Page 131 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 131
SPORTS Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 19 ~~ Lady Terror fall to Dickinson to end outstanding season Recordfor most points scored in a game, mostfree throws in a single season, and most free-throw attempts a chance at winning the game. By JOSHUA FOSTER SwjJWriler However, as brilliant as Guzek was in the first half, Muller was They say experience helps to just as good in the second, hit- win ball games, but when you ting eight of nine shots, and also throw in players fighting to scoring 18 points. continue their careers, those are After picking up three fouls the kind of teams you want to in the first half and scoring only stay away from come playoff 4 points, WMC's Katie Haley time. helped the Terror stay in the Such was the case last Mon- game as she scored 16 of her day, February 19, as the West- team high 20 points in the sec- ern Maryland women's basket- ond. Freshman Michele Jarman ball team lost at home to continued her strong playas she Dickinson 95-85 in a Centen- grabbed 10 rebounds and scored nial Conference special playoff 16. Erin Murphey also contrib- game held in Gil Gymnasium. uted 18 points. The clear difference in the WMC closed the gap to five game was the play and experi- points on a few occasions in the ence of Dickinson's seniors, second half, but Dickinson, Annie Guzek, and Gretchen which shot 61.8% in the second Muller, who poured in 36 and half, was able to answer with a 28 points respectively, and basket every time and made made 16 straight field goals be- seven of eight free throws to tween them at one stretch. The close the game. Green Terror, which has no se- The Terror were hurt con- niors, was forced to play catch- stantly by fast breaks by up for the majority of the Dickinson. The Red Devils had ball game. two or three players down the The Terrors jumped out to a court to the Terror's one de- 16-12 lead, but Dickinson fender, leading to numerous would score 14 straight points easy baskets. While the Green and WMC never had the lead Terror were able to break the again. Turnovers played a big press of Dickinson, it played d-fO~ Terror in {he fist havoc with their offensive If as they committed 14 of rhythm. HEATHEII. L. JACOBY ~ em. WMC got the score down The special playoff game Sophomore forward Katie Haley successfully drives around Dickinson's Gretchen Muller in Monday nights to 29-26 late in the half, but the was necessary because the two game held in Gill Gymasium. Haley was the leading scorer with twenty-points ....She scored sixteen of those Red Devils scored on their next teams split their two games dur- twenty in the second half of the game. Haley also was Ihe teams overall leading scorer throughout the season ......_____eight trips down the court to ing the regular season and both with and average of 17.6 points per game. She also completed Ihe season with nine double-doubles. finished at 10-4 in the Confer- recorded 14 double-doubles this 1~datthe Dickinson advanced to play school record of 179 - which ence. Had WMC beaten Johns Eastern Division Champion had been set by the same two season to lead the team, while While Guzek had 20 points Hopkins on Valentine's Day, the Muhlenberg, where they lost teams earlier this season. Haley accomplished the feat in (he first half, Muller was held game with Dickinson would not last Wednesday. Murphey set school single-sea- nine times. Haley led the team to 10, and it appeared that if the have been necessary, but the NEWS AND NOTES son records for free throws, in scoring with 17.6, while Terror could stop one of the dy- Terror lost in overtime at home The 180 points scored in the (125), and free throw anernpts, Murphey was second with 15.4 namic duo then they would have to Hopkins, 81-80. game broke the old WMC (180). Freshman Kathi Snyder points per game. Intramural athletics opportunities increasing Changes being instituted in order to attempt to lure more female participation addition of Floor Hockey which to participate in organized athlet- more to the Greeks because there centage of female participation on he feels has been a significant ac- By HEATHF.R REESE ics," he said. He added that while is a Greek rivalry. People like the Staff Writer this campus is greatly affected by there are a few other groups who idea of playing sports against complishment. the high number of female ath- Intramural sports are an inte- participate in one sport or an- other Greek organizations," said "I wish there were more letes who participate in more than gral part of the extracurricular ac- other, the Greeks are the only Michelsen. women interested in intramural one varsity sport. tivities on college campus' across ones who enter in all or most of Some female students agree athletics because the interest Stephanie Van Deusen, a soc- the nation, and WMC is no excep- the events. feeling that the intramural sports among the men is healthy. As a • cer and lacrosse player, has not tion; however, women continue to Kurt Michelsen, a member of program is dominated by frater- coach and athlete myself I wish participated in the program at lag behind in participation. the Phi Delta Theta fraternity said nities. "I always assumed that everyone was involved in recre- WMC. "I've never played intra- According to Keith that being Greek didn't influence mostly fraternity guys played in- ational activity," said Reitenbach. mural sports, basically because I Reitenbach, Director of Intramu- his decision to participate in in- tramural sports. 1 don't want to The program directors are do- rats, approximately 60 percent of don't have time," the freshman tramural sports. He said that stu- participate if I'm going to be up ing everything they can to help the male population on campus said. boost participation in the pro- participate in intramural athletic gram. Students can now sign up programs, compared to only 30 "I wish there was more of a demand for intramurals among the by leaving their name, number, percent of the women. "We are and team on hi's voice mail at ext. looking for increased women's student body. We will work hard on getting more activities that 567. The deadline for intramural participation," he said. the students want. " softball rosters is Friday March Reitenbach said that the low 8. number of women in intramural against guys all the time," senior "As intramural Director, I sports isn't a problem that only Reitenbach also feels dents shouldn't have a hard time Delight Buenaflor explains why wish there was more of a demand plagues WMC, numbers are low that the higher percentage of male finding enough people for a team she has never participated in the for intramurals among the student nation wide. "Part of that is the participation is a result of the because they can play with neigh- program. body. We will try to work hard on # natural structure of the athletic Greek involvement in the pro- bors and friends. According to Reitenbach, getting more activities that the world. It is directed at develop- gram. "The largest percent of However, he does feel that the though, the program has tried to students want," said Reitenbach ing athletic characteristics in participation is Greek. Greeks have an added competi- appeal to females throughout the who would eventually like to males," he said. They are already in an orga- tive interest in the program. "I past few years. This includes the have intramural sports available He also feels that the low per- nized group which makes it easier think that intramurals appeal in every varsity sport.
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