Ithink so. Michael M. Brown, biology professor. cluding self-addressed diskettes) become the window and the door to the office were Are you having a good time? He asked me this same question and in- property of The Phoenix and cannot be re- both open and the fan was on. In addition, I was enjoying another episode of The spired me to write my thoughts about this turned. a nearby door to BMC was also propped Late Late Show with Tom Snyder on 11- topic. Please include a name and phone number open. Believe it or not, it was still 85" in 10-95 and came across an interesting point. It has been great! for verification. Names will be withheld only there. The temperature outside was in the He asked the viewers the following ques- Throughout this past semester [ have by the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. 50s. 1 have also heard complaints from sev- tions: "Why do people call whale meat done my duty as ajournalist to bring cer- The Phoenix does not discriminate based eral other professors including two who blubber?" and "Why do people say 'I'm tain issues to the attention of the readers on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orien- have offices in Lewis Hall of Science who having a whale ofa good time?'" Iam not via this column. Whether or not I have tation, national origin, condition of handicap, also complain about overly heated offices. sure if 1 know the correct answers to these succeeded is not important, the only thing or marital status. Most residence halls have trouble control- questions but I always thought whale fat that matters is I have enjoyed and learned ling the heat in the rooms. I know for a (not the meat) was called blubber. As for from the experience Mail to: The Phoenix I Atte--;;tionPhoe-;:;~reacJ;~ To~i~ ;s;bscriP~~o-;:-you~lr,fa~iiY';e;';-r~r-ret;t~e-:-piroSCCiiPihlSI WMC, 2 College Hill I coupon and send $8.00 to: Harry Singer, Circulation Department, WMC, 2 College Hill,Westminster, Md. I Westminster, MD 21157 I 21157. With your subscription, you will receive all Spring issuesof the Phoenix! I (410)751-8600 INarne Address : (4]0) 876-2055, ext 8600 FAX: (410) 857·2729 ~~"'.'t..".~':.. $8P~~~"'.'~~.:_ ~':.k~~~~t~ ~C2. _...:...:~===- _.J
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