Page 188 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 188
Thursday. April 16, 1996 - Page 16 SPORTS Women's tennis keeps winning; men keep trying ~~~----~----=-----------~--~---, 14 in a home match where they JONATHON SHA-CAT Edington Leeture Series Features Editor blanked Ursinus 9-0 You win some, you lose some. The men lost to Ursinus 5-2 This season, the women's tennis away on the same day. The Green 'team is winning and the men's is Terror won two out of the three not. doubles matches to gel the lone The women's team is 7 and 2 doubles team point. The winning overall for the season and 6 and 2 doubles teams were those of Matt WMCADE proudly invites you to our first in the centennial conference while Roth and Kevin Klunk, and Kevin the men's team is I and 8 overall Bernhardt and Colin Forman. series of prominent Deaf and hearing leaders in and 0 and 6 in the conference. At the April 16 men's tennis The reason the women's team match at home, WMC lost to Get- EducationlDeaf Studies: is playing better than the men's is tysburg. The third doubles team of that it's composed of more seniors, Junior Kevin Bernhardt and Fresh- explains Jim Lopez, tennis coach. men Colin Forman, who nearly ex- Dr. Ben Bahan It's simple, "having more seniors tended their winning streak to four, [ona team] makes youbetter." The lost by a narrow margin of 8 games presenting topics from his newly published book players on an older team have been t09. The close game sent them into playing together longer and there- a lie-breaker match which they lost fore make a better learn. 5-7. In the fifth singles match, However, the mostly-senior Bernhardt lost 4-6, 3-6; putting an "Journey Into the Deaf World" women's team could be at a disad- end to his three match winning vantages next year. Unless the in- streak also. Gettysburg's men's Date: May 3, 1996 coming class is strong, the team team is 6-5 overall and 2-4 for the Time: 7:30 p.m. "Having more seniors [on a team} makes Place: Western Maryland College you better" (not in Western Maryland) Head coach Jim Lopez * In the Decker Student Center: The Forum will not be as strong, Lopez said. conference. $5.00 for admission The men's team is not playing The women's team lost to Get- as well this season because the tysburg at an away game on April conference in which it is compet- 17. The score was 9-0. ing is "one of the toughest in the Gettysburg's women's is 17-1 for FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: country," said Lopez. the season and has won 14consecu- Estella Bustamant Vaiva Bichnevicius Another reason the men's team tive matches. (301) 441ยท4543 VABOOI@NSI.WMC.CAR.MD.US is not doing well is because it has The women's tennis team mostly freshmen and sophomores played on April 18 at home against on it. This composition is a plus, Notre Dame and won 7-2. They said Lopez, in that the players will clinched the win by capturing 5 of grow and mature together, eventu- 6 singles matches. One highlight hosted by ally becoming more experienced. of the game: Karen Fulton beat her Western Maryland College They will have "every opportunity opponent 6-love, 6-love. to grow and develop on a team," The men's team beat Haverford Association of Deaf Education (WMCADE) but this is where coaching will 7-0 on April 19. come into play, said Lopez The women's team beat Bryn Bilingual/Bicultural Committee The men's only win was Mawr 5-4 on April 20. If they win against Elizabethtown (5-2) on one more game in the conference, *WMC is approximately 30 miles Northwest of Baltimore, 50 milles North of D.C. April 10. the team will have their best record The women had a chance to in the three years of being in the show their skillson Saturday,April conference. Title hopes dim for young Terror team after Ursinus loss Continued from page 20 women hosted Messiahon April II, the third inning. Ruprecht won her Diane Skoda singled to lead off the only to get shutout [1-0. Messiah ninth game of the season. inning and went to third on a held WMC to only two hits for the In the nightcap, center-fielder double by Thompson, putting run- game. Thompson went 4-4, including a ners on 2nd and 3rd with no outs. First baseman Kel\ly Bowen doublle and a triple. Scott drove However,Scott poppedout to short eamed Centennial Conference bon- in three runs, IwOby a double in and Backof hit a ground ball to ors as the Co-player of the week the fifth inning. Sophomore Amy third and on the throw to first (April 8-12). Bowen batted over Allen was the winning pitcher. Skoda, attempting to score on the .500 and was 5-1 for the week. Again sweeping a double- throw to first, was thrown out at On Saturday, April 13, the header, WMC beat Dickinson in home. GreenTerrortraveledtoAllentown, Carlisle, PA on the 18th. Sopho- Ursinus would add another run PAto meet Muhlenberg in another more second basemanJulie Backof in the top of the seventh 10put the doubleheader. Again the women had five hits in both games COO1- game away. swept the series with scores of7-5, bined as pitchers Ruprecht and "They were maybe a lillie bet- 4-3. Bowenhada two-runhomerun Allen each added a win to their ter than we were. You have gal to in the first game to put the WMC record. attack ina championshipgame and ahead. Freshman right-hander Commenting on the season, .,_ we didn't attack," said head coach Scott won her third consecutive Ruprecht said, "We've had a pretty George Dix. game. good season because of our great Although coming up short in WMC also defeated Mary team unity, but it's going 10be dif- the Ursinus game, they had an ex- Washington College the next after- ficult to replace the three leaving tremely strong attack against Hav- noon in a non-CC double-header. seniors." erford back on April 8. The Green The Terror took the first game 9-1 The Green Terror's record is Terrorwere easy winnersin theCC with shortstop Janueary Scott hit- now 20-5 overall and 12-2 in the double-header as they swept the ting a bases loaded double in the Cc. Although Ursinus still has two series 26-1, 22-0. They held Hav- second inning to score two and games left in the Conference to erford to only four hits on the day. sophomore third-baseman Gina play, it is doubtful that they will Freshman Kim Ruprecht prepeares 10pitctt the bali. After crushing Haverford, the Hughes smashing a solo homor in lose both of them. stand-out pitcher and large asset to the team.
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