Page 127 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 127
FEATURES Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 15 TO'Ynrestaurant Campus cooking made easy earns rave review TilE EASY GOURMET tally conscientious, as I do, you can can be made the night before and SlajfWriter eat out of the dishes you use to pre- will satisfy the most critical taste By JEN VICK was also offered consisting of sal- Are you tired of trekking out pare your work of art. This saves buds. (I'm sure you'll appreciate Feotures Eduor ads, sandwiches, omelettes, and into the freezing weather on blus- time and prevents a build up of the flavor.) Tired of the same meals in the quiches of a more modest price. tery cold days to dine in Glar? Has garbage. Always remember, your imagina- same setting? Well, you don', have Fresh, warm bread was brought take-out from the pub gotten old Even the most creative artists tion is your paint, your room is to travel far from campus to expe- before our meal. I ordered the and your tab from Monopoly's too can not complete their work with your tool, your taste buds are the rience good food. Maggie's restau- cream of crab soup appetizer be- high? Are you hungry with noth- brushes alone. The tools are use- audience, and your life is your can- rant in Westminster cooks up a fore the house salad for my entree ing to eat? less without the substance of their vas - go and create! good meal in a cozy setting. was brought. The entree, Chicken Well, we, at the Phoenix, have purpose. The most superb art Bon Appetite! The waitress who served us was and Shrimp Madagascar, was a de- decided to give you some alterna- works are a collage of color. In the Homemade Beer Bread. a 17 year veteran at Maggie's and licious breast of chicken in a rich tives 10 Glar, and the mundane same way that an artist uses paint, Ingredients: filled us in on some of its history. cream sauce, garnished with dorm room pizza, macaroni and every great chef paints with season- 3-cups self rising flour It was built in the 1930's and was shrimp, red potatoes, and shaved cheese, and tuna fish. You don't ings to create color in his art. A few 12-ounce can beer owned by Maggie and Levi Zohm. vegetables. My companion or- need to rely on someone else to fill basics, easily swiped from mom's 3 tablespoons sugar Maggie. a shrewd proprietress, was dered the barbecue chicken sand- you physiological and psychologi- spice rack, are salt and pepper, Supplies: an invalid without legs who sat at wich which came with a generous cal need to eat well. All you need mixed Italian herbs, basil, ground toaster oven the window of the bar everyday to helping of fries. The portions were are a few essentials and some help- cinnamon, and onion powder Gust foil loaf pans greet customers. In its original day, both large and filling. ful hints from us (which we have as useful but less pungent than the Preparation: a blacksmith shop was auached to For dessert, a chocolate layered borrowed from The On Campus real thing). 1. Preheat the toaster oven to 350 the bar. Through the years, the bar cake was ordered. This was topped Cookbook by Mollie Fitzgerald) A few additional necessities to F remained while the blacksmith with a raspberry-apricot jellied ic- and you will be on your way to help complete the display are 2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl shop was converted to a crab house ing that proved to be as delectable becoming a gourmet chef. Bisquick, sugar, ketchup, mustard, until thoroughly combined. The and finally, in 1975, to the restau- as the rest of the meal. As with every great artist cre- lemons or lemon juice, mayo, but- batter will be fairly dry. rant it is to day. Overall, I was very impressed ating a masterpiece, one must be ter, and cream cheese. (Some of 3. Grease well three mini loaf My companion and I dined at with the cuisine and atmosphere at sure to have plenty of brushes and these can also be picked up free of pans, and divide the dough equally Maggie's on a Wednesday night for Maggie's, despite having to wait paint. Before you can begin creat- charge from Glar, shh). among the three pans. dinner. On the casual.side of the fairly long for our food. We were ing your culinary mural you must Now we have prepped the stu- 4. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool restaurant there is a bar and tables also seated near a loud dinner party stock your studio with the neces- dio and are ready to cook. Get your a few minutes before serving to for dining, and smoking is permit- of business men that made conver- sary supplies. big white chef hat because we are make slicing easier. ted. Dark paneled walls and simple sation difficult in the intimate din- The sharpest kitchens are ready to roll. white curtains at the windows of- ing setting. equipped with two knives, two For this issue I have chosen a Makes 16 to 18 slices. fer a comfortable atmosphere. We To get to the restaurant from bowls, a wooden spoon, a whisk, recipe that I feel will be appreci- chose to eat in the formal area WMC, take Main Street to Sh~tz, aluminum foil, foil pans and plas- ated by all college students. I know If you have a recipe that you would dimif lit by a beautiful crystal make a right onto Washington tic bags. While the cleanest dorm that not many people make it to like included in this column, ande1ier, white strung lights Road, travel about a block. rooms house paper plates, towels, breakfast, especially before those please send it to the Phoenix c/o ound the fireplace, and candles Whether you're with a date or and plastic silverware. However, jf 8:20 classes. So, today we are go- The Easy Gourmet. ~ on each linen covered table. a group of friends, Maggie's res- you prefer to be more environmen- ing to prepare a breakfast dish that 1:..- ... • -fl'he menu is comprised-of beef, taurant offers-a warm atmosphere poultry, and seafood entrees priced and a menu that will leave you feel- Domestic ~$20. A light fare menu ing satisfied. violence Upcoming Cultural haunts US Events at WMC It's becoming routine to cover up the bruises, but you know oth- March ers suspect no one you can turn to who their cause. You think there's The National February Iz-March 8-Gallery One ~.I-aM~U~All would understand. Crime Prevention , "The New Americas" by James N. Stant Council has a message for you: A photographic exhibition exploring immigrants and their stories You are not alone. as four The council says as many million March 1,2,3,7,8,9 at 8:00p.m.-Alumni Hall C~UA~lAe' women in the United States suffer The Cherry Orchard- some kind of violence at the.hands A post show discussion will follow the March 3rd performance Or choose from over 25 of their husbands or boyfriends each year, yet few willtell anyone. other cities across the US March 4 at 7:00-Baker Memorial Chapel Part of the abuser's power Monday Night Music presents original comes from secrecy, and victims '" lluuot 77U.l 'B'"III a 7>,,'1"") such intimate family problems .. compositions by Garth Baxter often are ashamed to talk about Sometimes violence counselors March 5 at 7:30-Baker Memorial Chapel 2 /Vlq~t '!lu,." "U"",I16)"U'1IS Westminster Chapel Choir in Concert recommend breaking the cycle of This 82-voice choir is composed of students at ,11ll1ll,Hf abuse by going to a friend or neigh- Westminster Choir College of Rider University, home of America's bor, calling a domestic violence hot Five Star Traveler offers you discounts on: If you are hurt, call the police. foremost choral ensembles line or talking to a counselor. March 10 at 2:00-McDaniel Lounge Hotels, Cruises, Air Fares, Condos, Remember that assault, even by Yale Gordon Sundays of Note presents Marian Hahn, pianist Car Rentals, Recreations, Attractions, and family members, is a crime. about Po-'" lice often have information Vacations shelters and other agencies that Free for WMC faculty, staff and students help victims of domestic violence. March 23 at 7:00p.m.-McDaniel Lounge Only $39.95 (with College ID) Leave, or have someone stay "The Pleasure of Your Company" with you. If you believe that you Call(410) 840-9870 leave immediately. A piano concert featuring Peggy Brengle and Judith Ferencz and your children are in danger, $5-adults/$3-stlldents For information, call the Na- March 29 at 7:00 p.m.-McDaniel Lounge tional Resource Center on Domes- Clarinet Recital by Micah H~mbert tic Violence at 1-800-537-2238. News USA
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