Page 29 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 29
Front page ... Terror Roundup Scoreboard ..... M & W's Soccer .. Volleyball Memorial Dedication Ridington Lecture hosts Vice to be held October 13 President of National Geographic Courtesy of Public Information on the first floor seat only 40 people, Formal dedication of the !he perfect venue for a political debate newly restored and remodeled Me- or poetry reading. Reg Murphy discusses new information superhighway morial Hall will take place Friday, Gov. Parris Glendening will October 13 at 4 p.m. in Baker Me- present the keynote address with re- morial Chapel. marks to be delivered by Western Mary- In keeping with the college's land College President Robert H. goal for this project, "Preserving the Chambers, Provost and Dean of Pee- president the National Geo- Past for the Future," the infrastructure ulry Joan Develin Coley and represen- graphic Society, visited Western of the 66-year-old building is much- tatives from each of the departments Maryland College recently. improved yet it has retained its chann housed in the building, including En- On Thursday, September 28, and characeras an intimate setting for glish, history, political science, sociol- Murphy spoke at McDaniel study and discussion of the humani- ogy and social work. Lounge as part of the annual ties and social sciences. A ribbon cutting at Memorial Ridington Lecture. Murphy has Explains Jim Martin, project ar- Hall's north doorway and reception will distinguished himself in the news- chitect with CenterbrookArchitectsof be heldin the plaza directly following paper business as a writer for the Essex, Conn. "Our goal was to restore the brief formal ceremony. Students will Atlanta Constitution, editor and theexteriortoitsoriginal charm, while lead tours through the building during publisher of the San Fransico Ex- creating astate-of-theart academic in- this time. aminer and most recently as pub- terior," Formerly called Science Hall, this lisher ofthc Baltimore Sun, In ad- Blackboards have been replaced quintessential academic building in dition to his his positon at Na- by green marker boards designed to the neoclassic style was first occu- tiona! Geographic and his in- accept all writing materials, classroom pied in 1929 with the dining hall lo- volvement in many civic activi- configurations enable teachers to be- cated in the basement. On October ties, Murphy is also president of come facilitators rather than lecturers 24, 1958 the name Memorial Hall the United States Golf Associa- and desks are equipped with data was given, in recognition of all of the tion. communication ports. Still class- buildings and memorials in the Old Murphy's speech, entitled "As switching from passive forms of formation superhighway such as rooms remain small, as class sizes Main complex, which disappeared the World Shrinks ...In Human Ge- entertainment, such as TV and publishing CD-ROM material and at WMC continue to average 30. entirely in the summer of 1959 due ography," focused on the recent newspapers, to active forms like offering maps on the internet. He in communications games Even the two amphitheaters featured to a new campus configuration. advancements and the role of the me- computer groups. and on-line dis- did say, however, thai the society had no plans to ever stop publish- technology cussion corpora- Giant Parking problems: dia and entertainment He noted the tions, Disney and ABC-TV are ing its popular monthly magazine. industries formal in «day's his After to cash in on this switch. speech, society. merging Murphy the ways questions, answered Murphy also discussed fact or fiction? public's "voracious appetite for in which is adjusting to the new in- cluding several on topics of local in- information and entertainment" the National Geographic Society and said that right now people are See Murphy, p.4 Students too lazy to park away from Where does your dorm according to DoCS Inside violation money go? by LisaT. Hill The Phoenix Editor-in-Chief Students can often By AMY HANNA finish the renovations of Memorial be seen on a Sunday Staff Writer Hall? Well, sorry to be the one to Commentary 2-3 night driving around Alcohol violations. Parking break it to you but... your money is Green Terror Cartoon 3 and around Whiteford tickets. Noise violations. Do any not being used for any of these WMCR makes move .4 Lot looking for a park- of these sound familiar to you? projects. (Big newsflash there, SGA Bulletin Board 5 ing space. But is the Well, if you're like many stu- huh?) Instead, your money (or in parking situtation at dentsaIWMC,theseoffensesprob- some cases your parents' money) Homecoming Court 6 WMC really as bad as ably sound all too familiar to you is being lumped into an on-going, SGA Open Forum 6 it seems? to return, outside of DoCS. But, even if you haven't had a run- ever-growing "general fund." 504 Program 7 Mike Webster, di- in with campus safety or your RA Now, your next questions Cooper celebrates 42 yrs 8 rector of Campus Safety, said the staff, undergraduates, graduates, (as of yet), you may want to read r probably go something like ... "And WM student visits Thailand.S parking problem is "one of conve- and commuters, according to on to find out all the "fun" you're what the !/*#@ does this mean?" nience, nOI one of space." Webster. missing out on. and "Don't we already pay enough 60 Seconds ll "Students want to park as Out of that total, 530 potential As to all of you Green Terrors to be going here in the first place?" Classifieds ll close to their building as possible," student parkers will have 526 pos- who have had the great misfortune If you find yourself in this boat, Front page Sports 16 he said. "But it is just not possible sible places to park, according to of being cited for an offense, don't you're not the only one. Green Terror Roundup .. 13 for everyone to do that." Webster. Although these numbers you wonder where all you precious For instance, Freshman Erin Letter to Sports Editor .. 13 Department of Campus Safety are slightly uneven, Webster insists money is going? Is it going to- Webb recalled, "The first week I sold a total of 836 parking decals there is "more than enough" park- wards world peace? To save the was here, I got a ticket for not hav- Terror Scoreboard 14 to members of the college commu- ing for everyone. rainforests? To feed the hungry? ing my parking sticker on my car. nity this year, including faculty, See Parking, p. 11 To do something about Gtar? To See Violation MOlley, p.4
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