Page 130 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 130
___Thursday, February 29, 1996 - .Page 18 SPORTS Lopez returns to collegiate coaching at WMC By JONATHON SHACK!' trains some of the top players in the The most fulfilling thing about Features Editor region. coaching tennis is seeing the play- Are tennis and philosophy re- The first thing Lopez remem- ers develop, said Lopez. Also, ten- lated to each other? Well, accord- bers doing as a child was playing nis is a competitive and healthy ing to Jim Lopez, the new tennis sports of some nature. He grew up sport that adds years to your life, coach at WMC, they absolutely are near some tennis courts and was he added. On the other hand, deal- related. introduced to the sport at about age ing with the demanding parents of These two fields of interest are five or six when his mother first aspiring athletes is one bad side similar because, "You are always took him with her. While his with which Lopez has to deal. asking questions to figure out how mother played tennis, he would When it comes to mixing alco- you can make yourself better and ride his bicycle around the courts. hol and athletics, Lopez thinks The most fulfilling thing about coaching tennis is seeing the players develop, said Lopez. Also, tennis is a competitive and healthy sport that adds years to your life. you always want the answers," said The tennis "atmosphere was in- "they certainly don't match." Lopez. ." stilled in me early (in life) and I was However, he said, "you can't stop A graduate of Rutgers Univer- always plained. students from doing what they are sity and father of one child, he is Lopez did not actually start going to do." Ifa team wins a game currently the only tennis coach for playing tennis until he finished his and celebrates with a bottle of both the men's and women's teams service in the NAVY. At that point champagne, then it should be done at western Maryland. A position in his life, he played against his in moderation. "But I certainly for assistant coach will be filled brother and really took to the sport. wouldn't allow it on this team," he soon, assured Lopez. He first thought of the idea of said. He decided to get ajob at West- teaching tennis after he witnessed The first tennis match of the em Maryland because he wanted someone who could not even hit a season is on March 15. "Will we to get back into coaching at the col- tennis ball give lessons and get paid be ready?," asked Lopez, "We will lege level. When he is not coach- for it. At this moment he thought be as ready as we have to be, but Head coach jim Lopez instructs one of the women tennis players on ing at WMC, he works at the Jim to himself, "This is pretty good" we'll improve all year long." Good proper form. Lopez currently holds the position of head coach/or both the Lope~ Tennis Academy where he and decided to pursue his dream. luck to him and his team! men's and women's teams \}1f)~lI'l"',t€(rW( :,0.!, ;i1Opt! Or jigJ(e:,W~tcrV\0ter EvcrYhf1llft' hty; a str.:x:g &iil: Fx yD:.J.Bik.iJ'1k:~Tr:Cr1i$, Crm·Piece, T>;.'O·Pif:;:[", Mix c",,:j !.1otch SCpXJtt'"i.1l;erc ore (l1.'I0'5O'tef; ro rrocse from· Owings Mills Town Center 410-356-0280 Towson Town Center 410-821-9287 Fair Oaks Mall 703- 359-2943
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