Page 22 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 22
On The Hill The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 10 PROffSSlonflL nETWORK flSSOClflTlon, Inc. P.O. BOX 190968 BOSTON, MASSACHusrns 02119. (617) 361ยท3631 Millions of dollars in scholarships, fellowships, grants, internships, work study programs and special student' aid funds go unused every year because students simply don't - know where to apply or how to get their share .. The 'secret in locating money for college, lies in your strategy. You need step-by-step information on what etd is ~vailable and how you can get it. The time to apply is nowl You can apply as early as your junior year ln high school, or during your undergraduate or graduate study. Aid can be used at any accredited college or trade school. This Directory willprovide information for Students or Individuals wishing or attending high schools, business schools, technical schools, graduate schools, law schools medical schools; vocational instltutlons, undergraduate schools, research programs: and leadership-prcqrarns. - Corporations, Trusts, Foundations, Religious Groups and other Organizations offer Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, Internships, and Work Study Programs to students annually, regardless 'of grades or parents income levels. ,----------------------------------------------------, : .. ORDER FORM ... : : Please send me a copy of the Scholarship Directory- Enclosed is $25.00 : I I I --.-<, '..__... Name: __ - I I I Address: I I I Ci~:---------- State: _ Zip: _ I I PROFESSIONAL NEfWORKASSOClATION, INC.- P.O. BOX 190968- BOSTON, MA 02119 I L ~------------~---~--~----~-------------~
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