Page 126 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 126
.:»" - Thursday, February 29, 1996 ~ Page 14 FEATURES Coming Soon: Alien 3's action captures atterition Another alien-related movie to be re- more detailed information on the aliens' side X-puns and onto the review. By MIKE PUSKAR Staff Writer leased is Independence Day. Jeff Goldblum of the story, see Marvel Comics' upcoming Generation X has really appealed to read- Welcome to the first take of the column (Jurassic Park) plays computer whiz David mini-series based on the movie. ers of the comic. The movie, which just re- "Coming Soon," which will feature pre- Levinson, a man who is the first to learn of Action! cently aired February 20 on Fox, is a suc- views of movies coming within the month the aliens' coming. They do come in full Many seem to becoming tired of all those cessful film because teens can also relate to as well as ones far in the future, and some- force, without any on-earth, pre-attack con- high-powered action films that try to mimic it. Acne (dealt with metaphorically through times reviews of movies bound to have se- spiring. Levinson must save his ex-wife from forerunners such as James Bond. Well, now the character Skin), romance, bullies, a quels. Washington, D.C., one of the three cities over the month of May will see another one, but "school sucks" altitude, anorexia and the March will see the release of Barb Wire which the aliens hover. Others to star in this with a twist. Leslie Nielson, Nicolette famous X-Men allegory of prejudice against and Executive Decision. $60 million plus flick are Will Smith (Fresh Sheridan (Knots Landing) and Andy Griffith mutants are all issues in the movie .. Pamela Anderson Lee will take charge Prince of Bel Air ), who plays fighter pilot will keep viewers on the edge of their seat, Even teen jargon was integrated well. For of the big screen starting March 22. The Steven Hiller, someone who actually dukes not with suspense, but with laughs in the example, Skin, who has the power to stretch Baywatch star will take on the part of Dark it out with an alien, and Robert Loggia (Op- spoof Spy Hard. . his skin, madeajoke, and Mondo said, "Give Horse Comics' (maker of Dr. Giggles) rebel portunity Knocks), who portrays a military Another film full of comical antics is one me some skin," while pulling the flesh of heroine Barb Wire, who first appeared in commander. for which Chris Farley (Black Sheep) has Skin's chest, or, in other words, giving him Comics' Greatest World: Steel Harbor in The theme behind this film, though, is not just signed on for $6 million- Beverly Hills one big purple herbie. Another concept that 1993. merely meant to be alien takeover. It is, how- Ninja .. made the story more realistic was that the A week before Barb's big screen debut, ever, meant to portray everyone on earth set- Another upcoming film is the remake of team was not a bunch of kids who got along. however, theaters will go under siege when There was much internal conflict, mainly Steven Seagal stars in Executive Decision. between the macho characters Mondo and In this feature, Kurt Russell and Seagal play Comic relief added life to the story as well, for Refrax and their victim, Skin. intelligence officers who must stop a hijack- Television made Generation X a super- g-Fttes, ing. Halle Berry (Queen) also stars. example Frost uses her telepathic abilities to make a powered being more sci-fi than it Cinematic Shock was comic book style. The villain, Russell With the 1992 film Alien 3 having guard think she and Banshee are "Officers Hootie and Tresh, wants to get into people's dreams to flopped just as Sigourney Weaver's charac- Blowfish." make them buy his employers' products. ter, Ripley, did in the movie, the Alien fran- This "subliminal" stunt (one that even Mar- vel pulled by slipping the X-Men arcade chise can't afford to go down anymore. This is why screenwriter Joss Whedon has de- ting aside their differences for the common Mission: Impossible starring Tom Cruise, game into the background) is what the he- cided not to make Alien 3 a dream, contrary good and freeing themselves from prejudice, Emilio Estevez and Jon Voight (Return to roes must thwart. Comic relief added life to to what many think. In the script for the hence an underlying meaning to the film's Lonesome Dove). This has a release date of the story as well, for example Frost uses her fourth installment in the series, Alien Res- title. This doesn't pull attention away from May 22. telepathic abilities to make a guard think she urrection, Whedon has chosen a different action and effects, though. One battle alone Previews Profile .•• Patrick Stewart and Banshee are "Officers Hootie and Blow- path. Ripley will be back yet she won't be- will consist of 150 F-18 jets and 250 alien Rumors are circling like vultures when fish." cause Whedon has decided to clone the hero- craft. it comes to Patrick Stewart. It has been said The movie's special effects came out ine. The secret, to destroying these aliens who that Stewart has signed on for $5 million to well. Although he didn't need to fly, as in Ripley's clone will be emotionally dis- cause roads to roll up like carpets and who appear as Picard in the next,Stgr Trek fea-, the.comics, and only performed-hisjpower tressed in this film. Impregnated with the destroy the White House with one blast, lies ture. Other roles that have spotlighted the twice, Sean Cassidy's (comics alias-Ban- queenalien in the last film, she will wonder in New Mexico. Ironically, the alien bane is Dune alumni are Professor X in X-Men and shee) scream was very effective aurally as whether the alien DNA has stolen her hu- an alien craft