Page 166 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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FEATURES Thursday, April 11, 1996~Page 14 Greeks traveled distances Greek Week activities for spring vacations hope to unite campus Bv SHICA HENVON, KIMBF.RI,V KLEIN break vacation to be in Getaway, Alaska COnlrib"tiTig Writers where they would rent a small boat and fish Spring break was a blast for the Greeks! for Salmon. Several cities, states, and countries were trav- Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity member eled. Friendships strengthened~ bodies Gavin Scattergood, who lives outside of New tanned, daiquiris drunk, and memories fan- York City, spent his break with fraternity cied. brothers, Roeby Birdsall and Grahm Talbot, The Alpha Nu Omega sorority was busy in NYC and Philadelphia. "It was my last having fun on Spring Break '96. One group break and who knows when in my future I of girls traveled to Cancun, Mexico. The will ever have a time of no worries again," Hard Rock Cafe was a happening place once said Scattergood. He also went to Atlantic these girls arrived. The waiters got them very City for the first time. Sig Eps Chad involved in the Hard Rock festivities even Albertson, Allen Blossom and Orlando Sarah Sheckells, Lisa Hill, and Nate Winegar prepare jar Greek Week to the point of dancing on their chairs. When Orellana vacationed in Cancun Bv LAURU: CICF.RO forms will be distributed through campus the girls were asked what made this spring The Phi Sigma Sigma sorority also found Staff Writer mail. break unique, they replied, "going to a for- their way to a popular spot on the Yucatan "Why follow when you can lead?" This The annual All-Greek picnic will be held eign country made it special." Another group Peninsula called Cancun. The girls had the is the theme ofWMC's 1996 Greek Week, at Harvey Stone Park on Sunday afternoon. of Omegas ventured their way to Charles- pleasure of staying at Jocelyn Orkin's an annual tradition designed to unite the Food will be provided by Glar. Also, a Greek ton, South Carolina. They spent time at the Grandparent's Condo. While they were in Greek organizations. However, Greek Week Olympics will be hosted by the Sigma Phi Charleston market, a four-block shopping Cancun they met up with the Omegas at Pat is not just for Greeks. Epsilon fraternity. area that sold jewelry, Charleston memora- O'Briens, a popular bar. They also cooked "The purpose of Greek Week, nation- Monday, April 22 has been designated bilia and interesting cooking spices. At dinner for Sigma Phi Epsilon boys Chad, ally, is to unite the Greek system with the as All-Greek Letter Day, and Tuesday, April night, they enjoyed a club called Level 2 Allen and Orlando. It was a WMC Greek re- community, faculty, staff, and other stu- 23 is Greek Week T-Shirt Day. where they learned how to do the Shag, union! When the girls were not cooking a dents," said Anita Kaltenbaugh, All-Greek The Phi Mu sorority will host the annual which is a southern dance. spaghetti dinner at the condo they were eat- Adviser. This year, more emphasis has been. Mr. WMC Contest on Wednesday, April 24 The fraternity, Alpha Gamma Tau ( the ing at the Hard Rock Cafe, "The waiters were placed on including the entire campus in the at 9 p.m. in the Forum. This event is open "Bachelors"), were home bound for spring really friendly." They also enjoyed saying week's activities. to the entire campus. break. Except for the President, Brian Volk, Jocelyn Orkin's name in Spanish. The trip Greek Week is April 19 through April . Greek Week will conclude with a com- who went to Virginia beach with the lacrosse was special for Orkin because, "I had a 26. "The Dirges" concert, hosted by the Phi bined clubroom party to be held on Friday, team. The team stayed at the Colonial Inn chance to show my friends from school, Delta Theta fraternity will kick off the fes- April 26 from 9 p.m. to I a.m. The which was on the ocean front. Volk said that which included two seniors who where on tivities on Friday night. The concert will be clubrooms which will be used are yet to be he and the boys had fun swimming in the their last spring break, Mexico." held in the Forum at 9 p.m. and is open 10 determined. The first few hours will be re- ocean at night. He recommended a favorite Something really exciting happened over the entire campus. The cost is $5, and tick- served for Greeks only. However, it will restaurant of the team, "The Jewish mother," break for Phi Alpha Mu sorority members ets may be purchased at the door. eventually be opened to the entire campus. which is a deli style restaurant. This spring Samantha Aldrich and Elizabeth Oliver, who On Saturday at 11 :30 a.m., the Phi Greek Week is a cooperative effort of all :>-< break was different for Volk because, "It was vacationed in Jamaica. After being ap- Sigma Sigma sorority will be sponsoring a recognized social fraternities and sororities. the first 6ne Itwenr on and.Jthe:'team;'had.Aj! proachedon thMch, they became involved 5-K race. It will begin on the golf course Events are organized-through the lnter- chance for some male bonding." in doing promotional work for "Yellow Man" and be run through downtown Westminster. Greek