Page 30 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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Com 2 among WMC students, on Sunday nights. Staff WANTS Who, to park in the most remote park- campus I'm as guilty as anyone else. r too complain tie Phoenix ing lot on campus? Or a better question, about the lack of parking when I take a tum around Whiteford who HAS ro park there? The answer is Lot, trying to park as close as possible usually the last few people to return to 10 the building where r live. Parking in Harrison House Lot after dark and walking back through Editor-In-Chief Lisa T. Hill '97 the yard by myself never fails to give me the spooks. But one should stop and consider the nature Advertising Manager of parking. In a traditional parking lot, can; can- Bobbi Leister '97 not be stacked on top of one another. Even if the Whiteford Lot, for example, was twice as big as it News Editor Michelle Hamilton '98 is, the people who have to park: at the farthest end of the lot would still complain about the distance. Only a certain number of can; can be put in one . On The HIli Editor Jonathon Shacat '98 place without running out of space orputting them too far away to satisfy the owners. Students have to realize that this campus is Layout Editor Grant A. Rice '99 not the exact equivalent to our own homes. We are sharing our living space, indoors and out, with several hundred people, more than just our im- Sports Co-Editors mediate family. As a result, we cannot realisti- Josh Foster '96 John Manard '96 cally expect to park: in a garage or right outside our place of residence as we can at home. Even if we are paying close to $20,(XX) a year, we can't Photography Staff expect to have parking spaces with our names on Grant A. Rice '99 them. Aden Mages '97 Maybe the college could consider assigning lots to specific dorms. For example, residents of Circulation/Promotion Manager Blancheand Whiteford could have special decals Harry Singer '99 to park in Whitefoid Lot, and theANWLot could bereservedfor Atswresidenrs. Eachdormcould General Staff Aaron Alhburn '97. Carolyn Barnes petition for the lot in which they would most like '99, Laurie F. Cicero '98, Aaron to park. However, by doing this, we could be hurting Corbett '99, Becky Cockerill '99, Adam Dean '98, Amy Hanna '99, Ross ourselves further by restricting our parking possi- Hollebon '97, Meghan Joyce '99, Nicki bilities. Some students lend their cars 10 friends, who then park the cars near theirown dorms. With Kassolis '99, Jill Marron '97, Mike Puskar '99, Sara Beth Reyburn '98, specified lots, we would run the riskofbeing tick- Sarah Sheckells '97, Sarah Snell '98, eted by parking in lots than are currently open to Cameron Speir '97, Jen Vick '98, all students. Christian Wilwohl '98 The question 10 consider is whether taking time to look for a spot and ending up across cam- pus REALLY that terrible? Or are we students LayoutStatf Usa Hill '97, Michelle Hamilton '9a, just too lazy to walk a little bit further? John Manard '96, Stacey Mcintyre '99, Mike Puskar '99, Jonathon Shacat '98, By Lisa T. Hill, Editor-in-Chief Sarah Sheckells '97 The Phoenix is published bi- ~""" Lock; and 1(ey With Jonathon Shacat weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The Phoe- nix staff, the faculty, or the administrators Of the 294 freshmen who reside in the tradi- that the college closes the computer lab early on ofWMC. tional residence halls this year, 254 are on the 17 certain days. On Friday the lab closes at 6 p.m. The paper welcomes free-lance it closes at4 p.m. The library is submissions on Macintosh disks in most Meal Plan and 40 are on the 20 Meal Plan. Of the and on Saturday 9 p.m. on both Friday and Satur- 24S sophomores, open until 125 are on the 17 Meal Plan and word processor formats. The editor re- 7 are on the 20 Meal Plan. What happened to the day. serves the right to edit for clarity, length, other 113 you ask? Wen guess what, they opted Why does the lab close three and fivehours and libel and to publish as space permits. for the IS Meal Plan. before the library closes on Friday and Saturday, All submissions (excluding self-addressed What I gather fromthesedata is if almost half respectively? Are these hours set because some diskettes) become the property of The of the sophomores chose the 15 Meal Plan when it students go to parties on Friday and Saturday Phoenix and cannot be returned. was an option, then the same pattern would be true nights? If the library is open until 9 p.m., then Please include a name and phone lab? number for verification. Names will be for the freshmen. of not giving freshmen the op- why isn't the same for the computer of the new The purpose Considering the popularity withheld onJy by the discretion of the Edi- tionofselectinga 15 Meal Plan is to get them "ac- Intemet system recently adopted by thecollege, tor-in-Chief. climated to college life," said Bosley. He added one would think that the hours would be ex- The Phoenix does not discrimi- that the social aspect of trying 10 encourage the tended. nate based on age, race, religion, gender, students to stay on campus during weekends is also sexual orientation, national origin, condi- part of the reason. tion of handicap, or marital status. Those students living in GA or PA housing are offered a broader selection of meal plans be- Mail to: cause there are utilities for cooking food and clean- The Phoenix ing dishes located in the housing, said Bosley. WMC, 2 College Hill Basically, the college has devised a system Westminster,MD211S7 that forces a majority of the students to purchase a said Mancuso. Without money the college can't meal plan that is sometimes not needed, wanted, hire students to work in the lab. (410) 751-8600 ordesired. Perhaps a survey should be conducted to (410) 876-20SS,ext 8600 Computer Lab Hours determine how much of the student body would Ever since I started using the Hoover use the computer lab during the time that it is FAX,(410)857-2729 Microcomputing Lab Ihave pondered the reason currently closed.
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