Page 62 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 62
Commentary Thursday, November 16, 1995, Page 2 Staff he Phoenix Editor~ln~Chief Usa 1. Hill '97 Advertising Manager Bobbi Leister '97 News Editor Michelle Hamilton '98 Oftentimes Ihear studeotscomplaining abcot not being part of the decision making process on On The Hill Editor this campus. Sometimes the complaint is that stu- Jonathon Shacat '98 dents are not informed about how they can influ- ence decisions that directly affect them. While Sports Editor this may at times be true, there are many times John Manard '96 when the students are asked for their insights and opinions. Layout Editor On Tuesday, November28, at 7:00pm in the AMt:RIC.AI-lS Grant A Rice '99 Forum, students will have the opportunity to ad- \N OOSN\A, dress concerns about proposals made by the Resi- Photography Staff dential College Task Force. The proposals of this Grant A Rice '99 committee will affect every student living on cam- suites simply become an extension of the Garden laskforceislookingtowardsusforfcedback. They Aden Mages '97 the SGA DURING are those of commu- John Manard '96 pus. Topics to be addressed dining. and proposed Apartments? proposal is that Greek and Affinity are expecting us to respond halfoftheseprograms Another AFIER nity, programs, housing, OpenForum,NOf renovations. groups will need to apply each year for housing. have been implemented! We have already learned Circulation/Promotion Manager One ideaofthe TaskForce is to relocate the If this becomes policy, fraternities and sororities that protesting and whining about college poli- Harry Singer '99 Honors Program to McDaniel. This one proposal may not necessarily live on the same hall year to cies after they are made law doesn't do us one bit alone creates many questions and controversy. year. This may not seem like a major readjust- ofgood. General Staff Where will the Bates and independents on the first ment, hit many of these groups have murals on Because Aaron Alhburn '97, Carolyn Barnes three floors move? More importantly, is a solu- their walls representing their group. Parts of these we urge people of the severity of theses changes, to be proactive and take a stand '99, Laurie F.Cicero '98, Aaron groups' heritages are preserved in these murals as Corbett '99, Becky Cockerill '99, tion addressed in the proposal? for or against these policies NOW, before Ihecol- to Iheir design. have contributed The proposal Adam Dean '98, Joshua Foster '96 ship groups" to apply also suggests creating "friend- past members and history cannot be moved year to lege changes our way of life. If we are not critical for housing. Paintings of the proposed by voicing our opinions, changes This is for up- Amy Hanna '99, Ross Hollebon in Greek or year as people can. '97,Heather L. Jacoby '98 Meghan perclassmen who are not interested If Other proposals include plans for the food we might as well be telling the college "Yes, we want these changes." Affinity groups, but still wish to live together. Joyce '99, Nicki Kassolis '99, Jill these groups are established, will they also earn court in Glar and other various changes in hous- WHAT DO YOU THINK?! Marron '97, Mike Puskar '99, Sara theprivilegeofliving in DMCby providing com- ing on campus. Michelle Hamilton, News Editor Beth Reyburn '98, Sarah Sheckells '97, munity service and college activities? Or will the The important thing to remember is that this Lisa T. Hill, Editor-in-Chief Sarah 8nell'98, Cameron Speir '97, Jen Vick '98, Christian Wilwohl'98, Doug Varrall'97. ~~,. Lock;ana'l(ey witk Jon~~~~~",~!,"~i~~:t_ Layout Staff Usa Hill '97, Michelle Hamilton '98, John Manard '96, Stacey Mcintyre '99, Extra charge for UPS use recently and I would like to share this event with this has happened, Ican't believe it," saidAllen. Mike Puskar '99, Jonathon Shacat '98, In addition to the many fees at Western the WMC community. The reason that there were so few staff Sarah Sheckells '97 Maryland, Ihe Post Office charges an extra fee On October 30 I decided to do my duty as a members compared to Ihoseof previous blood of50ยข for students, faculty, and staff to ship a human being and give blood. I read somewhere drives seems to be due to a "communication Adviser personal package via UPS (United Postal Ser- thai: one unit of blood can help fourdifferent people problem," said John Young, licensed practical Terry A Dalton vice). and thought I'd be a nice guy and donate a pint of nurse and person in charge of the event 'The The purpose of this fee is to help pay for it. nwnber of people who were expected to show The Phoenix is published biweekly. The the