Page 35 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 35
News Thursday, October 12, 1995, Page 7 Academic Skills Center at WM C gaining popularity 504 Program helps students with learning disabilities; teaches valuable study skills By SARAH E. S"ECKELLS learning disabilities come to WMC to expand the staff that we have." adapt, she added. "Denise is very understanding Staff Writer specifically for the 504 program Sophomore political science Senior pre-museum studies and the ASC has helped me out a The Academic Skills Center because we are starting become major Andy Kalisperis said that he major Cindy Slaughter said that lot," said Birdsall. "However, if the (ASC), better known as the 504 well known for our services," said heard about WMC's 504 program WMC was the only. school she program gets any larger, they defi- office, is one of the busiest places Marjarum. "We receive phone in high school and specifically looked at that had a program like nitely need more staff to accommo- on campus this year, bursting at the calls from guidance offices all over came here for it. He utilizes the 504 and that was one of the main date the [growing numbers]." seams with the amount of students wanting more information about note takers for one of his classes, reasons she came here. As a fresh- In a job that is so time and en- which utilize its services. what we do." has untimed tests, and makes ap- man, Slaughter was in th-e master- ergy consuming, there are bound to Denise Marjarum, coordinator While the ASC's reputation is pointments to have his papers student program with Barbara be a few headaches. Marjarum said of the ASC, said that eight fresh- improving, Marjarum seems wor- proofread when needed. Disharoon, Associate Dean of First that even during the first week of men with learning disabilities came ried about the future of the program "The ASC is a good program Year Students, which taught orga- classes, she was seeing between 18 in the Fall of 1992, whereas 45 enlight of the demanding workload. and the professors are willing to nization and study skills. Now, not and 20 students a day and finding freshmen came in this year. Now "Without added staff in the work with me," said Kalispens. only does she still use the ASC for that she needs more help. there are 105 students, which very, very near future, our program "Denise especially knows a lot untimed tests and help with math, . 'The biggest headaches for me changes almost weekly, using the is soon to drown because we are about the learning disabled and but she also works in the office with are that there are not enough hours ASC's services and a growing need barely hanging on with what we how our minds work." two freshmen who have problems in the day to deal with all of the for more qualified staff members. have now and the demand for our Providing different services to with papers and time management. students who need our services and "I have three graduate assis- services," said Marjarum. students with documented learning Slaughter said that Marjarum that there are people who don't tants who are part-time which add Dr. Henry Reiff, director of the disabilities, the ASC will set up goes beyond the call of her job and understand why we are here," said up to a little over one actual person ASC, said that the 504 program has tutors for students who need them, is definitely helpful. Marjarum. 'There are professors working m the ASC," said been running more smoothly and and if they know the subject, the "Denise is wonderful, orga- who do what we ask because we Marjarum. "I would really love to efficiently than ever before, bUI he student can be tutored in the 504 nized, and she is willing to go out ask them, and then there are others have another full-time 'person." does anticipate an increase in staff. office. Additionally, organizational of her way to help you. In doing who really understand and are will- Being a graduate assistant to "I think that Denise and our and study skills are taught, show- so, she has changed the program for ing to accommodate the students." the ASC herself before she became graduate assistants, Amy Brown, ing students how they can set spe- the better," said Slaughter. "How- Then, of course, there is the the coordinator, Marjarum received Tina Nardello, and Belinda Weaver, cific days for specific tasks. ever, I feel that because {the 504 frustration with students who need her master's degree in counseling do an excellent job, and the pro- Right now, at least half of the program] is getting larger, there has the ASC but are not coming for from WMC in 1993. Since then, gram has developed a strong repu- freshmen using the ASC came to to be more help to give more atten- help. Although every student could she said the program has changed tation over the past years which is WMC primarily for the service, tion to each student." benefit from the 504 program, dramatically with the numbers of directly attributable to the profes- according to Marjarum. Usually Junior sociology major Roeby Marjarum said that if everyone on students the ASC helps and its over- sionalism of Denise," said Reiff. there is more attention and accom- Birdsall said that one of the reasons campus who needed the ASC used all reputation. "If, however, the program contin- modations made for freshmen, and he looked at WMC was because of it, there would be no way the of- "More and more students with ues to grow, we undoubtedly need as they get older, they learn to theASC. fice could handle them at this time. ,;~ (Not A LotOf Money) ~e:"Ce:L MSRP Starting U'll~J.!~g. SEE YOUR TOYOTA DEALER TODAY. ,/!J~:~~~'~~M' MSRP BASED ON TAX. TAGS. tiTLE. F:?8GHT. O?TIO."W.. & REGIONAllY REQUIRED EQU;PMENl DEALER SETS FINAl PRICE,
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