Page 21 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 21
On the Hill The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 9 Baltimoretheatre group visits WMC Update: Freshmen By SARA HETH REYBURN the horror movies of the 1950s but plays an important role later in the SlaffWriler it also parallels some elements of story. Mrs. Fliegel argues that it surviving at WMC Impossible Industrial Action Kafka's The Metamorphosis. The- may bring comprehension but not presented Thomas E. Cole's play matically, the play porrrays the necessarily understanding. Then "I Married a Fly!" on September anti-communist sentiment of the one day Alexandra awakes to find By MSE',:~I~~~,."J_(OYCE men have the chanceto leavebehind 15 and 16 in Alumni Hall. 19505 and the desire of a person to that her husband is "different." 'aff,., , thej.r high school required academic A resident theater company of "fly" and be remembered for a sig- From there the story follows the A whirlwind of anxiety builds as classes. Now, although they must fol- Baltimore, I.I.A. tours their shows nificant accomplishment. struggles of the government trying ~::. 2:Pical freshman sets foot on the lowtheschool'scorecwriculum,fresh- throughout the area on a not-for- The story begins with the hap- to get Mr. Fliegel to spy and help VVMCcampus. men have more flexibility in their profit basis. The company works pily married couple, John and his country defeat communism a What will the professors be like? classes. They can focus on classes to develop ducti and create original the- Alexandra Fliegel. Mr. Fliegel in- reporter's ascending in the fieldof twill 1 be able to easily meet new ree"", intended majors and ca-l_ did '---, ater pro uctrons an a so con ucts vents a language translator which journalism, Mrs. Fliegel's desiring rple? How will I be able to survive.. ,- theatre workshops and school tour- he thinks will bring world peace for life to return 10 normalcy, and fithoul a home-cooked meal? These While many students have had a mg programs. because people will be able to un- Mr. Fliegel's struggling between ~ just a few of the many questions p:!SitiveexperiencehereatWMC,some "I Married a Fly" is a spoof of derstand each other and which the fly half of his body, which is ~t-year-students ponder as they start have just a few gripes about the 001- their new lives and authoritarian, WMC dean to be domineering which believes Alexandra and ~~n_.;Vestern "Everyone is so lege. Since stu- in the dents are away his mind, from home, that individual. rights ofthe ryuuyland. also means be- of the honored by U. of MD Fliegel sums the meaning of society, ~any Of the friendly here. When home-cooked fresh- ing away from play when-she states, "It's one thing I walk from classes I inter- to be a useful ~en member but what does it mean when you're iewed, an mealsandthefa- ani almost always Courtesy of Public In/ormation Office WMC's first provost in 1994. As not a useful member to yourself?" verwhelrning" guaranteed to get a ~=~=~ miliariry of the provJc:~na~;vde~~: ~~I~:~~~;D~~ ~~:~~~~c~re~~~;c~~~~::!~cna~ ima~;~~:i;~a; ~;~' t~e\~!~~ ~~~~~Zth:: WestemMarylandCollege,wilibe administrator behind President sible Industrial Action company jfirstfewweeks smile or a hello from yeatstudentsare honored Sept. 29 by the Univer- Robert H. Chambers -, .-I' presents an appealing production rf_~llege life undoubtedly slry of Maryland's College ofEdu- Dr. Coley was recognized as by using spooky horror music from fIDOareoverall a passing student. I having troubles cation at its 75th Anniversary Cel- the 19890utstandingTeacherlEdu- the horror movies of the 1950s and impressed with adjusting to the ebration. She will be recognized cator in Reading by the Maryland in its visual likeness to black and he friendly, love that!" meals at Glar. as a Distinguished Alumna. International Reading Association white film, acquired by the use of amily-like at- Wljilethe dining In the late '60s and early '70s, and received two WesfernMaryland pale makeup and dull-colored cos- mosphere at Stacey McIntyre staff, according she was the reading specialist and College Faculty Book Awards. six ' tumes and sets. Donna Sherman is WMC. As to Mary Roloff, coordinator of a volunteer program scholarly journal awards and aFac- very domestic as Alexandra Fliegel tecey McIntyre comments, "Everyone DirectorofFood Service, isdoingtheir in the Prince .George's County ulty Creativity Award. but the highlight of the cast is Tom so friendly here. When! walk from best to prepare meals to the students school system and she lectured at She earned her bachelor's Dougherty who plays the nerdy lasseslamalmostalwaysguaranteed li.king,likeincludingapastabarandan Hood College and University of from Albright College and'her mad scientist boss of John Fliegel. o get a smile or a hello from apassing alternating deli,wok, and omelette bar Marylando v . '"[<~''' . ... «master's-degree and doctorate at Some viewers thought the play was sn&nt Ilovetbat!" Withsuchasmall at dinner each night, the' students all Dr. Coley has served Western University of Maryland, where weird, while to others the weird- rudent body at WMC, freshmen all agree the food cannot compare to their Maryland College.since 1973, she was inducted into Phi Delta nessjustaddedtotheappeaL Over- ~ that meeting friendly people is food at home. when she was appointed