annual surcharge of over $300 that UPS It all started out when I went to Ihe Forum up to donate was not relayed to the account opinions expressed do not necessarily repre- charges the college. The service, provided by (where the blood drive was being held) to sign in. manager and therefore fewer staff members and sent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, UPS, is used mostly by the college to send pack- When lentered, the woman at the frontdeskasked supplies were brought to the event. Ithink this ages, according to Margaret G. Bell, director me, "Do you have an appointment?' Because of mistake is a serious concem that should never or the administrators ofWMC. The paper welcomes free-lance submis- of purchasing and support services. the fact that I had given blood many times before happen again. "With all theseproblems we will sions on Macintosh disks in most word pro- The service is offered to the students for and was asked this same question each time, I go back to headquarters and work things out," cessor formats. The-editor reserves the right anextrafee. '''Ihisisverycommonintheship- thought nothing of it and answered ''no.'' I had assured Allen. ping industry. If the students don't like the not made an appointment because I had a busy Anyway, the event turned out to be some to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to pub- charge, they don't have to use the service. It is schedule that day and was not sure when I would what of asuccess and the RC collected 66units lish as space permits. All submissions (ex- not mandatory by any means," said Bell. be available. Ijust thought I'd stop in. Aftermy ofblood, according to Young. The goal was 60 cluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be re- WMC has a low UPS rate compared to reply, the woman looked up at me and told me units. "lt sounds good rut we could have so turned, many local shipping businesses. This is nice, that Iwould not be able to give blood that day due much more [blood] if we had the staff and ev- but Ithink if the college uses the service forits to a lack of Red Cross (RC) staff members. She erything in place," said Young. Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only own benefit then why do the students get said that if I had made an appointment then the Deep thoughts about life... by the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. charged an additional fee for using it? RC could have taken my blood. I was heartbro- Why do so many people, specifically the The Phoenix does not discriminate based Even though there is this additional fee, ken, nOlIO mention angry, and went back to my young, seem to wish their lives away? It is all on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orienta- the Post Office offers many other services to room. After dinner Istopped by again to see if the toocommon forteenagers to say, " wish it were tion, national origin, condition of handicap, the students free of charge. According to Bell, RC could fit me in the schedule brt had no luck tomorrow" or "I can't wait till Igraduate." 111is or marital status. some of these services include: providing this time either. behavior is silly because when a person gets candy on occasion to the students, lending stu- It turns out that by the end of the day the RC older he or she usually wants to be young again. dents a push cart to take a large package to had turned down at least nine people who '\valked- The desire to be young is fueled by the human Mall to: The Phoenix their room, paying a $4 fee to reship returned in" (including me) because of the lack of staff quality of perfection. People want to start life letters to students mail, sending according WMC, 2 College Hill ally get mail (I'm sure it happens who don't usu- members, of American to Ruth Allen, volunteer co- over again in order to use the knowledge they The to make "correct" decisions. Red Cross. but Ihaven't ordinator have attained This amount Westminster,MD21157 heard of anyone receiving any), and having a may not sound like much but it means a lot when problem is that one learns from a mistake after (410)751-8600 Christmas party for the student workers. you consider that (4 X 9 or) thirty-six people could making the mistake. life is a learning process. (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 Blood drive mishap have benefited from this blood. "This is unusual, My suggestion is for people to take one day at FAX (410) 857-2729 Something rather unfortunate happened this has got to be taken care of. I've been doing a time and live life to its fullest.
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