Page 184 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 184
"Thursday.April Iri, 1996-Page 12 FEATURES Movie Review: Suspenseful thriller, Fear, starring Mark Wahlberg, delivers what the title promises By E~lIu STAMATHIS the other hand, sees right through him. He through for Nicole in the end. lar songs by the group Bush. S/(ljfWriler tries to forbid his daughter to see him, but Fear is the kind of movie that's suspense- The only negative thing about the movie If there's a lesson to be learned from the she's too in-love to see the evil side of David ful and scary but very enjoyable. It keeps is the abrupt ending. The climax is barely movie Fear, it's that if someone seems too that slowly begins to reveal itself. you on the edge of your seat, often making resolved before the final credits start roll- good to be true, they probably are. After upsetting episodes between David you gasp and jump. The main characters are ing, which left me feeling a little unsettled. In the case of David, Fears sweetheart- and Nicole's family and friends, she too re- all young, beautiful, and fun to watch. The But overall, Fear is the kind of movie that's turned-psychopath, he starts out so sweet alizes that David is seriously disturbed. Only film's soundtrack is fantastic. including frightening in an exciting way, making it and ideal that it has to be an act. The movie's after Nicole tries to sever her relationship Machinehead and Comedown, the two popu- fun to be scared. previews left no doubt about that. It is a with David does his awful dark-side fully surprise though, the scary, violent maniac come out. job of he actually turns out to be. Mark Wahlberg does an excellent character. Dave Seibert honored as The movie starts out like every other playing an extremely obsessed teenage romance. Sixteen-year-old Nicole, David is very scary in the way he refuses to college coach of the year played by Reese Witherspoon, spots a mys- let Nicole go. He stalks and torments her with -"'terious stranger at a Seattle hangout and is a creepy, cocky attitude. He even saves her immediatly attracted to him. That night, pictures and belongings in an eerie shrine in along with her girlfriend who is played by his bedroom. Alyssa Milanno from Who's The Boss?, she Wahlberg is very believable and also follows him to a club and they eventually seems really comfortable in the psychotic meet. role, having said in an interview that he al- It's love at first sight for both Nicole and ways wanted to playa bad guy. He gave a David. He's played by Mark Wahlberg, who great performance as another bullying char- may have formerly been a cheesy rapper and acter in The Basketball Diaries last year, and Calvin Klein underwear model but in my I think he'll continue an interesting movie opinion has proved himself to be a good career after Fear. enough actor to drop the "Marky" from his Reese Witherspoon, who also starred in name. In the beginning he plays the defini- The Man in the Moon and S.F.W., gave a tive perfect boyfriend; he showers her with good performance as well. The 20 year-old compliments, picks her up from school ev- actress looked very young and innocent, eas- ery day, and even addresses her parents as ily passing for 16, and you could really sym- "sir" and "ma'am." You can't blame Nicole pathize with how scared she was. Amy for falling for him. Brenneman's character Starts off as the ste- Her father (actor William Petersen) on reotypical evil stepmother, but she comes Dave Seibert has coached the WMC baseball team for 16 years. By NIKKI KASSOLIS "equal credit to the 24 players and three as- Slo.ffWriler sistants (who) made it happen." As for the The ninth inning, two outs, and WMC is award's impact on the college as a whole, behind by one run. A runner checks his lead Seibert views this as a "big plus to the base- at first, while a nervous batter readies his ball program." stance at the plate. The batter has two strikes A WMC graduate himself, Seibert took against him and things are looking down for little time in climbing to his current posi- the WMC baseball team. tion. Seibert graduated in 1978 and by the But never fear, Maryland's 1995 college fall of 1980 he was WMC's head baseball coach of the year, Dave, is calling the shots. coach. For 16 years, Seibert has been calling the Over the years, he has watched the learn shots for the WMC baseball team. Last year grow and develop. The team now plays a he was rewarded with the Maryland State minimum of 30 games a season, takes an ex- And We~11Gi~eYou Association of Baseball Coaches, coach of tensive trip to Florida during the spring, plays league. and each player fol- in a fall baseball the year award. program. weight training lows a year-round off a record-breaking The award capped OneOfOurLffij year for the team in which their 19 wins be- But one thing has remained the same over (it) the years, the team is "very competitive, for a season came ever in the the most school's has been," said Seibert. as one of the highlights of his the award history. Seibert reflects on 1995 and always Seibert's prominence in the WMC com- coaching career. He also counts the team's munity is not limited to baseball. He is an Next "me)'Ou visit Flnte. Blake sure you bring 1984 Mid-Atlantic conference baseball assistant football coach, a position he has a mug shot. Bet?'use when you .how u. your championship as one of his biggest accom- held for the past 17 years. He also serves as plishments as a coach. a lecturer coach in the EPE department. student 10 card. your flnt draft Is Just 1<:with Oriole Park at Camden Yards played host Reflecting on the award, Seibert feels that a food purc:hase of 55 or JIlOre. So take a to the ceremony at which Seibert received award or no award, he will "work just as hard the award this past February. Seibert was every game." However he admits that this break froID .tudytng end have some fun at given a plaque at the ceremony, which also recognition "makes you feel good about what nest ••. We can't walt to see you,r face. honored outstanding high school baseball you do, makes it all worthwhile." and the pitch. \fi~.S)P by a committee, selection was not strictly based The batter nervously 10 see the watchful eyes Here comes the wind-up, coaches. To receive the honor, Seibert was selected his feet shifts and glances to the dugout for "somebody looking that an That coach is Maryland's had col- outstanding of his coach. season." The committee's lege coach of the year, Dave Seibert. With Seibert's eyes upon him, the batter Southwestern Restaurant ~ on the team's record, but rather on the over- swings and hits a high fly ball to the right all accomplishments of both the team and 1012 Baltimore Blvd. (East of Westminster on RI. 1.40) the coach. field wall, its going back to the warning 876-3169. .. fiesfos track, its going, it's going.. gone. A vic- tory for WMC, a victory for Dave Seibert.
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