Page 60 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 60
Late Score! 7l~l~ +I,~ek~'f WMCI Dickinson 0 WMCnow 9-4 Western Maryland College Friday, October 27, 1995 Women's soccer sets up for season finale against Muhlenberg 19 goals. But thanks to a stingy de- ing WMC team. BY JOHN MANARD Sports Editor fensetheyhaveonlygivenup21 in 14 "Ib win," said Flynn, "we have The women's soccer team con- games. to communicate and play our style of tinued to make history last weekend The struggling offense got a game." as they beat Bryn Mawr 5-0 to im- jump-start from junior Amy Phelps. Thatstyle sofaethisyearbasbeen prove to 8-4-1. The win ties the school Shescoredallthreeoftheteamsgoals blowing teams away. The team as of mark for most wins in a season by the in the F&M game. Phelps has only lhe22ndofOctoberhadtalliedareoon:l. women'ssoccerprogramandclinched played in eight games this year 001 she 49 goals. The Terror have been lucky only the teams second winning sea- is still the team's leaderinscoringwith tohavescorersalloverthefie1d Eleven son in school history. sevengoals and one assist for 15 points. different players have scored for the With Bryn Mawr now out of the She has scored three game winning Terror. way the Green Terror prepare for the goals this year. Phelps has a career 30 TheTerroroffensewillgointothe seasonfinaleonSaturday the 28th of goals and 12 assists for 72points. She game with two of this years most ex- , October against the Muhlenberg is second on both lists for all-time citing players, _freshmen Natalie Mules. As this issue went to press the leader. Hannibal and Stephanie Van Deusen. team was away at Dickinson hoping The defense begins and stops -The two have combined for 41 points. for their ninth win. A victory against with the Mules standout freshman ~Hannibal leads the team in goals Muhlenberg combined witha victory goalkeeper, Jackie Vanderstreet. She scored with 10. It is only the second at Dickinson would give Coach Jenny had logged a conference high 630 time in the progmms nine varsity sea- flynn her first ever ten win season. minutes in goal. Vanderstreet has been sons that a player has reached double- 1 This yeats winning record snapped a keeping the Mules in games with her digits in goals scored. In 1991;current streak of seven straight losing seasons. strong 1.37 goals against average. It's track star Julie Cox scored it school When the team hosts Muhlen- good enough for third among confer- record 18 goals in one season. berg the Terror will face off against a ence goalies overall. In conference Hannibal's 21 points tie her for 6-6-2 team with a 3-2-1 record in the games she has 1.57 gaa and registered the 3rd best single-season total. Her 1i~ffiiFo~~~~~il;jr.;;~iIfo;;d~'ii~~~ conference. TheMulesarecomingoff five shutouts. play over the last week earned her a In front ofVanderstreet are three Honorable Centennial Conference a big 3-2 overtime win against Franklin and Marshall. The Mules experienced backs. Juniors Tina mention for player of the week. to pass to. Hannibal is the women's soccer team's leading scorer Rauchut and Kate Hamilton and se- See women's soccer with 10 goals and one assist. Her outstanding play is one of the have won four of their last five. nicrMe1issaEpsteinwillbefacedwith reasons the Terror are having their best season ever. The Mules have struggled offen- sets records polS sivelythisyear. They have netted only thechallengeof stopping thehigh scor- Field hockey upsets #1 ranked Wittenberg to go to 8-4 on the year SraJfWrirer of the game, but we especially This was goal two of the season Last Sunday the Green Terror dominated in overtime," said for Eggers. Junior back Jodi upset the 14-3 Wittenberg Tigers in freshman goalie Jaime Moyer. Wagner scored her first goal of the a stunning 2-1 overtime win. "We played hard and we played season early in the second half of The Tigers were the # 1 ranked together. It was a great garne.S the game, and senior forward and team in the Division III Great A 3-0 win over Johns tri-captain A.J. Sheriff also scored Lakes Region. The win was Hopkins University on October \0 her first goal of the season with WMC's second against a ranked at home stood as Western only one second remaining in the team. Maryland's third consecutive game. Moyer had six saves in the The Terror have now won shutout of the season, the previ- shutout. seven of their eight games to im- ous two being against Haverford To end their streak. of shutouts, prove to 8-4 on the year. The learn and Bryn Mawr. This set a streak but not victories, Western Maryland will now chase the single-season of holding their opponents with- held Elizabethtown to one goal on record for wins with nine. out goal for 253 minutes and 45 OctoberI2towin2-1. Elizabethtown Against Wittenburg, Junior seconds. The streak dated back scored their sole goal with only three __ -._0--." back Kellie Mitres scored the to a late first half goal by Franklin minutes left in the game. TheGreen Green Terrors first goal 23 minutes and Marshall in the September 26 Thrrorthenpulledanolhershutoutwith into the first half. Wittenburg came game. Moyer held the Green Ter- ~~~~~~~~=======~==c:- versity two days later on Saturday, back to tie the game with a goal ror opponents scoreless from the a2-OwinagainstFrostbJrgSta1eUni- ~ races 14. This set a new record ol_ halfway into the second half on a Franklin and Marshall game up October Wittenburg player. Intense play like Mummert's helped WMC most consecutive wins at six forWest- penalty shot. The game went into until the October 12 game at emMaryland. Bothgoalsofthegame upset tbeTIgers of Wittenberg in overtime. sudden death overtime, which is a Elizabethtown. fifteen minute period of six play- The three goals scored were scored by sophomore forward Gettysburg Bullets. Haley scored the Moyer has an outstanding 57 saves for ers against six. Eight minutes and against the Blue Jays of Hopkins Katie Haley, and goalieMoyerhad an only goal for the Green Terror with the season, with a 1.44 goals against 26 seconds into the overtime period were each scored by different outstanding fifteen saves, some being 13:11 left in the game. average. Western Maryland's last senior forward and tri-captain Green Terror players. Senior for- against difficult one-on-one penalty Haley currently leads the team gamewillbeaCentennialConference Heather Seaburg scored the game ward and tri-captain Amy Eggers shots. ingoalsandassistswitheight and three game at Washington College on Sat- winner. scored the first goal midway The Green Terror mer their only respectively. Eggen; and Seaburg fol- urday, October 28 at 1:00 PM. "We dominated the majority through the first half of the game. loss in eight games visiting the lowwithtwogoalsandoneassisteach.
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