Page 25 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 25
SPORTS The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 13 _,_ WMC graduate, Folio, returns to head Field Hockey feels that "this is the right place and WMC in 1991 with a bachelor the right time." of arts degree in physical educa- While at western Maryland tion, currently lives in Carroll Green Terror field hockey Folio received several awards. She County, of which she is a life- began the season not only with received the Mary Ward Lewis long resident. new players, but with a new Prize, which is given annually to the In addition to coaching, Fo- coach as well. senior female with the most out- lio is working towards a master's Tracey Folio, graduate of standing undergraduate record. degree in counseling at Western Western Maryland returned to Folio was also given the Steve Rob: Maryland. She is married and campus this season as head coach ert Wilson Memorial Award, pre- works as a physical education- of the Green Terror field hockey sented each year to both the senior motor development teacher in the squad. male and female with the most out- Carroll County School system. Folio was a member of the standing record in track and field; When asked about her field hockey team at Western and she received the Faith Millard coaching philosophy Folio said, Maryland from 1987-1990,play- Medal, which is awarded to an out- "Fundamentals and execution ing defensive link. In 1993, she standing senior woman athlete who are the keys to success. Giving returned as assistant coach under- displays skill, leadership and a 100 percent in practices and at then head coach Kathy Railey. sense of fair play. ~tcoachAmyGrocki game time is all that one can ask ~ ... Before returning to WMC, In addition, Folio earned the attributes of charity, altruism, former for the women's track' for." Folio, coached field hockey for CharlesW.HavensAward. TheHa- benevolence and a humane and team in 1991, which was her Folio believes that athletics recreation councils. She enjoys vens Award is presented annually compassionate concern for his fourth season as a member of that can teach many lessons and that coaching and accepted the posi- to a graduating senior athlete who or her fellow players. She was squad. communication on the field is tion of head coach because she has shown by word and deed the also named Most Valuable Per- Folio, who graduated from important Football rides 3 game win streak from p.16 pleted27 of 53 passes for283yards over 100 yards, picking up 113, with For his performance, Van and two touchdowns. The senior Gavin DeFreitas leading the way with Deusen was named the Centen- quarterback threw to nine different 35 yards on II carries. nial Conference's offensive receivers on the day, with Todd InthelhirdquartertheTenortook player of the week. Junior line- , Carberry catching eight passes for thegame over on their second posses- backer Brian Perrier was named 77 yards and Dan Coleman catch- siongoing on a 86-yard l2-playdrive, to the CC's honor roll after accu- ing 6 passes for46yards. "I made a puncmeted by a Van Deusen 20 yard mulating five tackles, a sack, and coupleofbadpassesearly,itwasjust passtoTexldCarbenyforatouchdown a pass breakup. slow start, but then we got it going," on fourth down to take a 20-7 lead. NEWS AND NOTES... Ter- said Van Deusen. "The offense re- Later in thequartertheTerrortook ad- ror kicker Zippy Mackie had a ally seemed to work in the second vantage of another Bear turnover as rough day against Gettysburg, half,and we had sorne nice drives." Van Deusen threw a 12 yard pass to with two blocked field goals ~'Oui gameplsjiwas to throw Dan Coleman 10 end the scoring-for and one miss but has made II the ball short. We weren't able to the day. of 13 extra points anempts. Women'sSoccer score. run as well as we wanted, but their For the third straight week the With the win against Ursinus, own a team] up over 100 yards [as fromp:-16- - abour-tt "We [double-teaming.} talked - defensive line did a greatjob,"said Terror picked racking tip 127 pert- the Terror mark now against a career them "I'm not after head coach Tim Keating. in penalties, 15-4-1 the State game," said Flynn. happy with how we played, but I'm altyyardson 14 infractions. What which is the highest winning Lynnae Stoehr from Mission "Steph knows what to do whe.n happy with the win." is a concern is that many of them- percentage against any oppo- Viejo, CA., fed a pass across the that happen~. S.he has to J:ed_.