that was recovered in 1947 Mr. Freeze in the next Batman film. well as visually. Skin's expanding flesh manity. The main focus will, however, be Roswell. Others being considered for parts in the turned out well also. One effect that would the action itself. This film, which will be released July 3, Batman film, presently being called Batman have been neat to pull from the comics, the One question that was brought up in the also stars Adam Baldwin, Bill Pullman (Mr. and Robin, are Alicia Silverstone (Clueless) mutancy of Chamber, wouldn't have been first film will be answered in this mostly Wrong), Harry Connick, Jr. (Copycat), Randy as Batgirl and Julia Roberts, Demi Moore easy to pull off on TV. So Chamber, among spaceship-set film: Would the alien's blood Quaid (Streets of Laredo), Judd Hirsch (Taxi) and Sharon Stone as Poison Ivy. others, was left out of the movie and replaced burn through the ship? and Brent "Data" Spiner. The audience will Previews Post-review by two new characters- Buff and Refrax. There is not yet a release date for this film. easily relate the characters in this cast. For X-tra, X-tra! ... Okay, enough with the Finola Hughes (General Hospital), who portrayed the reformed psychic villainess Leaving Las Vegas intrigues crowds Emma Queen) (former comics alias- of her the Frost the attitude captured White role phenomenally, despite the bad hair col- Film draws in crowd with its intense plot and characters' ill-fated lives oring. Although Canadian Jeremy Ratchford added warm, kindhearted humorous spice to the two form a very unusual bond. Ben tells come with paranoia, hands shaking uncon- the Irish Banshee, a character formerly of By EMII.Y STAMATIIIS SwjfWriter Sera that she can never ask him to stop drink- trollably, his character regressed to being This is not the first time Nicholas- Cage ing, and she keeps her promise. She gives barely human when he was sober. Elisabeth ~hr:w~~~~~ t~:a~!!:~;~:::y~~~h~~~ has taken a movie venture into Las Vegas. him company and love, but continues to al- Shue was also very convincing. She showed the Kids) livened the entire film with his Jim In the lighthearted comedy "Honeymoon in low him to drink at an astonishing rate. Ben honest love to Cage in the way she took care Carrey-ishness. As for the Gen X cast, they Vegas," he played a down-on-his-Iuck gam- doesn't attempt to change her either, even of him, even though it was never clear why did their characters justice. bler who lost his wife in a bet, encountering though her lifestyle is just as dangerous and she needed the extra burden. Both actors If this movie is more well-received than plenty of showgirls and Elvis impersonators destructive as his. In a strange way the couple have received Academy Award nominations many past Marvel movies, expect to see se- along the way. Though Cage's latest movie proves that if you love a person uncondition- for their performances, even though the film quel films or a series for Generation X. shares the same setting, "Leaving Las Ve- ally, you will let them live their lives no mat- was not nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Next time, The Crow 's sequel will be pre- gas" couldn't be any more different. ter what. Neither of them wanted help. They I had a hard time forming an opinion viewed. In "Leaving Las Vegas," Cage plays Ben, just accompanied each other on their down- about "Leaving Las Vegas." For the first half Information gathered from Cinescape and an alcoholic whose condition has become so ward spirals, even if one of them inevitably hour or so I was very turned off by it, be- Wizard: The Guide to Comics. dire he can barely stay conscious without a leads to death. cause it was a world shockingly different drink, nonetheless sustain a normal life. "Leaving Las Vegas" is brutally honest than anything I'd ever experienced. It was When he's fired from his job as a screen- and unforgiving. It's a terrific movie with also difficult because there were no charac- WRITE FOR THE writer, he decides to cash his severance amazing performances, but it's not at all easy ters to sympathize with. Even as Ben got check, abandon his home and move to Las to watch. There's no hope that the characters closer and closer to death and Sera's pro- PHOENIX Vegas to -in his own words- drink him- will ever rise above their problems or that fession took a more serious toll on her, I self to death. So he gets a cheap hotel room Sera will fmally convince Ben to turn his life never felt sorry for either of them because MEETINGS HELD EVERY and fills it with liquor, content with the fact around because she's not even trying. There they were controlling their own destinies. MONDAY NIGHT IN THE OFFICE that he'll drink until he runs out of money or is a sense of impending doom throughout the But it didn't take long for the initial shock AT 6:00 kills himself, whichever comes first. entire film. But "Leaving Las Vegas" is so of the movie to wear off, and I was soon Almost immediately he crosses paths intense and intriguing that you can't help but totally engrossed in it. Even after I left the (THIRD SECTION DANIEL with Sera, played by Elisabeth Shue. She is be drawn into their ill-fated lives. theater, thoughts of "Leaving Las Vegas" a lonely, abused prostitute who is seemingly Nicholas Cage has already earned a stayed with me. The film may not be right McLEA) as bad off as he is. After only one night she Golden Globe for his performance, which for those who want a simple or safe movie f SEE YOU THERE! invites him to move into her apartment and was so authentic it was frightening. Over- experience, but I highly recommend it.
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