Page 58 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 58
Sports Friday, October 27, 1995 Page 14 V-ball splits tri-match FROM STAFF REPORTS The Green Terror volleyball team has continued to show improvement this year as they split a Centennial Conference triangu- lar match with Swarthmore and Ursinus. The lady neners lost three games to none to Swarthmore and then came back to beat Ursinus 3-1 last Saturday. The Terror were led by freshman Kris Kurtyka who compiled 17 kills, 23 digs, four solo blocks, five block assists. and three ser- vice aces. Junior captain Laura Veise added 22 digs and two service aces. The Green Terror also pulled a huge upset last week when they stunned Franklin and Marshall 3-2. The Diplomats had been one of the top teams in the Centennial Con- ference. The volleyball team will compete in the Elizabethtown College Halloween Classic on Friday October 27 and Saturday October 28. Cross Country Prepares for Conference Championships FROM STAFF REPORTS Parrish Impressive Again Sophomore Kelly Parrish proved that she is The women's team also got strong finishes Clarius finished 176th with a time 0(31:00, and a runner to be reckoned with last weekend at the fonn Lamie Cicero who came in 90th (21:22), Roeby Birdsall came in 208th with a time of32:51. Gettysburg College Invitational. and Amy Havener who finished 92nd (21 :23). Newcomer Stephen Hallowell in his firswt With the rain creationg a muddy course, The rest of the team was led by Michelle Greg Davis led the men's cross counrty team race finished 2221ld with a time of 33:33. Parrish posted her fifth top 10 finish of the cross Garvey at 165th (23:22). Jennifer Light came in as a full team for the first time this year. Daivs CC CHAMPIONSHIPS SET couruty season. In a final tuneup for the Centen- l80th (23:40),andMelaniePhippsfinished 188th crossed the finish line26thoutof262runners.with Both teams will 'compete in the champion- / nial Conference Championships, Parrish placed (23:57). Emily Fleming, 205th, Jennifer Vick, a time of27:33. ships Saturday, October 28, at RoseTree'Park: in sixth out of 236 finishers. She ron the 5,((X)... 207th,Amiee Crewalk, 221st., and Kate Ensor at Mike Cushwacontinued to have a fine rookie Media,PA. Thewomen'sracestartsat ] 1:00AM. meter course in 19:08. 235th finished the women's team. season finishing 114th with a timeof29:3L Jim The men's race starts at 12:00 PM Football team struggles at homecoming mudbowl, lose to F&M the second half,.Van Deusen was sacked and RY JOSHUA FOSTER fumbled, and F&M recovered on the Terror Staff Writer 3-yard line. F&M scored their third touch- It is not a good sign when quarterback! down on the next play. For the day, Van punter Brian Van Deusen has more punts Deusen was sacked six times and knocked than passes completed in a game, but that's to the ground numerous times. what happened last week as the Terror foot- F&M's last score came on a 8-pJay, 72- ball team lost 24-7 to the Franklin & play drive, to take a 24-7 lead, the final score Marshall Diplomats on homecoming week- of the game. end to drop their record to 3-3-1. With l : 15 left in the third, Keating For the game Van Deusen completed pulled Van Deusen in favor of Lowe. Lowe just ~~e; ~:~~e~~~~~~~:t~o!~;i~;~Ud, } ~!~;e:~ all but two of the game's remaining the Terror offense got bogged down in it all ~ "My thoughts on that (pulling Van day long, only totaling 98 yards of offense. £ Deusen) were thai he got sacked about six ~~~~~,s:~dc::~~~~:~~f;~: ~~:~e;u~~ ~ ~~~~, i~a~;o;~a~~:g~ d:~~: ~::~ ~~e~~Je~ ter for junior Wyatt Lowe, who finished 7- shake-up in their psyche, and I thought that of-14 for 46 yards. ' ' It would be a long day intm;··mudfo~the.senjorquarterback_ would be pari of it. It wasn't a hard decision The Terror, who-usually a6rillnate'the tio~hl game, anti w~ played.with little or in four plays, all through the air, to score v to make at all, we weren't moving the ball, air, had no passing piay'~ over' 15 yards, no 'emotion," said Terror head coach Tim the first of their fourtouchdowns and four we were going backwards." , ' while the Diplomats had four. WMC's Keating. " extra point misses to make the score 7-6. NEWS ,~ND NOTES. __... The Terror ground unit only .racked up 15 yards, tl}, All ,appeared n~)fmal ,at first forthe _ After~M_C. we~t three-an~ut ~n_their have now.Iost t9. the Diplomats six straight complete a very.frustrating day for the Ter- \.'Te~r9r offense as tbey.we~1 on .an Seplay, l1lfl.e~t'possesslOn, n&!'" got the ball back on \ltimes in '!_'eslm.insttfr.:I8e Terror only picked rcr,r: ,',. r .. ,; _':",i'.h:jr::.. . ~ ':.( !",42.-yp.r~lQlfChdo..y'i'Anve 1M1y In thl; first :1I;jthelr awn 40:-yard lure, and went on a 9- ,up IOfirst,dow_ns.~g~ns~F~M,.t~~9f¢.em Though the·,d!ffen~ ,wa§.l~ugh on the fortheif:J9.!IIy' ~ori!lg4rive~tt,h,e,~aYj,J:h7.· ,!p!~y!r.6Q-YMd driv~j :The le~I"Or.,weJlJ-into ~,:·9YI'penalt.y·.:·WM ...~,cql).r~-\1e4,j,!st...1ft,of-'7 ground.~llowing o~ly .;I3"y.;u:4s\tPe~ ~ad r~1. ,'J ?riy.e. WID!culmmated by a G<\y~Q.f?~F..;eitas I. !(' , h~lf!~e tf~ling ~~-J., I ,;r!.: ~~rl,_tL .,~ .;".t\lir~ dow.n Ol'POQl\~~i¥s. whitt,; 11&¥ ~ma9-b ~roblems when F&M,went tQJhe mr,.-9JI,oW- ,,::. 11-y~~I,}iun: Hqwever, thf~;:v?u~d pc,the ,"1'. ··,i J,,I~'!Is! the Terror know ,tqattWt sec- ,,6r0J-17 .. Jpstip ~aVls bad,9 tac~I.~s, two ,rot j 109 F&h1 ql!art~rback~e<,I.u.Eckert t9 g9,16~j' .. ~ig~lIgh~,of the 4ay for WMC. '.:'" .:\ .til; oqd ha,lf wqyld beL:'lo, be~te{ tMn.AAl~,_first,. ,...loss. one ;>acJ;;,.~do.n~·f.~rcp~ fum.ble,ag~t of-27J~r;-226 yard!} .... 1",;.•• \.. .') 'I' ......,i: rI'~ Afterl that ..dryve .• the fTe,:or offense ~nd wou~d pick uPIP.rJy ~&'.Yi¥q,s.ip.f9f.f,e1¥~rJ,J;§f,M· ,,}1;le.,;f,~r pe)lt play,.s:"t.J:,..~,b~or ",We sijdn 't ple!i "Y~ththe,fireoin the belly could get .J;l.91hllH~_started.! WJth 6:3·Jiit,ft ff,);lJJIl\thelthi"rd and fQ%1A qu
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