Page 186 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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.Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 14 FEATURES RAG sponsors Baltimore Orioles trip JONATHON SHACAT Unfortunately that did not help so much. An Features Editor exhaust fan would have done better. De- I attended a Rouzer Association of Gov- spite our attempts to get fresh air, we still ernance (RAG) sponsored even! on April 12 breathed like we all had Emphysema or and was asked by Micah Humbert to write something. "something" about it. The event was a base- • Later, we came to a railroad crossing and ball game at Oriole Park at Camden Yards a very, very long train came. It was one of to see the Baltimore Orioles play the Min- those trains that goes about 2 miles per hour nesota Twins. and seems like it will never end. The kind It all started when our group squeezed of train that makes you wonder how it gets into the WMC "pickle" van and embarked as boring as watching that QVC channel that started. Meanwhile, the exhaust fumes con- on a trip to the ballpark. The event was free sells stuff you really don't need anyway. tinued to intoxicate us. (I probably lost about of charge and included a ticket, transporta- Until, of course, someone decides to hit a eight years of my life because of those tion, and a brown bag meal from Glar. (I'm home run. fumes.) Finally, we reached the college still trying to figure out what it was that I ate And what do you know, the first time I where I took a gasp of fresh air. It was nice from that bag.) decide to go to the concession stand to get a to be back at good old WMC. When we arrived at the stadium, we no- $3 cup of soda (highway robbery, if you ask Except for the minor and somewhat ma- _ticed that the exhaust pipe had fallen off of me), a player on the Twins team hit a home jor mishaps with which we were faced that "the van. Little did I know, this was just the run. My luck, let me tell you. Anyway, two evening, Micah Humbert planned a nice suite. beginning of a bad night. We walked to the more home runs were hit; one by the Orioles event. for Affinity field and found our seats in the upper deck. and another by the Twins. Other RAG sponsored events planned The air is so thin at that altitude that I am The final score of the game: Orioles 3, this year include at least two pizza parties surprised my nose did not start to bleed. At Twins 2. and an auction. Mike requirements that height, I could almost touch the clouds. After the game, we went back to the van The officers for next year include The game soon began. and headed for the College. When exiting Gaston, president; Jeff Mills, vice-president; change During most of the game, I did what most the stadium parking lot, our driver made a and Lorin Kaneff, secretary. The RAG ad- people do at a baseball game. I sat, talked to wrong tum and we got lost. We ended up in visor for will be Makeba Clay, a residence the guy next to me, and waited for some ac- the bad part of town. You know, the kind of life coordinator. By SARAH SNELL tion and excitement. The game was excit- place where you don't feel safe walking in Events scheduled for next year may in- Staff Writer ing, I guess. I mean, it was a baseball game. broad daylight, let alone II p.m. clude a trip to Baltimore, a billiards tourna- Requirements for Affinity housing at You know, nine innings ofthe same thing-s- During the ride, the carbon monoxide ment for incoming students, and one or more WMC have changed slightly for next year. throwing a ball 100 m.p.h. at some guy who fumes started to kill us. Someone, I'm not sports tripes), ~uch as soccer, hockey, foot- Affinity housing has three basic require- he is supposed to hit it with a stick. It's about, sure who, decided to open the windows. ball, or basebalL ments to remain in affinity housing. They Letter from abroad: Adjusting to Spain must have bimonthly activity per year, and gr~)llp ~eeti~gs,,~ne, community campus now they must have one activity a semester or what have you. The police are right there for the building, according to Ch~rlene but the meat is quite tasty. Paella is the "na- By VICKY CARROMBA monitoring everything, but the tend to leave Kinsey, assistant director of Residence Life. Comribllti"ngwriler tional dish" of Spain. It consists of rice, veg- HelloWMC, etables, seafood, and' some type of meat or everyone alone. It really is a sight to see! The requirement formerly said that the One final thing I'd like to add is that the groups only had to do one community act~y- w I just wanted to write everyone 10 share chicken. What is so different about the dish Center where I study sponsors lots of side ~ty per year, according to the ~finity Hous- some of my thoughts and experiences here is the spices they add to it. Saffron gives it trips to many places. We have been to many 109 Application and Process. in Spain so far. its color and taste. The majority of the food places such as Cordoba and Granada. I hilye First, this experience has been one of the is