professor Kappa honorary society. Dr. all, "I Married a Fly" provides an ~tadifficul!ta~~ Somefreshmenaredisappointed of education and specialist in read- Coley is also-a member 'of-Phi- +-entertaining experience while im- The friendly atmosphere present in the school's core curriculum. "Ibe ing programs. Delta Sigma, the honorary alum- pressing upon the audience the im- n campus does not only include the foreign language reqWrel1l?!t)i.lj ~y After serving as dean of nae sorority of Albright.College portance of the individual'siree-' ndeots.bmbeprotessorsaswelj. All a pain!" Crystal Muia complains. graduate affairs, she was named in Reading, Pa. .dom. ItreShmen interviewed agree that the "Even though I took Spanish in high I, te s - . . _, -=-- Pm.ffessors are friendly and always ea- school, I reluctantly have to continue d U dergra ua e summer-researc Ii' ---:-':-er to help the students. , .... with it here at college!" n 'Ilcing.~totalktoaprof"'';''··- ".'Jthough,ome.§..tudent,.areliv- .t· fae- their new-fou;r'rreedoms, impo__~l1 oppor tUnl leS announce d Po a personalleveOs-an like about WM~uch. jng-up as staying up all hours of the or that freshmen 'Realizingmy prof"",,;, morethon rught:O",:"":"d;,,o~dwhen ust a teacher, but a friend who IS con- the dorms qUiet hours are Violated The u.s. Departmentof"Energy's and societal implications. Assignments be paid 10 participants. Femed about me makes me feel com- and people are running down the -, (OOE) Student Research Participation afford srudents the opportunity to ap- The application deadline is Ortable and allows me to adjust just a halls yelling at 2 a.m. Program (SRP) isofferingundergradu- ply and practice theories and methods Jan. 16, 1996. For application ma- ·!tlebiteasiertolifeawayfromhome," As they adjust!o life away from ate srudents the chance to spend 10 learned in the classroom. terials or additional information, ~d Heather Bonadona. the comfort of their own homes, weeks next summer collaborating with Srudentsare selected by the OOE please contact Pat Pressley at (423) NOlonlydothefirst-yearsrudenrs first-year-students are overall very federal scientists on thecutting edge of facility staff on the basis of academic 5]6-1083 or the Sluden1 Research njoy the people and professors here, satisfied with all that WMC has to research and development. record, aptitude, research interest. and Participation Program, Sciencel ~t they also like the variety in their offer and the friendly atmosphere Only one of several programs of- the recommendation of instructors. Engineering Education Division, lasses. As coUege srudents, the fresh- surrounding them on campus. fered through DOE's University!LaOO- Participantsmusthave the potential for Oak Ridge Institute for Science and ratory Cooperative Program and man- graduate study and scientific careers. Education, P.O. Box 117, Oak OPENINGS ARE AVAILmLE FOR aged by the Oak Ridge Institute for Participating ooE facilities in- Ridge, Tenn. 37831-01,17. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES ON THE Science and Education (DruSE), the cludetheAtmosphericThrbulenceand The Oak Ridge Institute for SRP is for sophomores, juniors, and DiffusionDivision,ORISE,OakRidge Science and Education (ORISE) FOLLOWING COLLEGE AND BOARD seniorsmajoringinengineering,physi- National Laboratory, and Lockheed was established by the U.S. Depart- OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEES: calaodlifesciences,mathematics,com- Martin Energy Systems, Oak Ridge, ment of Energy to undertake na- puter science, sciences. Tenn.; ContinuousElectronBeamAc- tional and international programs --Athletic Council --Trustee Visitor for the Withdirectionfromresearchersat celerntor Facility, Newport News, Va; in science and engineering educa- majorOOEfacilities,studentsconduct PittsOOrghResearchCenter,PittsOOrgh, tion, training and managementsys- --Bookstore Advisory Class of '98 -- hands-onresean:husingstate-of-the-art· Penn.; Savannah Rivet Ecology I..aOO- 1 terns, energy and environment sys- --Student Faculty --Academic Affairs equipment not usually found in most • ratory,SavannahRiverSite,andSavan- '-I tems, and medical sciences. Relations campus laboratOries. Projects relate to nab RiVeT Archaeological Res~h CRISE and its programs are oper- --ffudget and Finance individual academic majors, career Program. Aiken, S.<;:.;_,and Triangle ated by Oak RidgeAssociated Uni- --Honor and Coduct -Buildings and Grounds goals, and the ongoing research and Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Duke versities (ORAD) through a man- Board --Long Range Planning development of the facility. University, Durham, N.C. agement and operating contract 1beinstructionandt:rainjngSRP Certain travel expenses are reim- with the U.S._Department of En- More specific inofrmation on the committees and how to apply is participants receive is designed to pro- bursed,andstipendsof$250pe1"wt,rl: ergy. Established in 1946, ORAU located at the Infonnation I{esk inDecker College Conter or by vide them with a keen perception of for seniors, $225 per,weekforJunior.;, is a consortium of 88 colleges and calling SGA at x631. Letters of applicaton. are due by energy production,-use, conservation, ...:....and$200perweekfocsopbomores~ universities. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2.
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