Page 168 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 168
SPORTS Golfers tee off at WMC Invitational By CAROLYN BARNES tysburg, Villa Julie, Franklin and Cooke, sophomore Jayme Sporl$Editor Marshall, Marymount, and St. Becbtotdt. and junior Ed WMC's golfers have competed Mary's, ranging from sixth to Broderick. Broderick finished six- in seven matches, completing al- twelfth place respectively. teenth overall with a score of 77. most half of their season, and have WMC's 'A' team was led by Bechtold! and Cooke finished with fared well in every match. Satur- sophomore Mike Diehl, from scores of 83 and 87 respectively. day, April 6, set the dale for the Mifflinburg, PA, with a score of 72, April has proven to be a suc- team's only home match of the sea- just two above par. Diehl placed cessful month for the golfers, with son, the Western Maryland Invita- third overall in the tournament, fol- the team finishing in the top three tional, played on the school's nine- lowing Frederick Community Col- positions in every match thus far. hole par 70 golf course. The nine lege golfer Mike Sweet and On the first, the team competed at holes of the course were played Towson State golfer Brian Bryson the Elizabethtown College Blue twice. with scores of 70. Jay Invitational and tied for third, The weather conditions for the Following Diehl for the 'A' out of seventeen learns, with Invitational were compliant with team was Walkersville, MD sopho- Millsvi!le with a score of 335. the tournament, with the day gen- more Kevin Marsh with a score of Diehl was the top golfer for WMC erally being overcast, but the winds 74. Marsh finished fifth overall. in the tournament, finishing with remaining calm. "It was a great day Finishing third for the 'A' team, an 79. Diehl was tied for fifth out for us; The weather held out for us. was junior Brian Currey with a fi- of 76 golfers. Marsh followed We thought it would be a lot nal score of 78. Completing the Diehl with an 82. colder," commented sophomore five for the 'A' team were sopho- April 2 the team played at Get- golfer Morgan Gregory. more Malt Harding and junior Greg tysburg in the Gettysburg College Two WMC teams competed in Hebding both scoring 81. Invitational and also placed third the tournament. an 'A' team and a Sophomores Scott King and OUI of 11 with a score of 320. Top 'B' team, and place second with a Scott Gregg led the 'B' team with golfers for WMC were Fiorentino, total score of 305 and fifth with a both players scoring 76. Mike Gregory, and King, all three scor- total score of308, respectively. Ten Fiorentino and Kris Shuck fol- ing 79. The three placed sixth out other teams participated in the lowed with scores of78, and Mor- of 53 golfers. competition, with Towson State gan Gregory finished off the five Next match will be held on Sat- capturing first place with a score with a score of 82. urday and Sunday April 13-14 at of 294. Following WMC's 'B' WMC also entered three indi- the U.S. Naval Academy Golf Club JOflNMANARD Morgan Gregory, '98, prepapes 10putt at the 9th hole during the WMC lnvitationai. team were Dickinson, York, Get- vidual golfers, freshman Kevin in Annapolis, MD. Women's tennis start with FREE TAX HELP successful 4-1 record; men ~yet 'U'f'''·W"ina=game- .,FOR WHO~ For Students, Income Taxpayers Low to Low and Other Moderate Doubles wins from Deux and Thompson decide first three WHERE: Western Maryland College-Geld Room B matches for the lady netters WHEN: her partner, Chilcoat beat their Fulton and Keller did exactly Tuesday Thursday Saturday By TOM GILL Swarthmore opponents 8-2. the same as Chilcoat and Greening. 7-9 pm 7-9 pm llam-2pm StaJJWriler Seniors Callie Thompson and They had just recently fished their February 15 February 17 The 1996 tennis teams are in Becky Duex handed Wendy Kemp singles matches and now doubled February 20 February 22 February 24 full swing early on in the spring and partner Valerie Thirfel the loss, up to take the win 8-2. February 27 February 29 March 2 season. The women neuers are off breaking the four all tie and giving The last win was won by the March 5 March 7 March 9 to an excellent start as they begin WMC the match. senior duo of Duex and Thompson March 12 March 14 their season holding the first The ladies upped their record to 8-1. Doubles play has decided all March 26 March 28 March 30 ranked position in the Centennial 2-0 after that Thursday afternoon three of the women's matches, with April 2 April 4 April 6 Conference with a conference and match. the number three tandem of Duex April 9 April 11 April 13 overall record of four wins and one "The girls will have a great sea- and Thompson, winning all of their walk-tns welcome from February 15- February 29 loss, the team's best start in at least son to look forward too ...they seem matches. By appointment only after February 29 21 years. On the complete oppo- to all want to win and are playing WMC also defeated Johns site end, the men have fallen to well right now," assistant coach Hopkins by a score of 5-4. For appointments and/or more information, contact Karen eighth place in the conference, just Nick Kenien said. The girls have The women's only loss was to Beamer x8261 (on campus) or 751-8261 if you're off-campus or one place above last-place Ursinus, done very well early on but "they Haverford on Saturday, April 7, stop by Winslow 114 and ask for Susan Milstein. with a record of 0-2. do have a couple of tough matches with a score of 2-7. The women seem to have a up ahead," Kernen added. The men's team is "young and Spring Break beginAtiarch 15. CIal!.'IIlSresurne March 25 "good balance," head coach Jim Last Saturday, the ladies contin- inexperienced," coach Lopez said. Lopez said. "They (the women) ued their winning ways. They im- There are many new faces on the have a lot of returning seniors, and pressively pushed over Muhlenberg team which means they need time will do reasonably well this year," at their own court 7-2, making their to develop. Currently the men have RAZZMATAZZ Lopez added. record 3-0 for the season. nOI fared as well as the women. Back on March 28th, the ladies Chilcoat had a strong match de- Their current record is 0-2, con- defeated Swarthmore in a close feating Julia Hesley 6-2, 6-3. tinuing a five-match losing streak Hair· Studio match finishing with a score of 5- Another senior, Karen Fulton that dates back to last season. (next to Frisco Pub) 4. Senior Arnie Chilcoat faced got back on the winning track de- The men have one senior, Seth Tuesdays 5 ' & Hilary Geitlerole of Swarthmore feating Laura Beatus 6-4, 6-2. Noone and four juniors; Kevin College Night: and beat her in three sets. It took Karen had a strong match two days Bernhardt, Mati Roff, Mike· only two sets for senior Becky prior, but fell in three sets. Caldwell, and Jay Junkin. The rest Duex to defeat her competitor Keller and freshman Amanda of the team is underclassmen con- $5i9i~~,~t~~!i;~uts ~~~; taaTannin : Elena Rosenheaum, 7-5, and 6-1. Greening, both defeated their re- sisting of: Sophomores Jason Barr, 10 sessions l24.95 The other singles winner was spected Muhlenberg rivals. and Pete Mason, and new freshmen Co{j~ (reg. $39.95) ~ sophomore Kim Keller, who The ladies swept the doubles Colin Forman and Kevin Klunk. or played a very impressive match. matches 8-3, 8-2, 8-1. Chilcoat Western Maryland's next men's single sessions $3.00 each Keller blanked Elina Negrui of and partner Greening both coming match will be Thursday, April II HOURS: M 10-5, T-F 9:30-8, S 8:30-3 Swarthmore 6-0, 6--0. , off of singles victories, came in and at Catholic University. In doubles action, Keller and took their match 8-3. 876-0654 Walk - ins welcome
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