Page 28 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 28
,. ,-'~"-;.>;-,-,,~,,:.,...,',, /,"'./' VoIIeybaH wins3in cmeR Sports see p. 15 T/1mJr a row. Volume XIV, Number 2 Western Maryland College Thursday, September 28, 1995 LADY TERROR OPEN CONFERENCE PLAY WITH WIN Scoring is a big pius." took the ball past the Bv JOHN MANARD Sports Editor How big a difference? Last last defender and fired year the team scored 23 goals all it past the goalie for her year. The Terror women have fourth goal of the year. A year ago this time the already scored 27 goals in their The Diplomats of Western Maryland women's soccer team was 1-5. This year, first s.i.! games this year. F & M came back with "I knew we had the talent," their own tally, but then thanks to a 6-3 thrashing of Franklin and Marshall last said Flynn. "But I didn't expect the barrage really be- weekend the women's team is4- to be winning 4-1, 6-3. I would gan. With two players 2 and, if not for a controversial be happy with 2-t wins, it would on her, Murphey raced call, they could ~ 5-1. be more stressful, but Iwould be towards the goal and In an incredible turnaround happy." ' put it in the comer of Coach Jennifer Flynn has led the The victory over F & M the net. It was her third Tenor women to one of the best showed thai talent as five differ- goal of the year. starts ever for the women's pro- ent players scored goals. With nine minutes gram here at WMC. The squad's / The first goal came 18 min- left in the half, a pair of utes into the first half when Erin sophomore transfer stu- explosive start is a testimony to Murphey drove towards the goal dents hooked up for a the team's hard work and talent. and dished a pass across the goal. Midfielder "We had an excellent re- middle to freshman standout cruiting season," said Flynn. See Women's "Plus, we're scoring this year. Natalie Hannibal. The forward soccer p.13 from nearby Sykesville, MD., Football Wins 3rd Straight Game Bv JOSIIUA fOSTER After falling behind 7-Oearly in terback Chris Orlando seven times. Sports Co-Editor the second _g__uarter, the Terror went 1)J_egame marked the flracoflegiate The Tenor football team won on a 12~play60-yard drive to tie the start for Orlando, whoreplaced starter theirthirdstraightgamelastSaturday, score at 7-7 when Van Deusen ran Brad Goddes after he fractured his beating theUrsinus Bears by a score the ball in from one yard out. throwing hand the previous week. of27-7, though for much of the first On the Bear's next possession, The defense allowed the Bears to halfit was a battle to see who would Carl Von Tobel recovered a Bear's convert only 2 of 19 third down con- accwnulate the most penalty yards. fumble on Ursinus's 30-yard line. versions, while recovering two Quarterback Brian Van Deusen Three plays later, the Terror led 14-7 Ursinus fumbles. Adam Gregori and threw for two touchdowns and ran on another Van Deusen scramble, this Joe Krcma continued their strong anomer two in as he became the Cen- time for six. yards. After that, it was play combining for II tackles (two tennial Conference's career leader in all WMC, as the Terrordefense took for losses), two sacks, one forced passing yardage with 4,433, passing over. fumble, and numerous quarterback the old record of 4,223 held by Mark Forthefourthstraight game the pressures. 'ifi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ftf.~~' Campbell. Tbeoffersivelineallowed defense held an opponent under 100 For the day, Van Dcusen com- yards rushing, allowingjust 84 yards T onlyonesacklateinthegametohelp on the ground, and 154 total yards. See Football p:13 giveVanDeusentimetocornpletehis """",. ThedefensivelinesackedBearsquar- Men's Soccer has rough two weeks Sophomore Christiaan The team's latest loss showed By JOliN MANARD SpcmEdilor Abildso and junior Rick Estes are that they have a lot of internal forti- the team's leaders. Their ferocious tude as they came back from a 2-0 After a 4ยท0 start the men's front play usually leads to goals, deficet against Swarthmore. soccer team has struggled over and both have topped their totals Estes scored the first goal of the the last two weeks going 1-2-1. from last year. Estes has seven second half to make the score 2-1. The team tied Frostburg State I- scores and Abildso has seven D' Andrea then scored to tie the I at home and beat Haverford 2- goals and an assist. game. For the rest of the game it was ~ I on the road then dropped two As a team the Terror scored a see-saw battle as both teams fought in a row. They lost to SI. Marys 28 goals last year. This year they for the winner. With about five min- 2-1 and then fell to Swarthmore have 25 goals in just eight games. utes left Swarthmore's David Lane at home 4-2. The team's record The Terror's offensive production scored to give the visiting Gamet the now stands at 5-2-1, I-I in the will be counted on to bring them lead. They would score another late Centennial Conference. out of this downward spin they are goal as the game wound down. ,~ While the team has currently in. The Terror will be on the road struggled of late they have a core John D' Andrea and Eric this weekend against Franklin and of strong players that should get Laurence lead the team in assists Marshall. goes them out of the slump. with three apiece. Swarthemore goal last Saturday. Ph(}toBy J(}hllMaMrd
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33