Council, comprised of representatives The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity (the and "Maxi Priest." Other girls journeyed to This event is also open to the entire cam- and presidents of each of the fraternities and "Betes") did not get a chance to go away. Florida to relax and layout, including Jes- pus, including faculty and staff. Individuals sororities. The members of this year's Greek They were only left to dream about spring sica Myers and Deana Fennel, who stayed may run the entire race or compete as mem- Week committee are Lisa Hill (lGC Social break. They expressed their ideal spring at Myers's cousin's home in West Palm bers of a relay team. The entry fee is $1.50 Chair), Ashley Welter (Assistant Social Beach. Regarding their night life, Myers said for individuals and $3 for teams. Prizes for Chair), Heather O'Brien, Jocelyn Orkin, and both categories will be awarded. Entry Liz valuer. Continued on page 15 CLASSIFIEDS WMC's Greek Organizations plan for WISHES TO ADOPT AN INFANT. exciting events this spring LOVING CHRISTIAN COUPLE WILLING TO PAY LEGAL AND MEDICAL EXPENSES. CALL Bv SARAH Sm:cKt:u.s 20. In the past month they have sponsored brunch was held for them at Dr. Bergeron's having the proceeds advisor. for Miracles, Addition- COLLECT IRV AND KATHY MaliGgillgEdilOr Pennies Children's Miracle Network, and house, their off-campus an alumni gotf tourna- benefit ally, they are holding (410) 923-6077. have hosted an Easter egg hunt for families .r Spring brings much participation in com- ment on the campus May 4 . munity service, fund-raising, and social of faculty and staff. These proceeds also Phi Delta Theta fraternity is having their events for Greek organizations on campus. benefited the Children's Miracle Network. formal in Pikesville, MO, on April 13, and HELP WANTED Phi Sigma Sigma sorority had their for- On April 14, the group will hold their initia- is holding their 25 year anniversary on April Lifeguards/Pool Managers mal in Annapolis, MD, on March 30. They tion of new sisters, and on April 17, they 27, in Westminster. Their community ser- Summer Months, Ff/PT are also involved in the MS walk in West- plan to help with the Main Street Mile. vice projects include road cleanup, the MS Baltimore Area and minster on April 13, and are visiting another Alpha Nu Omega is having their formal walk in Westminster, yard work for a local All Surrounding Counties chapter at Rowen College on April 19. On at the Maryland Inn in Annapolis, MD, on church, and Adopt-a-Family for Christmas Il'.-<, DRD Pools 410-785-7665 April 20, they will be sponsoring a 5K run April 13. In the past month, they have par- and Easter. around Westminster for the entire WMC ticipated in Adopt-a-Highway and various Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity is having community. In the past month, they held a other community service projects. The their formal on a boat in Annapolis, MD, on SITUATION WANTED Greek letter sale, a hot dog sale, and had a group is sponsoring a blood drive for the April 27. They have participated in Adopt- Mother's Helper. Minimum 10 varied wine and cheese for their alumni on March American Heart Association on April 10, a-Highway and helped out with the Easter hours a week. Must have own car and 9. Coming soon, they are holding an organ from 12-6p.m. Other events include a bake egg hunt in Westminster, even having one references. and tissue donor seminar. sale and their annual farm party and senior of their brothers dress up as the Easter bunny. Call 840-8995 Phi Alpha Mu sorority is having their for- banquet. The Omegas had a candlelight ser- Their annual Lobster Luau, an alumni event, ~ mal in Timonium, MD, on April 19. They vice on March 27-Congratulations to with be held on April 20. is holding Missy and Zippy. Gamma Alpha Tau fraternity and a in Adopt-a-Highway FUNDRAISER have participated donating the money to a bat- Gamma Beta Chi fraternity is holding their formal at the Hyatt in Baltimore, MD. drive, penny Motivated groups needed to earn 500+ tered women's shelter. On April 23, they are their formal at the Holiday Inn in Towson, on May 10. Coming up, they are having an promoting AT&T, Discover, gas and participating in the candlelight vigil for rape MD. In the past month, the group has helped annual golf tournament for alumni and broth- retail cards. Since 1969, we've helped awareness that will start in Red Square, and with security at the "Deep Blue Something" ers at WMC. Community service projects . thousands of groups raise the money on May 5, their Coming up, they are planning concert, participated in Adopt-a-Highway, back in March, with security curbs at the concert include organization helping will be in a painting for the col- and inducted walk-a-then. Currently, their new brothers. they need. Call Gina at (800) 592- they are selling coupon books at $25 each lege campus, and holding a meeting about 2121 ext. 198. Free CD to qualified an alumni luncheon. Phi Mu sorority is holding their formal at with $200 dollars worth of coupons in them, drinking education. callers. the Radison Hotel in Baltimore, MD, on April having the profits benefit a charity. Easter
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