Page 167 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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FEATURES Thursday, April 11. 1996-Page 15 Greek vacations on campus Unique gifts can be found at Dan the SERRV gift shop Continued from page /4 Coco Beach, Florida and played "Club Boca was really cool." eight games in five days. The remaining girls of the Phi Verrastro said, 'This year was dif- Mu pledge class of Spring 94 had ferent because I'm not a freshman Shop named Best Place to Buy Unusual Gifts in County the special bonding experience of and once you're no longer a rookie vacationing together in Myrtle you get more privileges." The Beach. These five girls stayed at baseball players were given very By SARAH SNELl, in their catalog from countries such fers are sure to please a variety of Kim Zaner's parents' place and little free lime, but most of the team SlaffWriler as India and Peru. tastes and helps to increase the in- . were scolded every day for being did manage a day trip to Universal Need some great gift ideas that The SERRV International Gift come of up to 40,000 economi- too loud by a neighbor they referred Studios. Six other Phi Delts and are affordable on a college stu- Shop was voted Carroll County's cally disadvantaged artisan fami- to as "Mr. Heckells." One fond an independent spent their vacation dents' budget? Try The SERRV In- 1995 lies, according to Johnson. memory of Meredith Wissel's is the in Hilton Head, S.c. and enjoyed ternational Gift Shop just off of SERRV's mission is to pre- club called Studebakers and how going to Savannah, Ga. on St. Route 31 in New Windsor. serve traditional skills, advocate she and the other girls learned such Patricks Day. SERRV, Sales Exchange Refu- environmentally stable produc- dances as the Tushbush and the Since an overwhelming number gee Rehabilitation Vocation, is a tion, and promote social and eco- Margarita. Kim Zaner said they en- of Greeks spent their Spring Break nonprofit organization run by the nomic progress for 280 coopera- joyed the pyramid-shaped Hard at a beach of some sort, we leave Church of the Brethren General lives and self-help groups. Rock Cafe with its beautifully land- you with some food-far-thought Board and a member of the Inter- The shop in New Windsor has scaped waterfalls around the build- from Brian Kaywork who elo- national Federation for Alternative been in operation since 1945, ac- ing. quently summed up the true expe- Trade. cording to employee Ursula Several Phi Delta Theta frater- rience of one week vacation from SERRV avoids factories and Neumann. nity members on the baseball team school. "The ocean has this unique middle men so that 50 percent of The land was originally traveled as they do every year to ability to refresh the soul." the sale of the products goes back purchased for Calvert Col- to the artisan who crafted it. lege in 1849. The college closed Don't miss! ALL MY CHOICES SERRV pays for shipping and any in 1861 and in 1919 became Blue duty levied, according 10 Susan Ridge College. Student written, produced and directed produc- Johnson, an employee. The shop opened in 1945 in the tion in Alumni, Friday, April 12, 19968:00 pm. The shop boasts a vast array of building behind where it is now Stay for the post show Coffee House featuring items at reasonable prices from de- to Buy Un- located. It was moved 10 the veloping nations all over the world. usual Gifts, the plaque of which is present building in 1975, accord- Flavored coffee/tea, cookies, pastries, and Everything from jewelry to fur- displayed at the entrance. ing to the shop's records. entertainment niture is displayed in the store and The unique gifts that SERRV of- All Free FUNIlEDBYA ORANTFROM JUNCTJON, INC ................. StudentPeerEducators Skit on AIDS. POSSible Open Forum Green Terror Profile: Pepper & Mace A story of two women who have had enough! Alias: Women's Lib inconsiderate men when an A:En Get Discount on: Call now and receive Base of Operations: Emerald brother sexually harassed both of Hotels Car Rentals a FREE Bonus: Bay University; Westenra, MD them one night in a campus park- Cruises Recreation 3 Day & 2 Night Known Enemies: ASP Frater- ing lot. The two beat the pulp our Air Fares Attractrions nity, ASP, The Leather Wynns of the guy and learned that they Resort Accomodations Team Origin: The two heroines were both excellent fighters as first met as assigned roommates. well. They then vowed to protect The young ladies discovered each any woman in need. other's ill will towards egotistical,
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