Page 27 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 27
SPORTS The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 15 Terror volleyball ace their way to 3-0 conference start By CAROLYN HARNK s date for the Green Terror's first and Greensborough College to make against Salisbury State and record stands at 5-6 overall and SI(1gWrilu much-needed win of the season their season record at the time 0-10. Shadrick led the defense 0-1 in the Centennial Confer- The volleyball team continued its against Johns Hopkins' Blue Jays in The netters put up a good fight in against Mary Washington Col- ence. stunning tum-around as they traveled Gill Center at 7:30 PM. their five-game match versus Salis- lege with 20 digs. To lead the offensive attack, to Dickinson for a dual-match on Sat- 1\vo weeks ago, WMC lost to bury State. but lost the fifth and de- Finally, in both teams first Millar registered eight kills and urday, September 23. The Terror upset Messiah, Kutztown, Salisbury State ciding game 13-15. Continuing to conference match of the season, nine digs, while freshman both their conference opponents. They University, Mary Washington Col- contgnd, the squad also fought hard the lady nerters earned their first Kurtyka had seven kills and 18 knocked off Haverford 3-0. TheTerror lege and Greensborough College in against Mary Washington College in victory against Johns Hopkins digs, and Quinn had five kills then beat Dickinson 3-1. non-conferenceplay. At Messiah, the afourgamematch. Scores were 12- University. The team won three and 16 digs. The defense was The wins improved the team to 3- netters dropped both ends of a trian- 15,6-15, 15-9,and9-15. And lastly, out of five close games, coming led by Shadrick with 20 digs and 10, 3-0 in the Centennial gularrnatch-5-15and 14-16, and also against Greensborough College, the from behind in two different Dill with 21 set assists. Conference.They arecurrentlytied with lost 3-15 and 5-15 against Kutztown team dropped three straight games occasions in the three games. Upcoming matches will see the Franklin andMarshall forsecorid place in the tournament held at Messiah. 10-15,10-15,and7-l5. Hopkins took the first game 16- netters meet Bryn Mawr and in the league. Sophomore Denise Dill lead the at- Freshman Kris Kurtyka, 14, while WMC retaliated with Muhlenberg both on Monday, Sep- Against Haverford, sophomore tack with II set assists. Also, offen- originally from Hagerstown, a 17-15 victory in the first two tember 25 in Centennial Conference Ashley Welter led the team with six sively,juniorcaptain Laura Veise had MD, was named to the AII- long games of the match. The play. The Green Terror will also host kills. Both Sophomore Karen Millar six kills. On defense.Quinn led with Tournament team at the Mary Blue Jays of Hopkins took the Elizabethtown on Wednesday, Sep- and Freshamn Kelly Quinn had five Hdigs. . , Washington College Invita- third match 15-5, but the Green tember 27 at 7:30 PM in Gill Center. kills. Denise Dill had 17 set assists. At the Mary Washington Invi- tional Tournamerit after reg- Terror returned with scores of It took WMC four games to beat tational Tournament in. istering an outstanding 13ยท 15-7 and a suspenseful 18-16 Dickinson. Canie Shadrick highlighted Fredericksburg, Virginia, the Terror kills, six solo blocks, two the game with iOkilIs, Izdigs.andnine dropped three more straight matches block assists, and 32 digs in set assists. against Salisbury State University, three matches. Quinn raoked Tuesday, 19, set the Mary Washington College, and up eleven kills and J 5 Field Hockey.falls to Muhlenberg Third loss in a row for struggling 1-3 Terrors other Haley assist. This time The girls completed the the goal was scored by 1994 season with an overall Marjorie Hargrave. Then the record of 9-5, finishing 6-3 continues its season, but not in Terror were stunned by the within the Centennial Con- the same manner in which they Mules Christy Rudderow. She ference. Head coach Tracey stW:ed it-After winning the first not only scored once to get Folio looks forward to a sea- of the season against Muhlenberg on the board, but son much like last year. Notre Dame by a score of 3-2, scored all four of the Mules Folio said, "Altogether the squad seems to be strug- goals. we have a pretty tough team gling. The Terror fell to 1-3, 0-2 this year, much like the team Saturday the Terror in the Centennial Conference. last year. I tell the girls to dcoDDe('-tb"iYthi,d~,,'n""u_~ __,__Qn~~m~r 16-, in a forget last year's outcome, tive game, falling 4-2 to game against Swarthmore, the just because we beat a team Muhlenberg. The Terror squad lost 4-0, and added an- last year doesn't mean that opened the scoring when other loss on September 19 we will beat them again this Amy North scored on an as- against York College by ascore-: -year.' said that sist from Katie Haley. The of 3-2. Both of Western the only outlook teams went into the half Maryland's goals came in the this season is to take it "one with WMC up 1-0. The Ter- second period and were scored by senior Heather Seaburg and Haley. Parish and Davis lead Cross Country FROM STAFf REPORTS The men's team only ran four runners and the team did not quality The Western Maryland College for team scoring. Mike Cushwa fin- cross country teams have raced out ished 79th. Jim Clarius camein 96th. to a great start behind sophomore Roeby Birdsall was the other runner Kelly Parish and junior Greg Davis. and came in 31:10. Over the past weekend the pair both On September 15th the teams finished in the top twenty at the participated in the Towson Stale In- Dickinson Open. vitational at Oregon Ridge Park in Parish, who as a freshman Hunt Valley, MD. Both Davis and played field hockey, finished the 5
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