-__ After.a strong performance the come at bad times, stalling drives nent. WMC faces Muhlenburg front of the goal to forward Judy rect and redistribute the ball. I previous week agifust-Getzysb!lfg, and letting opponents to continue. next week in Allentown, be- Remnitz of Needham, MA., who don't think you can double- the running game was forthe~ absolutely sickened by it," fore having two w.eeks off un- one-touched into the net. team anyone on our front seven partfrustmted against the Bears due SaldKearlng'_~COrd at til they meet Dickinson on the Seven minutes later, Remnitz assisted on the Terrors and ~~~I:a~l:~t:r~t.';ike Van ~::s ~~e atm~~~=e~~~~ =;~~:~~:~:oa~~, ~u~;I~L_~~~~70i~t~Oeo~i:;t ~~~~ fourth goal of the game when Deusen, Remnitz and the oth- ever, for the second straight week, to do something about it and since 1992. Stephanie Van Deusen took the ers get all the highlights, it is a the running committee did rush for quickly" pass and kicked it in for a 4-2 pair of hardworking WMClead. midfielders that Flynn feels are WMC beats G-Burg 21-17 In the second half the Ter- the key to their transition ror padded their lead. Remnitz game. scored again this time on an as- "Lynnae [Stoehr] and Gina sist from Erin Kelly. After a [Magin] set up the scorers," By JOSHUA FOSTER 65-yard gain, and to give the Ter- game winner. Co-Editor SporlS F&M goal made it 5-3, Kelly said Flynn, "but they won't ever In action two weeks ago, the ror a come-from-behind win on the Running back Scooter assisted on WMC's final score. get the notoriety." Terror defeated the Bullets of road. Banks had his best collegiate Kelly shot the ball towards the Magin a freshman is from Gettysburg 21-17. Though the After WMC scored their first game, rushing for 74 yards on goal with Celena Welty and Jes- Westminster. She is always on Terror dominated the statistics, touchdown on a 21-yard pass from 15 carries. The Terror ground sica Mongrain charging hard. according to Flynn. "She is an they were behind 17-14 with five Van Deusen to Rash, the Bullets unit gained 179 yards on the Mongrain got there first, punch- excellent player out of the air. minutes left to play. ran back the ensuing kickoff back ground. ing it through for the score. Her headball game is great." It was not until sophomore to tie the score at 7-7. It remained The defense held The Terror outs hot the Dip- Stoehr is what Flynn calls tied until Gettysburg scored their Gettysburg to 64 yards rushing a 65- lomats 31-12 in route to their a "proverbial workhorse." She receiver Trey Rash caught Brain second touchdown on a 34-yard and only 227 total yards. yard pass from quarterback first win in the Centennial Con- leads the team in assists. Van Deusen with 4:30 left to play pass to make the score 14-7 at However, the team racked up ference. "She is a smart player and that the Terror would take the lead the half. After recovering a 12 penalties for 117 yards. Van Deusen is the team's very intense, always in the fumble on the Bullet's first In the game Van Deusen had a big day, Rash leading scorer with six goals and game," said Flynn. for good. seven passes for 143 drive in the second half at the broke the old Centennial Con- catching one assist for 13 points. how- The Terror have a week off yards and two touchdowns. G-Burg 23- yard line, Scooter ference record of career ever, since the Salisbury State after their win. They will go On the gamewinning touch- Banks scampered 17 yards to completions and also the mark game, team's have 'been keying back into action Saturday, Sep- down, the Gettysburg defender tie the game. The Bullets for most career attempts. He on the fantastic freshman tember 30 against Swarthmore. went for an interception, letting would add a field goal to take also broke the WMC mark of making it hard for her to the lead, but Van Deusen and most touchdowns responsible Rash turn a lO-yard gain into a Rash would connect for the For, and now has the most ca- reer yards in total offense.
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