Page 57 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 57
Sports Friday, October 27,1995 Page 13 The Green Terror S~oFej(fJJ(jJiFdl WOMEN'S SOCCER (8·4·1) Muhlenberg TEAM W-L Gettysburg 5-1 TACKLES 65 Symanski 5-1 1-1-1 GOALS SCORED Dickinson 1-1-1 Muhlenberg 7-0 Dickinson 4-3 Krcma 47 Western Maryland Hannibal to F&M 2-3 Gettysburg 5-1 Johns Hopkins 3-3-1 Perrier 41 VanDeusen 0-3 Johns Hopkins 5-3 F&M 2-4 Gregorgi 40 Murphey Bryn Mawr 0-4 Dickinson 4-3 Washington 2-5 Lavis 38 Swarthmore Remnitz Washington 3-4 Muhlenberg 1-5 C.Cordisco 32 Mongrain MEN'S ~OCCER (6·7·21 Ursinus 3-4 Bryn Mawr 0-5-1 Hinckle 30 Kelly Swarthmore 2-4 Haverford 0-4 Humphrey 28 Thompson GOALS SCORED # Franklin and Marshall 2-5 J.Cordisco 23 Kalobius Estes 8 Haverford 2-6 VOLLEYBALL (10·221 Welty Abildso 8 Western Maryland 1-5 Chilcoat Edwards "VOLLEYBALL STATS WERE INTERCEPTIONS UNAVAILABLE AT PRESSTIME Stoehr Patten FlEW HQCKEY (8·41 J.Cordisco D'Andrea C.Cordisco ASSISTS Farrow GOALS SCORED UPCOMING GAMES Parks Haley Stoehr Laurence Seaburg October Halloween Clas- Symanski 27 Elizabethtown VanDeusen Strine Mitros Murphey Gettman North SACKS Remnitz LeCron Hargrave Gregori 6.0 Kelly Oswiecimka Eggers CONFERENCE STANDINGS W-L Krcma 6.0 Mongrain Sheriff Team Perrier 2.5 Thompson ASSISTS Gettysburg 9-0 Speers 2 Hannibal Laurence Wagner F&M 8-1 D'Andrea Western Maryland 5-2 UPCOMING GAMES TOTAL POINTS G-A-PTS Strine ASSISTS Muhlenberg 5-4 October Haley Hannibal 10-1-21 Abildso Johns Hopkins 5-3 28 at LebononValley van Deusen 8-4-20 Edwards Eggers Bryn Mawr 3-6 November Seaburg Murphey 8-4-20 Patten Washington 3-5 1\ JOHN HOPKINS 1:30PM .-" Remnitz 6-3-\5 Oswiecimka Haverford 2-7 Kelly 4-3-11 Jahn POINTS G-A-PTS Ursin\lS 2-5 CONFERENCE STANDINGS Mongrain 4-2-10 Haley 8-3-19 Swarthmore 2-4 Team W-L Thompson 3-1-7 POINTS G-A-PTS Seaburg 3-1-7 Dickinson 0-7 Johns Hopkins 4-0 Stoehr 1-5-7 Abildso 8-1-17 Mitros 3-0-6. Dickinson 3-1 Kalobius 2-0-4 Estes 8-0-16 Eggers 2-2-6 FOOTBALUJ·J·1i F&M 3-1 Welty 2-0-4 Bdwacds 4-1-9 2-0-4 PASS- NO-CP-YRDS-TD-INT Swarthmore 3-2 D'Andrea 2-4-8 North Van Deusen 311-160-1696-10-7 Gettysburg 3-2 Hargrave GOAL KEEPING SAVES Laurence 1-4-6 Sheriff 2-0-4 Lowe 17-7-46 Western Maryland 2-2-1 1-0-2 Backoff 109 Patten 2-1-5 Wagner 1-0-2 Muhlenberg 0-5-1 Murphy 19 Farrow 2-0-4 RUSHING # YRDS TO Ursinus 0-5 Strine 1-2-4 DeFreitas 60 184 3 GOALKEEPING SAVES 43 176 UPCOMING GAMES Moyer 62 Banks October GOAL KEEPING SAVES Zimmerly 15 Aquino 36 154 0 NOTE: THE STATS ARE AS AC- 28-MUHLENBERG [ ·00 Rohme 77 CURATE AS THE SPORTS EDI- PM Wong 27 UPCOMING GAMES RECEIVING # YRDS TO TOR COULD GET. THANKS IS Olsen 3 Abron 37 450 3 GIVEN TO SPORTS INFORMA- October CONFERENCE STANDINGS 28 at Washington 1:00PM Carberry 29 280 TlON DIRECTOR SCOTT Team W-L UPCOMING GAMES Rash 22 329 2 DEITCH FOR HIS VALUABLE Gettysburg 3-1 October Ray 18 218 HELP. Haverford 4-0 28 WASHINGTON 1:30 PM CONFERENCE STANDINGS Coleman 16 12& Western Maryland 4-2 31 atUrsinus TBA Team W-L DeFreitas 12 58 Johns Hopkins 2-1 Swarthmore 7-0 Van Deusen profile from page 15 From the desk of the Snorts Editor Justa quick note toeveryone who reads the sports section. Overthe senior years, and second team Aside from some disappoint- past year myself and Joshua Foster have tried to make this section All-Metro her senior year. ing losses, we've done really When asked why she came well this season." the best inthepaper. Unfortunately Josh has decided to step down to Western Maryland, Van Deusen may play bas- Stephanie stated, "J wanted to ketball and lacrosse for the as co-editor.I wish topublicly thank him for his hard work and stay close to home, but most Green Terror, but she defi- dedicotion.And toyou the readers I hope I can only keep up the of all I wanted to play soccer nitely plans to continue play- for a school other than a Divi- ing soccer for the entire four quolity of work you deserve.Ifyou have any commetus or ques- sion 1 school because I did not years. "I like everything want all of the pressure." about soccer. I've gotten so tions contact me via moil at John Manard, Sports Editor, The About the team and the season, used to playing it is just like a Van Deusen remarks, "We are daily routine for me," says Van Phoenix ,Box 790 or E-mail at a really skilled team that Deusen about her future soc- Once again thankslosh. Sincerely, John Manard works extremely well together. cer.plans.
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