Page 39 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 39
OriThe Hill Thursday, October 12, 1995, Page 11 Parking, continued from p.l Classified The number of parking de- a minimum of 31 empty spaces. 60 Seconds cals that are sold to students do Oftentimes their survey numbers are Ads not equal the actual number of much higher, Webster said. students who drive to WMC each students Many Bermel said she day, Webster said. Graduate stu- DoCS survey results. disagree with on Campus dents usually have more than one has learned not to move her car dur- Only $0.15 per word car that they register (0 park. and ing the day because it would be close Call ext. 8600 or send of course can only drive one at a to impossible to find another space. By Grant Rice through campus mail time. She said that she has even found the c/o The Phoenix In addition, graduates are lot behind Gill full although it is sup- WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE only here one or two nights dur- posed to be one of the lots usually "NEW" RED SQUARE? ing the week, and there are two empty. "I've had trouble finding a separate class sessions on these parking place even around nights. Therefore, only 60 to 70 dinnertime, when I'm sure it's not a "I think it is disgusting $6,000-$8,000 Monthly are actually Working distributing our product graduate students time, accord- peak hour [for classes]," she said. and the school can cer- here at any given brochures. Get paid-We supply "Even late at night the ANW Lot brochures. FIT or PIT. For ing to Webster. classes are is always full," said sophomore Matt tainly find better ways to Since graduate FREE info write: held at night, resident students Harding. "People from Blanche and spend its money like fix- DIRECTOR and commuters do not have to Rouzer park there because they can't Then 1375 COlley Island Ave., Ste. compete with park near their buildings. in ANW ing all the leaks in all the people 427 Brooklyn, NY 11230. graduates for ,--------- have problems buildings. n parking during " ... it's really finding parking the day. Also, it places." Amy Glnsgow is rare that all 80 not difficult for Harding, Education '97 ***FREE TRIPS & CASH*** registered com- a communica- Find out how hundreds of stu- muter vehicles freshmen to get non major, sug- "I believe its a nice dents are already earning FREE are here every- gested that the idea but I think that TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH their car on day, according lots next to with America's #1 Spring to Webster. right now there are Break company! Sell only 15 In addition, campus." Rouzer and trips and travel free! Choose only sopho- DMC be opened other things we Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, or more, junior, -Sherrie Bermel at night for stu- could of done with Flordia! CALL NOW! TAKEA and senior resi- dents. Although BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL dents are al- Bio-chem major he does not have the money." a car on campus, - (800) 95-BREAK1 lowed to have he said that his David Seydel /'1--------1 cars on campus. According to friends get ticketed a lot for parking Biology '99 the "Automobile and Motorcycle at night in those lots. "[DoCS] even SPRING BREAK Regulations" section in the Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun 1995-96 Student Guide & does it on weekends," he said. 'They "Tthink that they [the ad- and Jamaica from $299.00. Air, Datebook, "Resident freshman tell you to move, and if you don't do ministration] want people it right away they get on you quickly." Hotel. Transfers, Parties, and students are not permitted to Although campus parking nor- More! Organize a small group bring vehicles to campus." mally accomodates everyone, to know that they gave and earn a FREE trip plus com- Webster said that freshmen Webster said that construction com- money, I don't think there missions! can only have cars under special pounds parking problems by taking Call 1-800-822-0321. is anything wrong with it, circumstances. Students who up spaces for dumpsters and workers need to hold an off-campus job who park on the campus. Also, con- its just a way for them to in order to pay for college or who struction being done on Pennsylvania CRUISE SHIP JOBS1 visit an off-campus therapist are Ave. by the city of Westminster forces get money" Attention: Students two accepted conditions. These in PA houses to park Earn $2,000 + monthly. students must submit a written students living However, these instances Michelle Kirkner on campus. Parttime/fulltime. World proposal to be reviewed by Second Bachelor Student he said. Travel. Carribean, Hawaii. All Webster in order to obtain a de- take up less than 30 spaces, as Parents "If they want to Spend Special events such positions available. No experi- cal. Weekend and the Hazlewood Confer- ence. my tuition on that in- Junior Sherrie Bermel said ence hurt the amount of parking for CALL: (520) 505ยท3123 she w-as able to have her car on students, too. Webster said he would stead of what they campus as a freshman because like to have an additional 50 spaces her family was in the process of for these events. need to spend their YOUR MOM WILL moving and she had to be able Bermel said she believes the big- money on, Ill just let BE PROUD. to travel back and forth often. gest problem for parking is because "[DoCS] gave my father a hard Pennsylvania Ave. is closed. "The them do what they time, making him fax all kinds school doesn't have control over that," want." YOUR DAD WILL of information," Bermel, a bio- she said. "But for special events, like PATYOU ON THE chern major, said. "But it's re- Parents Weekend and wrestling tour- Shaune Greenwood people park BACK. ally not difficult for freshmen to naments, school and could on that by the Physics '99 middle get their cars on campus." road. To make sure members of Those places are hard to get to now." 'The EDITOR LISA the college community definitely said Harding. construction is the worst," trip "I think they are ex- have parking under "A two-minute adequate WILL LOVE YOU! normal conditions, DoCS turns into 15 or 20 minutes to get tremely tacky, they opened the gravel lot by the sta- around all of it." He added that not dium for daily parking this year. being able to park on Pennsylvania turned Red Square WRITE FOR THE Even on Mondays and Wednes- Ave. is a really big problem, too. into 'Dead' Square." PHOENIX days, the highest capacity days "You are going to find com- Dave 'the gonz' Dempsky for enrollment no matter [about to data according CALL X8600 FOR obtained by DoCS from the Reg- plaints college parking] go to," said Psychology '97 which you DETAILS istrar, CS officers have counted Webster.
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