Page 33 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News Thursday, October 12, 1995, Page 5 SGA Bulletin Board WMC Emeriti to be honored in Do you want to help plan the Spring Concert? Please at- tend the joint meeting of the CAPBoard Mainstage Com- dedication of Memorial Plaza mittee and the SGA on Sunday, October 22 in the Leidy Room at 8:00 pm. For more information, please call Brandy or Sherrie at X8177. By J.:N VICK SlafflVriler For many of the WMC faculty Betsy? Harvey? Edgar? The Colonel? Tour the Ghost and students, the grassed terraces Haunts ofWMC on Halloween Night of Tuesday, October surrounding "Red Square" provide 31, at 9:00 pm. Tours begin in Ensor Lounge where re- a comfortable place to study on a beautiful day. Well to theclose ob- freshments, including toasted marshmallows, will be served. server, there has been a slight This is a free event cosponsored by CAPBoard's Mainstage change in the appearance of this and Special Events Committees. Call X759 for more in- busy center of campus. formation. During the last week of Sep- tember, engraving of the names of The SGA has appointed the following students to serve on 83 WMC administration and fac- ulty honored as emeriti began College and Board of Trustee Committees. the granite walls of "Red Square." on The names were reviewed and chosen by the Executive Commit- tee of the Board of Trustees of Green Terrace will he dedicated as Memorial Plaza on October Athletic Council Western Maryland College. The 13 after the Homecoming football game. Emeriti professor's Greg Hebding names will be memorialized here. emeriti were chosen for having dedicated their lives and profes- Student Faculty Relations: sional careers to WMC. A mini- Susanna Kuespert mum of ten years at WMC is re- Dr. Lightner declares the now stand memorialized along Carolyn Arney project to be a "wonderful recog- with the bell and corner stone of quired, but many of the 83 emeriti nition of the many teachers and ad- the former classroom building served the school for over 30 years. rninistrators who dedicated their Old Main. Old Main was the first Trustee Visitor for the class of '98 Sara Beth Reyburn A current list of new names is entire lives and professional careers building erected on the WMC being considered for future engrav- atWMC." grounds in 1866. ing. The engravings, consisting of There will be a dedication of Over the years, many addi- Trustee Academic Affairs Committee Heather Woods both the name and dates that the the College Green, or "Red tions were added to the main JenNash emeriti served, have been placed in Square," the weekend of Home- building and it served as the cen- random order. coming on October 21. A plaque terof campus life. It housed both .The Board of Trustees ap- will be unveiled at 4:30 renaming classrooms and living quarters Trustee Budget and Finance proved three individuals, who died Harry Singer it Memorial Plaza. Following the for students. By 1959, Old while in office, to be recognized as dedication, will be a reception in Main had grown extensively emeriti. These people were Will- Ensor Lounge for the emeriti hon- and was in need of renovation, Trustee Buildings and Ground iam McDaniel, professor of math- ored, their families, and for the the build- Dave Mirra ematics; William McCormick, families of deceased emeriti. but due to high cost, instead. ing was torn down Virgil Cain dean of faculty ( 1973-1983 ); and The college felt it was appro- Many of the emeriti have Albert Ward, the third president of priate to dedicate and rename the fond memories of teaching their Trustee Long Range Planning the college ( 1920-193?). The first College Green within the same classes within the rooms of Old Christian Wilwohl president, James Ward, is among month of the dedication of the Main. Their names now stand the names, though most of the newly restored Memorial Hall. memorialized at what has re- WMC responds to emeriti were hired after 1920 when possible The engraved names, donor, mained the its history. of WMC made heart began a trend in growth. by a anonymous throughout O.J. Simpson Trial David Shribman, 1995 Pulitzer Prize winner, to speak at WMC By CAMERON S"E!R "I was disappointed becnase it might SraffWriter set a precedent for people who On Tuesday, OCtober 3 actor and abuse their spouse. Also, if he's By H~:ATHF.~ BAILY Globe after serving as national po- College, a member of the Board of football Hall of Farner OJ. Simpson not guilty there's someone else COTltriblllillgWrirer litical correspondent for The Wall Visitors of the Nelson A. was found not guilty of murdering his who is. They're not going to pur- Westminster, MD - David Street Journal. Prior to that, he Rockefeller Center for the Social ex-wife and her friend. The jurors de- sue that person because the only Shribman, the 1995 Pulitzer Prize covered Congress and national Sciences at Dartmouth and a mem- libel-died for only three hours follow- evidence they had pointed to OJ. winning journalist from the Boston politics for The New York Times ber of the Board of the Hillel Soci- ing a trial that lasted over a yea!: Tha I also feel bad for the jury. they Globe will speak at Western Mary- and was a member of the national ety of the American University in nation reacted in different ways. in- were put in a tough situation." land College on Tuesday, Oct. 24 staff of The Washington Star. He Washington. He is also a member eluding joy. disgust, anger and indif- -Brandy Mulhern, English '97 at 8 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. The began his career at The Buffalo of the editorial board of Dilemmas ference. Here is a sample of thc reac- discussion, ''The New Architecture Evening News, where he worked in American Politics, a series of tion from the WMC community. "My overall gut reaction would of American Politics: A Viewer's on the city staff before being as- scholarly monographs published be that if you can pay for a good Guide to the 1996 Election," is free signed to the paper's Washington by Westview Press, Boulder, Colo. "l think the decision was fair because defense you can commit and open 10 the public. bureau. He lives in Washington D.C., with there was not enough concrete evi- crimes." Mr. Shribman is assistant man- The Salem, Massachusetts his wife and two children. dence to convict. But, Im not Indy -Mr. Tim Weinfeld, Professor of aging editor, columnist and Wash- native is a summa cum laude gradu- Mr. Shribman's appearance is convinced he had nothing to do with Communication ington bureau chief of The Boston ate of Dartmouth College, where he sponsored by the English, political the murders" Globe. He won the Pulitzer Prize, was elected a member of the Phi science, and communication de- .Heather Huffer, Biochemistry '98 "For the jury, I think it came journalism's highest honor, for 10 Beta Kappa honor society. At partments. down to two questions: Can feature stories about Washington Cambridge University in England, Those who wish to request I wouldn't Ier myself watch [the trial] they trust the evidence and does and the national political scene, sto- Mr. Shribman did graduate work as special services such as sign-inter- because the whole thing was so blown the timeline fit? ries that according to Mr. Shribman a James Reynolds Scholar. pretation should call Lynda out of proportion." -Dr. Charles Neal, Professor of "touched on something that Mr. Shribman is a member of Casserly at 857-2518 at least two -Paul Luse, Math '99 Political Science touched us all." He joined The the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth weeks prior to the lecture.
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