fried, which was also something I had to most exciting things I have ever done. I am get used to. All in all, the food is quite good. also had some opportunities to travel on my "~ih~g'~oup'must ap'p'oint a own or with friends. I've traveled to learning a lot about this wonderful culture The next custom I had to get used to was group manager for intra- Madrid, Portugal, and the Canary Islands. and speaking Spanish better than ever the social atmosphere in Sevilla. Let me start (thanks to the help of Dr. Deveny). by saying that the drinking age is 16. Every- ~ta~ea~:~;e~~~; ~~i~:::I:~e~::v~;~~~ group and inter-group There were a couple of things I had to one here parties, but in a very peaceful and get accustomed to when I first arrived here. social atmosphere. I'm pretty sure that the and I will never forget the time I have spent communication ... Food was one. Since I live with a family, majority of the WMC campus would have a here in Spain. Well, that's all for now. I my house mother cooks all of the meals. pretty good time if they experienced it them- hope everyone has a good end of semester. Along with the activities comes paper- Three basic foods that she prepares are: rice, selves. Yes, many people go to bars and I'll see everyone in the fall. work. The group must submit a "Program eggs, fish, and ham. Ham is a major part of clubs. But what struck me as interesting was Hasta luego, and Money Request" seven days prior to the the diet here in Spain. Everywhere you walk that every Friday and Saturday night, throngs Vicky Carromba activity according to the Affinity Housing you see legs of ham hanging in the store and throngs of people party and just hang- manuaL No more than 48 hours after the windows and in bars. Its not a pretty sight out in the streets with open containers of beer activity. the group must submit a "Program Evaluation" along with all appropriate re- Walking uphill burns extra calories ceipts and change to Kinsey, according to the manual. The group must appoint a group man- ager for intra-group and inter-group commu- Walking is good exercise. But walking Walking uphill not only bums extra calo- walking on level ground. So walk down- nication, as well as to meet with the Resi- uphill can be super exercise. Dr. James ries, it builds stamina, strengthens your legs, hill slowly enough so you are not hitting dence Life Affinity coordinator, the appli- _Rippe, an associate professor of medicine and develops your quadriceps (front thigh the ground with too much impact. Remem- cation reads. at Tufts University and the author of Fit- muscle). Rippe cautions, however, that walk- ber to keep your posture erect. (Source: Selection of the groups is based on six ness Walking for Women, says, "by adding ing downhill can put 25 to 50 percent more Cooking Light, April 1996) criteria, according to the application. hills to your workout, you can make walk- stress on your hips, knees, and ankles than Courtesy of Carrie McFadden First the proposal should include materi- ing as vigorous an exercise as jogging." als which demonstrate the strengths of one's Walking four mph up a 10 percent grade Chronic Illness support group on campus program, such as a yearly plan of programs, burns more calories than jogging on a flat Continuedfrom page 13 According to Bonnie Bosley, the reo goals roster of the members, and scrapbook. surface at 5.5 mph, he says. been helpful if there was. She said she and sponse from everyone who's attended the Second is the interview and presentation Glore had talked about the possibility of start- support group has been positive. The final of the group. ing one, but the idea never materialized. In- meeting of the semester will be held on April Third is the quality and types of programs CLASSIFIEDS stead she received support from others, say- 24, in Smith House. Meg Gobrecht and offered along with a projected budget and ing, "I had a good support network within Christy Dohmen will be invited back for the yearly plan with dates of activities. my friends." wrap-up session, at which time they'll plan Fourth is a paragraph from each member Another third-year student, who attended a schedule to continue the support group of the group stating their commitment and LOVING CHRISTIAN COUPLE her first meeting on April 3, had a very posi- next year. involvement with a full-time faculty/staff -WISHES TO ADOPT AN INFANT. tive response to Gobrecht's comments. She The third-year female student has defi- advisor. WILLING TO PAY LEGAL AND said she was "in awe" of the way Gobrecht nite plans to return for the final meeting, say- Finally, the group must meet the needs MEDICAL EXPENSES. CALL handled her problems. "It gave me hope," the ing "I feel like we have something in com- of the members and the community. COLLECT: IRV AND KATHY student said, "because she can go on with her mon; it's a group that understands what I'm Affinity housing has been a part ofWMC (410) ?23-6077. life, and so can I." _ __ _ going thrQ.ugh.'~ , since 1986.
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