Page 31 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 31
Thursday, October 12, 1995, Page 3 Letter to the editor Bowling Brook proves to .Honors students earn beaneducationalSU~ their housing rights BY GREGORY T. FORI) program employs a big brothersystem SlajJWriler We are all affected by crime. in that the older students are paired up with newer students to show them the We live in a world of $2 billion ropes. The student leaders are respon- I just finished reading to bash the Honors Program. It is prisons and three strikes and your Jonathon Shacat's tirade over hon- a privilege to be apart ofthe Hon- OUI programs. A world in which, sible for keeping the program flowing and when a problem arises smoothly, ors housing, and would like to ors Program, one reached after some say, the only way thai we can the students are given the opportunity make a few comments. hard work in high school and col- protect the citizenry is by keeping to handle it before staff becomes in- First off, how do you justify lege. If the current first year stu- one million citizens behind bars. A a complaint about a lack of toilet dents want to live with their peers, world which, in a nutshell, is ravaged volved. paper being the result of a poor they have the option to move out Bowling Brook realizes how im- Honors System? You make it of the suites if they wish. It's only by crime by both its image and its real- portant an education is, and therefore ity. sound as if they lead pampered and their first semester, let them ex- 1here are, however, other ways of the students spend an average of six which prepare privileged lives. They live in perience life in the suites. It's a dealing with crime besides just lock- hours a day in classes By HARRY SINGER suites which are definitely nicer very special privilege and honor, ing up the criminals. Perhaps the best them to take the general educational di- Cirr:ulalioIJIPrt)III(J/ionDireclor than the dorms on campus, bUI that which you seem to think of as a way is by preventing our youth from ploma test. Last year, more than two I come before my faithful doesn't mean that they don't have breeding ground for complainers. becoming criminals. I wou1d like to thirds of the students that graduated readers, again, to persuade you worthy complaints. No matter So why don't you grow up, save tell the college community about one from the programreceived theirGEDs. to give me names of those who where you live on campus, there your opinions for something more program that does just that Bowling Those students who receive their diplo- have done good deeds for others are going to be problems. valid and worthy of mention. This Brook prep school takes young men mas while still in the program are en- or for the community. Then you go on to say that if article is useless and serves no PlU'- couraged to take their SATs, and sev- In the Two Kudos For You the complainers had lived in a pose other than discrediting a re- who are at risk of becoming habitual eral of the students in the program at- column this week, I will write criminals and gives them other career freshman dorm last year, they spected program and the people options. They achieve this through a tend college classes during the evening. about the only good deed of wouldn't have complained. Just therein. Take your $.49, buy a roll of combination of mutual respect, educa- After school, the students are respon- which Ihave an account. On Sep- because you lived in Rouzer last toilet paper, and tlush your comments tion, and positive peer pressure. sible for completing their homework tember24. Circle K International year doesn't make your com- down the toilet where they belong. Bowling Brook began in 1983, and doing chores. Students also attend (a campus based organization plaints more valid, or you more and the first student graduated from the several counseling sessions each week. whose main purpose is to volun- righteous. You took a simple com- Sincerely, Before leaving the program, the stu- leer for noble causes) went to the program in May of that year. Since dents and staff put together an aftercare ment and blew it out of proportion A Concerned Reader Westminster Nursing Home to then the program has shown steady program. This typically consists of ei- • growth. The program currently houses ther a place to stay, a job, or further spend time with those awesome about forty young men, and plans are schooling. seniors. 19th Annual Haunted Barn ineffectforthefacility to grow to house I, like several other students at There, they were greeted by twicetbatnumber. One of the keys to WMC, found out about Bowling seniors who cursed at them, an The Taneytwon Jaycess presents the new and improved 19th annual the program's success is that they se- told them to go home. They Haunted Bam, thirteen days of horror starting Friday the 13th. lectmotivatedpeople. They select stu- Brook during an internship, which, called them names such as if your career goals involve Oct. 13, 14 Oct 19,20,21 Oct 24 - 31 dents whoarewillingtoworktochange with young people, is something working that "bonehead." Then there were oth- Sunday-Thursday 7:30pm until their lives, and staff that are willing to I would highly recommend. Previ- ers that would simply cry, like the reading the bible because woman help the students achieve their goals. lO:OOpm . i The key word in the progrnm is respon- ous interns have been psychology it would and her roommate had just passed majors; sociology however, Friday and Saturday 7:30pm until the last sibility. The students are held respon- also provide a good learning opportu- away. And there were some who sible for their own actions and for the nity for people minoring in educa- thought that the Circle K mem- person goes through . actions of their fellow students. The tion. ber was her son's friend and in- sisted that he look him up in the Admission: $6.00 per ~erson...... i phone book. Suggestions? Groupo~at~o~~~~foa:~~ti: ~~iIf4io~75~_14s7se~rb30f_r89B_~~oror:. Through all of this ranting, Directions: Located in Taneytown, MD off R~. 140, between the Call the Phoenix at X8600 ravings and misidentification, Southern States Building and the Country KItchen Restaurant Circle K members who partici- pated were all in agreement that the seniors were that way because they were tired of feeling lonely. Their bitterness was provoked by feelings of abandonment. Everyone was happy that they went to help cheer up, for at least an hour anyway, those lonely, awesome seniors. Two Kudos For Them! Circle K cer- tainly deserves all of the credit due to them. The members that participated in that trip were: Jimmy Reddan, Susanna Kuespert, Jessica Hall, Julie Dietzel, Anne Hillery, Meghan Joyce, Erin Williams, Jen Belbot, Scott Robinson, Nicki Kassolis, Kendra Jones, and Harry Singer. If anyone is interested in joining Circle K and in making a differ- ence in the community, contact Kendra Jones at extension 8192. If you know of anyone who has performed a good deed, send all information to Harry Singer, Two Kudos For You! Column, Box 1147.
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