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Front page .... Terror Scoreboard .. Wmter Sports Previews "Off the beaten track wI John Manard"... . ....... 11 WMC drafts condolence Pepper spray and mace gain letter for death of Rabin popularity among WMC students On Wednesday, November 8, to this leader and peacemaker. By SARAH SNE:LL letters were signed by the faculty, Eight years ago Dr.Esa's SraffWrirer staff and students of WMC to ex- brother-in-law was put injail by the You are walking back late at press the condolences on the death Israelis for helping to organize night to your dorm from the library of Yitzhak after hours of diligent studying. A Rabin. branch snaps, you jump to confront The letter, whatever it is lurking behind you signed by 600 in the mysterious darkness, which people, was turns out to be a squirrel rummag- FAXed to the Is- ing for a midnight snack. raeli embassy in It has happened to everyone at Washington,D.c., one time or another. You sense a and to Israel's presence behind you and are fright- Acting Prime ened. Perhaps that is why so many carry mini pepper Min i s t e r , girls on campus Shimon Peres. sprayconrainers. Copies were =======-=======- Sophomore History major Becky of the letter Sommer says that she carries a pepper ci rc u l a t e d spray container, "Because I have an off defense items at WaIMart as more and more students purchase them. throughout campus job that requires me to get back classrooms and officebuildings for peaceful rallies. His home was also to campus after dark and I felt more fects wear off in 45 minutes to two slow: Ritter and John felt that the signatures. Students could also destroyed. comfortabl.eonmy lorig wajk from my hours. There are no long lenn ef- women would be more likely to sign the letter at the college's in- Dr. Esa admitted that if Rabin car back to the donns." fects. trust their peers. formation desk. or any Israeli leader had been as- Chris Collins, a member of the In addition to arming yourself The group works in conjunc- This letter was "just to let them sassinated back then he would not Campus Safety team, is well educated with pepper spray, you can ensure tion with campus safety. Fortu- know we care," said WMC profes- have felt as much sorrow like he abom the use and effectiveness of pep- your safety by asking for an escort nately, there have been few prob- sor Mohamed Esa of Tacoma Park, does today. "Rabin has changed, per sprays and maces. Pepper spray from the Student Safety Watch. lems this year. who organized the effort. the Palestinians have changed" Dr. is derived from cayane pepper ex- The SSW is a group of volun- Residence Assistant Donielle The assassination was a per- Esa said. He added, "It is time for rract and comes in one to ten per- teer students who walk around cam- Long said that she was told to di- sonal shock to Dr. Esa who is of peace." cent concentrations. It affects the pus between the hours of II pm and rect any suspicious situations to Palestinian heritage and holds Is- According to Dr.Esa, the as- eyes, mucous membranes, mouth Iam on Friday and Saturday nights. Campus Safety. R.A.'s are not to raeli citizenship. Dr. Esa has fam- sassination will not tear apart the area, and skin. Pepper spray is A pair, one male and one female, get physically involved with at- ily throughout the region since Pal- peace process. It will harden the more effective than mace, says patrols the campus each of those tacks, Long said. If put in that situ- estinians are spread out throughout resolve of the people involved. He Collins. nights with walkie-talkies, reporting ation, she says she would yell and the Middle East. said the dedication to peace is evi- When the spray comes into con- suspicious characters. call the On-Call Coordinator on duty He had wanted to go to Israel dent by the outpouring of sympathy tact with the eye, it causes rapid eye The group fluctuates around 35 at Campus Safety. Fortunately, Long to grieve and pay his last respects, from the world community. movement and a burning sensation, members. Their goal is to create a stajed, she has not been in this situa- but was unable to leave due to his Even Ararat, who changed along which Collins described as "needles basic awareness of safety precautions tion. RA.'s receive no more infor- teaching schedule. The letter has with Rabin, the former general, was poking you in the eye." intheWMCcommuniry. The group mation about attacks than any other and The spray also affects the respi- become his way to say good-bye moved to tears at the loss. ratory system by causing the lungs was started by Randy Ritter after students. stated, pepper Ryan John. As previously It was founded RA appreciation day to be inflamed and the victim to someone had broken into John's car spray can be an effective defense donn room last cough and gag. and another friend's If one is against would-be attackers. employ Also, female agencies have Law enforcement they should inspires thanks to staff found the pepper spray highly effec- year, Ritter explained. complained were that attacked, counseling services avail- the of theirs friends valuable safety campus The ef- too able at Smith House tive, according to Collins. escorts Inside Sayre. BY MICHELLE: HAMILTON WMC gains new Board Rouzer RA, Ray Walker, News Edi/nr Tfie Phoenix On Thursday, November 9, said that the day "was a very staff, students, and faculty took nice gesture." He noted that the of Trustees member Commentary 2-3 time out to thank and appreciate "professional staff was espe- Green Terror Cartoon .3 Resident Assistants. cially nice [on Thursday]." 'Name that theme' puzzle 3 Events for RA appreciation At the end of an inservice Courtesy of Public Information land. He also earned a master's Internet .4 day included RAs receiving letters for RAs was a reception and Bruce H. Preston of Baltimore degree from Towson Stale Univer- SGA Bulletin Board 5 of appreciation from the Smith cake for the RA staff. has accepted a nomination to join sity in 1984. Letter from abroad 7 House staff, college activities, and Whiteford RA, Kim Walker, the Board of Trustees at Western "He will be a great addition Carpenter profile 7 campus safety. commented that the reception Maryland College, according to to an already prestigious group of 'A closer look at' 8 RAs also received a personal was particularly nice. college president Robert H. Cham- leaders at Western Maryland," 'Pippin' has 'magic to do' 8 note attached to their door from Also, her residence made bers. said Dr. Chambers. "The college Oct. 27 puzzle solution 9 Scott Kane and phone calls of ap- signs for her organized by Mr. Preston, vice president of has always had a special place in Study abroad story 9 preciation from Dean of First Year Whiteford Hall Government. acquisitions and development with his heart and I know he is com- Classifieds lO Students, Dean Disharoon, and "The whole day was kind of Mid-Atlantic Realty Trust, is a mitted to helping us face and over- Ranger Challenge 10 See New Trustee, p.4 Dean of Student Affairs, Dean surprising," Walker added. 1975 graduate of Western Mary-
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