Page 183 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 183
FEATURES Thursday, April16, 1996 - Page 11"" Motart- Noar forms The Easy close relationships Gourmet with students SluffWriler The nature of the job allows her to be Spring fever is in the air and can campus. not only a profossor, but afriend be recognized all around to Alumni As I walk from PELC Hall and down to the apartments crying, so you listen, you encour- By SERGIO AGUILERA students are lounging wherever the Contributing wruer age and try to cheer himJher up," suns radiant beams embrace the There's an old Spanish proverb she said. earth. that says: "If you want to know In those cases when a family Red Square and the Quad are about someone, talk to those who story comes out, there's a lot of filled with procrastination, as know him/her." talking that has nothing to do with frisbees, footballs, and hacky sacs "She's just great," Florence Study Abroad, but with advising glide through the air from person Douce, exchange student and for- and counseling, she noted. And she to person. The area surrounding eign languages major, said when seems to enjoy this part of her job, the apartments is filled with music. asked about Martine Motard-Noar, because one of her favorite things as students relax and enjoy the associate professor of the foreign is to meet students, build excite- warm rays that tan their bodies and languages department and director ment in them and see the results, warm their spirits. Spring is finally of the Study Abroad program. especially when they go abroad, here and everyone is taking it in; Motard-Noar may have heard according to Motard-Noar. stealing every opportunity avail- comments like that more than once But her job also has a negative able to indulge in the camaraderie during her eight years at WMC, side. "It's frustrating because very that inevitably accompanies since her relationship with the stu- few people go abroad," she said. springs arrival. dents doesn 't end after crossing the Motard-Noar can have around 50 As I walk through campus border that separates the class- or 60 meetings in a semester with watching old friends reunite and rooms and the rest of the world. stude-ts that may study abroad. new friends form I can't help but She takes the merit out of her- Out of them only six or seven will compare the grassy knolls on cam- self saying that it's usual in a small actually go. Martine Motora-Noar is the associate professor of the foreign language pus to the sand covered play- department like the one she's work- According to her, WMC sends department. and she is also the director of the Study Abroad Program. grounds of a beach. But one thing ing in; but, as she admits, she still between one-third and one-tenth of is missing! The students around keeps in touch with some of her the students that other liberal arts the job as director of this program on having energy to continue campus lack the frosty cold bever- students after graduating. "This colleges of the same size send. "We four years ago. changing the classes." age in a tall glass, with little um- [keeping in contact with students] rank among the lowest Study Before arriving at WMC she Energy and vitality is not some- brellas, and long straws that should is very rewarding, maybe the only Abroad students of the universities taught at Drew College in New Jer- thing lacking in Motard-Noar ac- be in every beach combers hand. rewarding thing of this work," as of the region," she said. sey, after coming with her husband cording to Florence Douce, who is Wouldn't it be wonderful to Motard-Noar says. There are a few reasons for this, from Nebraska, where-he was an also from Paris. "She is a strong have people walking around Red Motard-Noar is one of those as she states: mentality, outlooks, intern in a hospital and she was woman," Douce said. "It must be a Square and the Quad with trays professors who gets attached to stu- lack of habit (WMC students are doing her doctoral thesis. It makes Parisian thing". serving refreshing drinks? One of dents. The reason for this relation- not used to seeing their fellow a total of 14 years in the U.S. This Anyhow, despite of the amount the cruel discrepancies between ship is that she ends up knowing classmates going abroad), the fact number is going to keep on grow- of time she dedicates to her duties, grassy knolls and sandy beaches. some students very closely because that students count on WMC schol- ing, since Motard-Noard has no her main concern remains the stu- But this doesn't mean that you one of her tasks as director of the arships that aren't transferrable intention of moving. dents. can 't make a frosty creation of your Study Abroad program is counsel- when studying abroad ... these are "I'm geographical limited, so. I "If I can help a student, make a own to sip in the sun during study mg. some of them. don't see much difference in a near person feel better, even if slhe breaks. Break out the straws and "There's a lot of psychological This Parisian woman, mother of future," she said. "I just hope that doesn't go abroad, that's a good umbrellas and get ready for a tropi- counseling. Sometimes they come three children and married to an life will calm down, to have a day at least," she said. cal sensation to hit the hill. saying: 'I want to go abroad but my American doctor seemed to know couple more students that will Bon Appetite. dad doesn't let me' and they start the challenge when she accepted study abroad every year, and keep Tropical Sensation European trip with Esa Buckalew ContinuedJrompage 11 group visited Vienna, which was Continued from page 10 A young alumni is someone who Ingredients: Needless to say, the visit sparked the last stop. While some spent the for end of April. has graduated in the past len years, Tropicana Twister of your choice. many emotions for the group, but day shopping, others had the op- ''This is one of the biggest pro- according to Buckalew. This com- Ginger ale. especially Palijczuk. Much of the pcrtunity to go to an opera, The grams I do, and it can be pretty mittee plans events for other young Ice. camp, including all of the barracks, Life of me Bohemians. Esa stated, stressful sometimes," said alumni like ski trips, happy hours, Your choice of fruit (I suggest were destroyed about ten years af- "It was a most interesting experi- strawberries and bananas). ter the war. ence to be at an opera in Vienna. "I love being on campus and being around Measuring cups. According to Palijczuk, "(The The people who went really en- students to make contact with them now. blender. camp) is sterile of all human feel- joyed it even if they didn't under- Preparation: ing and suffering." Upon leaving stand all of the words." So, hopefully, they will be more willing to I. Put I cup of ice into the blender the Krematorium, which was the Also in Vienna, the group vis- and crush well. building containing the gas cham- ited the Schonbrunn Palace which come back after they graduate because they 2. Add one cup Tropicana Twister bers and the incinerators, the group was once inhabited by the will remember me. " and 2 cups ginger ale along with 4 met a survivor of Dachau. The Hapsburg family. The palace, strawberries and half a banana (or Polish soldier was liberated at the which contained 1,441 rooms, Beth Buckalew fruit of your choice). Blend until end of the war and now returnsev- served as a summer home for mixed and pour into a frosty glass. "There was an evil; this man wants to Buckalew. ''The program is a day and activities that are not expen- contact with them now. So, hope- that alumni can come back to the sive. fully, they will be more willing to make sure people don't forget. " campus and become educated on Even though she enjoys what come back after they graduate be- a particular subject." she is doing, her work can be very cause they will remember me," she Wasyl Palijczuk Last year, this event focused on demanding at times. "It depends on said. "I also have developed great the Battle of Gettysburg. This year, the day," said Buckalew. "Some- relationships with some of the eryday to educate others of the ter- Maria Theresa who had sixteen the program is entitled "Let it rible tragedy. ''There was an evil," children in only nineteen years. Spring: Creative Thinkers in Ac- times it is very stressful, and I have alumni." stated Palijczuk, "this man wants After a long eight days, the tion." Buckalew is hoping that my hands going in so many direc- Outside her job, Buckalew en- .. to make sure people don't forget." group boarded a flight home which over 100 people will attend. tions that just keeping track of ev- joys keeping in touch with college Finally, Dr. Esa and his group would take them back to New York erything is difficult." friends, and she is interested in with Additionally, returned to Austria and visited the after a brief layovwer in Brussels, the Young Alumni she works to get So, what keeps Buckalew at teaching aerobics. She also enjoys Program city of Salzburg where The Sound Belgium. Dr. Esa asserts, "Study WMC? "I love being on campus spending time with her niece and and being around two nephews. make oj Music was made. Then, the tours are experiences for life."
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