Page 128 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 128
- Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 16 SPORTS Athletes swim for OFF THE BEATEN TRACK Championships ContinuedJrom page 20 John Manard I I fourth in the 100 Backstroke with at time of 1:02.40. Mike Welter finished seventh in the men's Finally winter sports are over and late in the season really hurt him. Congrats team. dungeon, compared to F&M's championship 100 Backstroke we can move on. But before I do lets Freshman BrianThmbs was shoved Indoor Track ASFC. with a time of :57.47. look back at the Winter sports season in into the starting point guard spot. It While the track team was not often Now, granted. not everyone Day 3-Sunday, February 2S review. As always these are just opin- could not have been easy. He showed around for me to see this winter I was can find $13.5 million dollars to Senior Karen Alexander fin- ions and don't reflect the opinions of progress and that is a plus. As he be- lucky enough to catch them in action at spend on a state of the art sports ished off her stellar career at WMC the Phoenix staff. comes more comfortable with his po- the Championships. All Ihave to say is complex. But back to the point with a third place finish in the 200 Correction sition he could be a big bonus next year. wow. Julie Cox is just one incredible about the pool. Check out our Backstroke. Her time of 2:13.70 In my last column I mistakenly Coach Nick Zoulas should look to athlete. The track team is also often swimmers significant improve- was only two tenths of a second stated that the school did not buy the bring in some more talent as it looks overlooked but here again are some ment on times. Maybe it was the off of the qualifying time for Na- Conference banners in the pool and like his bench is getting pretty thin. outstanding athletes. Once again championships or maybe it was tionals. gym. Iwas told this was not true and Women's Basketball congrers. the pool. Mike Welter finished in eighth indeed the school did pay for them. I We had the talent. We scored the Championship Weekend Let me tell you, this complex place in the championship heat of apologize for this misinformed mistake. points. We won the games, till it really Yours truly spentlast weekend rac- is nice. Five basketball/tennisl ""the men's 200 backstroke. He had The school did indeed buy the banners mattered. What happened? ing back and forth to Lancaster, PA., volleyball courts, and an elevated a time of2:05.07. for around $1 ,(xx). This does give me I will tell you what happened! We where Itook in the Centennial Confer- jogging track. Throw in the Michelle Garvey finished lBth new hope. Maybe now they will think ran into the most devastating one-two ence Championships in Swimming and Olympic size pool and weight in the 100 yard Freestyle. Aaron about those championship banners. senior combination in the Conference, IndoorTrnck. Let mejust say first.con- room, what a facility. Corbett was 19th in the men's race. Wrestling Annie Guzek and Gretchen Muller of gratulations to all of the athletes. They Of course, someone' is prob- Freshman Meghan Joyce con- Imust admit Idid not see that much Dickinson. Here are two athletes that . all did a hell of ajob. The second thing ably saying right now that we tinued her excellent weekend with wrestling this semester but Idid keep can play. With their careers hinging on that I would like to do is refertothe last should spend our money on more a strong second place finish in the track of how they were doing. While one game this was not the duo to play. ''Off the Beaten Track." asegmenttitled important things like Hoover Li- 200 yard breaststroke consolation they did not fare well at Regionals, they When the women were getting ready ''Nceded Renovations," in which I ar- brary, a million dollar building of gued the idea of a new pool. heat. She swam a 2:40.31. did very well at the Conference Cham- to play Johns Hopkins for the division its own. Well, yeah, but Franklin Paul Matkovic came in sixth pionships. Under head coach John title, Annie Guzek and Val Muravchik After spending the weekend at and Marshall has two libraries. and Peter Fuller came in seventh Lowe this teamhas shown tremendous of Dickinson came to the game. They F&M's $13.5 million Alumni Sports I'm probably comparing in the men's 200 yard Breaststroke improvement over the past two years. drove from Carlisle, PA. to here. That and Fitness Center, I feel that some- apples and oranges but anyway, championship finals with times of The tearn will be losing some fine se- shows how much Guzek is into the whereour school missedout. TheGill see you next time, somewhere 2:14.05 and 2:15.10 respectively. niortalent in the likes of Justin Mikulski game.Atthattime I realized that Iwould Center strikes me as, well to be frank, a "Off the Beaten Track." Matkovtc's lime was a new school and Phil Simmerer but the team looks not want to play Dickinson again. record. to be strong in the future. Icould easily push, blame on play- Sophomore Heather Jacoby Men's Basketball ers or coaches, but Iwont. The women • FREE TAX HELP had her fastest 200 Butterfly time I really do not know what to say had a great season, finishing better than in the consolation heat of that about this team. They went 4-20, 1-17 anyone could have imagined. They re- event. Her time of 2:32.52 was since December 2, 1995. That really turn everyone next year. While to use good enough for fourth in the heat, does not tell rhe storyofthis team. There the cliche, wait till next year, might be FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low 12th overall. was talent on this young tearn and they bad, it is appropriate. No starter will dis- Moderate Income Taxpayers Jason West placed second in the should have done better. I am not sure appear unless by choice. This team men) consolation heat with a time what caused the downfall of this team. showed the guts and tenacity to hang WHERE: Western Maryland College-Gold Room B of2: 11.69. The freshman may have Was it poor coaching or just unmoti- in with some tough and experienced made the championship finals if vated players? Or something else? teams. Next year they should be the WHEN: his goggles had not fallen down What does the team need to im- tough and experienced team. Tuesday Thursday Saturday around his neck and almost choked prove?They really don't need too much. Swimming 7-9 pm 7-9 pm llam-2pm him to death. The key to this team may beconsistency. Who can not like a team that has February 15 February 17 David Mirra, a senior, finished They will return Will ''The TIuill" the least amount offans, but must have a strong third in the consolation Marshall, who in two years has already the two craziest captains in the school. February 20 February 22 February 24 heat with a lime of2:12.84. proven to be one of WMC's most tal- Senior Karen Alexander and junior February 27 February 29 March 2 The final events of the week- ented players. As a freshman he was a Kevin Lundell lead this rag tag bunch March 5 March 7 March 9 April .. end was the 400 yard Freestyle surprise to many. Now he has become of misfits whocal1 themselves the "Real March 12 March 14 Relay. The women's team of a force to reckon with. But there seemed Green Terror." March 26 March 28 March 30 Alexander, Jacoby, Tasha Berry to be some games where he may not This learn never showed fear in April 2 April 4 April 6 and Joyce put on a show for the have been all there. the face of the much larger teams April 9 April 11 13 remaining fans that stuck out the Daeviid SI. Rose will also return, as they met. From obscene cheers Walk-ins welcome from February 15 - February 29 grueling three day event. The team will guard Kris Shuck. Both can be ex- against rival Gettysburg to some By appointment only after February 29 flirted with a third place upset of cellent players. St. Rose needs to lift extremely strange haircuts to a Swarthmore and Washington be- his game to another level. His play was crazy little green guy, this team For appointments and/or more information, contact Karen fore finally succumbing down the strong but he could be one of the best hung together as a team. At cham- Beamer x8261 (on campus) or 751-8261 if you're off-campus or stretch 10 fatigue. players in the conference. Shuck needs pionships these often overlooked stop by Winslow 114 and ask for Susan Milstein. Gettysburg won both the men's to be consistent. Other than St.Rose and athletes all set personal bests. March 15 and women's team championships. Marshall, he is the only player return- Which, by the way, is what sports Spring Breakbegina March 25 cta.s5
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