Page 59 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 59
Sports Wmding path leadsMoyer school it was lousy to fieldhockeystardom to get through 10 me," I knew the ball was go- Moyer. "Here not many through." BY JOHN MANARI) So she tried out for the women's For the freshman goalie Sports Editor soccer team here, a team her older sis- game brings new It was a simple thing for ter had starred on. But a year ofTfrom memories, but she said the freshman Jaime Moyer to fol- the sport was 100 much to overcome low her older sister, Paula, to and she was cut. Western Maryland College, but "I have to admit it was as for which sport she would mostly my fault," says the excel in, her path was a little easygoing, and talkative bit checkered. Moyer. "I didn't do anything to Moyer, a native of get ready. Coach Flynn said I Sykesville, MD, attended hadn't lost my skills but ljust South Carroll High School. wasn't ready." While at South Carroll she Moyer said it all sunk in played soccer, was a cheer- during the first scrimmage of leader and ran track. But her the preseason. After several senior year things went a little hard practices she was on the awry for Moyer. After playing field and she suddenly felt three years of girl's soccer she overwhelmed. was suddenly cut from the "There I was standing on team. The athletic Moyer the field for the first time in needed something to do and over a year and 1 was really field hockey came a calling. scared. I kept saying to myself Moyer wasn't only good at what am I doing out here?" field hockey, she was so good So the former field hockey anotilerattackbyWtttenberglastSunday.Moyel"haspostedoutstanding friendly atmosphere im- that she was named to the Bal- star turned back to the sport _ numbers this years induding four shutouts. timore Sun's All-Metro team that had gotten her recognition - "I knew they had three fresh- credible 1.39 goals against av- pr~Jler J,';!~ WMC was her first as a goalkeeper. You would before and the WMC field man goalies last year and they erage and posted four shutouts choice. __ _ think field hockey would have hockey team couldn't be hap- were good. I didn't think I had this year. With field hockey almost over been her 'calling in. c9.llege;l; in goal, the a chance ..,I guess something just 1" After a rough start, Moyer, she says she probably will take some also, but Moyer had other team has ppsted an.impressive worked out fqr, me." admits that she is a lot more time off but she will probably get involved in something like intramu- plan'~LreallY wanted to-prove to 8-4 ;~:r:Loyer firl~t c~rrie tJ r d~~s~~~k~~nOt~tT~:; :r:::r::~ ~:e~~i::en~aisni!;:~V:~~~L~~: rats. She smiles as she says, "I my'high thai I could j Western Maryland she knew goalie has had a phenomenal feels a lot of the credit should, would go nuts if I didn't do some- S'l!>lay-!;occer still," Moyer said. field hockey would. be tough. year. She has registered an in- go to the defense. thing." ,Wi\jC's'neweSt viri'iJe-use-n-'" -;sh=-O-w-cases-_"-'WOnlen 's 'Soccer sets her talentson records from letcs ~al BY CA.ROI.YN BARNES Atholton, SlaffWriler Coming fmma familyof athletes, she starred in Stephanie Van Deusen has begun to soccer, bas- ketball, and showcase her athletic talents playing for softball. She the Green Terror's women's soccer held the cap- team. lain position Preceding Stephanie, one of her three older sisters played soccer in 001- for each lege, and her older brother Brian cur- sport rn rently stars as the starting quarterback which she for Western Maryland's football team. participated, Going back one more generation, and she was Stephanie's father lettered in three named valu- the most sports at Concord College in West Vir- able player ginia Heplayedfooball,baseball,and soccer basketball, and was recently inducted for bothberjun- into the Hall of Fame at Concord for ior and se- his talents in football. Aside from his nior years, college sports career, Mr. Van Deusen went on to play minor league baseball and for bas- from Bed on !:be team. Van Deusen scored her add 10 bet"cont:riOOti.oos. years of her high school career, goals".de_AIhol, Mawr moved her into 5th place in (;3- lead ~ Tuesday, Ocrocer 18 whelp the lady See Van Deusen p.13 reergoaiswilh 12. 7-1 Whentrail- ~toa5-2winovertheBI~Jays. ton HighSchoOL One6f.thetop~- I ;;,gthey"",().2,1. ' The teams fourth leading ~, ;--;
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