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News Thursday, November 16, 1995, Page 4 New trustee, from p.I Internet sweeps nation as educational tool come any challenges ahead." While at Western Maryland, Mr. Preston was a star lacrosse player and re- ceived the Felix Woodbridge Morley Me- By CAMERON SPIER morial Award as the outstanding freshman Sta!fWr;/er in 1972. After graduation, he became an Western Maryland College recently built active volunteer for the college and served an on-ramp to the informationsuperhighway. in several leading roles, including a four- Now, students and faculty can access the year term on the Alumni Board of Gover- internet and all of the information it offers. nors. DaveNiekirk, director of Hoover Library, Me Preston began his professional describes the internet as "indescribable." It career with Fair Lanes, Inc., a national rec- is a global network of networks which reational corporation best known for its Niekirk compares to the telephone system. ownership of bowling centers. After serv- The internet isn't a thing, it is simply a way ing as market planning and research man- for people to communicate. ager,_ he was promoted in 1980 to direc- The internet was set up in the 1960's and tor of new locations. In 1984, he joined was first used by scientists and academics BTR Realty, a real estate development as a fast, convenient way to keep up with the firm, as a project developer and later latest research in their fields. Use of the became vice president of the develop- internet grew slowly over the next three ment division with responsibility for decades, until about three years ago management of project development when it exploded. Now, everyone from including design, construction and leas- ESPN, the cable sports network. to ing. BTR converted to a real estate in- WMC has a presence on the 'net. vestment trust in 1993 to form Mid-At- Nie.kirk, along with many others. lantic Realty Trust. sees the internet as a perfect tool for A licensed real estate broker in educational institutions. It offers col- Maryland, Mr. Preston also holds the leges, whose main purpose is the discov- tool for prospective teachers. Most pro- who regularly use the internet to obtain designation of Certified Leasing Spe- ery and analysis of knowledge, another fessors come from a university environ- sources for papers and other projects. cialist with the International Council source of information. The latest ad- ment where ..e-mail is a way of life," Right now, about 480 students at of Shopping Centers, one of only 170 vancement in any field of study are im- says Niekirk. The internet offers them Western Maryland have e-mail accounts. certifications nationally. mediately available on the internet. as a way to keep in touch with colleagues To get one, students may sign up at the He is married to the former well as interactive discussion groups, and stay on top of what is happening in circulation desk in the library. Patrice Michele Price, who received reference books or any other type of in- their fields of interest. her master's degree in education from formation. Dr. Esther Jglich is one professor Western Maryland and currently The biggest reason that WMC de- who uses the internet in her teaching and teaches third grade at McDonogh cided to "plug-in" is competition with research. She regularly gets things like Monday lOam • Midnight School in Baltimore County. They other schools. According to Niekirk, "if reports from the Environmeihal Protec- Tuesday 8:30am· Midnight have two children. every other school isn't already on the tion Agency off of the internet to use in Mr. Preston's nomination to the internet, they're getting on it now." Pro- her biology classes. Wednesday 8:30am· Midnight board is effective immediately, and he spective students now look for colleges Dr. Iglich also uses the internet to Thundail' 8:30am· Midnight will attend the February trustee meet- with good communications and comput- obtain sources for her research and to Friday 8am-9:15am ing. Located in central Carroll ing systems. exchange information with colleagues. 1O:30am·6pm County, Western Maryland College is In response to this, the new class- Jody Re~s, a student who works in a private, independent college empha- rooms in Hill Hall are equipped v:ith the writing center, says, "you can get in- Saturday IOam·4pm sizing high standards and achieve- telecommunications ports. Just as im- formation on just about anything you Sunday Noon - Midnight ments in the liberal arts and sciences. portantly, internet access is a recruiting want." Rees knows of several students Integrated Arts Ensemble offersdiversearts and entertaimnent Music, poetry and dance all brought together toform a unique and very talented group of students and adults , an Indian dance was performed, and Gospel Choir, said that the group is dif- group is called "integrated" because of BY JEN VICK Caldwell concluded with a solo on saxo- ferent, yet positive. She sang a short the addition of poetry and dance to the StaffWrirer Imagine Big Baker Chapel alive with phone accompanied by Dr. David Kreider solo that she composed and was then synthesized music. music and words expressing both the agony on piano. joined by several other student; in sing- The name of the computer software of war and the joys of love as seen through Twelve students participated, many of ing a poem by P.L. Dunbar entitled used for the ensemble is Macintosh the eyes of Westem Maryland students. which are already involved in musical "With the Lark." Performa. It records music that can then On November 3, the Integrated Arts groups on campus, and were asked by Junior Kamaili Welch provided a be played back and manipulated. All of the Ensemble gave its first performance for Caldwell to contribute to the ensemble. change of pace from the music and po- software is either owned personally by WMC in Big Baker Chapel. The ensemble "We don't have a lot of music ma- etry reading of the ensemble, by per- Caldwellorisrented. Hesaidthat otherschools is the creation and idea of music professor jO(Son campus," Caldwell said, "but [we forming an Indian couple's dance with have MIDI ensembles be~ausethey have the Glenn Caldwell, who wanted to bring stu- have] a lot of talented people." sophomore Gerardo Millan. Welch, a fundsfortheexpensivesoftware,synthesizers, dents together for the purpose of express- The ensemble members have a range psychology major, is of Mohawk Indian mixers, and such that are needed. A class in ing themselves artistically. of taJents, and their majors vary from ancestry and learned Indian dance from MIDI will be taughtduring January term. The ensemble is "integrated" because political science to English and even watching it performed when she was a Caldwellsaidthatthe IntegratedArts En- it combines music, poetry, and dance. chemistry. child. She put together all the steps for semblehas allowedhim to use his equipment The title of the Integrated Arts Junior Kwanza Briddell, who is a the dance, which she also performed for as an "informal experiment." For future per- Ensemble's first performance was "Ex- social work major, read a poem she the BSU Drama Fest last year. formances, acoustic instrumentation will be pressions of War and Love." The program wrote entitled "Crowd Pleaser." She Caldwell said the Integrated Arts added along with visual arts and dramatic began with the theme of war in which sev- said the purpose of the poem was to con- Ensemble is modeled after MIDI (Mu- monologue. Hehopesthatnextsemestermore eral poems were read and accompanied by vey the pride she feels as an African- sical Instrument Digital Interface) en- studentswill become involved. computerized music. The poems were of American, and that she should be able sembles that he has seen on other col- "I wouldlike to make it a studentrun en- wars in the past, such as the Civil War and to feel proud of her ancestry and heri- lege campuses. This means that com- semble,"Caldwellsaid."Ijust thoughtI'd start Vietnam War, as well as present warfare tage without being labeled a racist. puters are used to interface the music of it off. If students have ideas or interests they in Somalia and Bosnia. The theme of love Senior biology major Maria Duva, manual instruments. The technique was wouldliketoexpressartistically,let meknow," followed. Poems were also read and sung who is also a member of the college used for Caldwell's ensemble, but the he added.
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