Page 121 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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/ .: /':' NEWS Thursday, February 29. 1996 - Page 9 WMc staff recognized Residence Assistance Selection Indian in student life and YewS of service and talent thanked Continued from page I to and interested to fulfill their outlined Lacrosse was the interview process. II be- are expected educator Lecture Sixteen employees of Western Dean E. Leppo of Littlestown, gan on Saturday, February 17 with responsibilities which include Maryland College recently were PA, MaintenanceiRepair and Power Group Interaction Day. This gave those of: student, community or- honored for their many years of Plant Attendant, Physical Plant, 10 the candidates time to interact in a ganizer, peer advisor, dedicated service during a special years. variety of group activities. through programming, role model, The sixth Wenner-Wingate Me- luncheon hosted by President Rob- Dorothy B. Martin ofWestmin- Upon the completion of these judicial agent, referral person, and morial Lecture at Western Mary- ert H. Chambers in the President's ster, Desk Attendant, Athletics, 10 acnvtttes.they were to be assessed administrator. land College, which was postponed Dining Room at Decker College years. by members of the Residence Life They are expected to work co- due to illness last November, has Center. WMC Eployees honored for staff including Residence Life operatively and effectively with been rescheduled for Thursday, The distinguished group of years of service are: Coordinators and current RA's. peers, college staff, and faculty. In March 14, at 8 p.m., in McDaniel employees, he noted at the Jan. 11 Teresa A. McAndrew of West- Interviews for the positions other words, RA's should possess Lounge. program, represented 220 years of minster, Accounting Clerk, Finan- were held February 19until Friday, a willingness to commit time and Dr. Thomas Vennum Jr., a se- service on "the Hill." cial Services, IOyears. February23. According to Makeba energy to be effective peer coun- nior ethnomusicologist at the "These people have made a Harold M. Wamer of West min- Clay, this subsequent method of the selors and to facilitate educational Smithsonian Institution's Center strong' commitment to WMC and ster, Clerk, Golf Shop, IO years. interview process allowed the staff and social programming in the resi- for Folklife Programs and Cultural we celebrate their achievements Barbara J. Yantis of Westmin- to get to know the student better on dence halls. Studies, will present "American through the years," Dr. Chambers ster, Payroll Manager, Financial an individual level , rather than on Aden Mages, a RA in Indian Lacrosse, Little Brother of commented, "the staff is an integral Services, a group level. Whiteford Hall, stated, "I like to be War," a discussion of the origins part of the family which continues 10 years. The Committee then reviewed an RA because I get a chance to and history of lacrosse. The pro- to make this college one of Judith A. Hart of Westminster, the evaluations and discussed the meet people from different places. gram is free and open to the pub- America's fine institutions." Administrative Assistant, Student strengths and limitations of the can- Also, I like having the opportunity lic. The group members also were Affairs, 15 years. didates. Selection notification, via to bring them together as a com- Through his extensive research, praised by their respective supervi- Mary Louise Poole ofWestmin- campus mail, will be by Wednes- munity. Being able to bring a so- he has traced the source of lacrosse sors and were presented with spe- ster, Coordinator of Information day, March 6. Acceptance re- cial life to the students, by creat- folklore while dispelling some cially engraved plaques featuring Systems, Admissions, 15 years. sponses are due a week later on ing fun activities, is also reward- myths and perpetuating others and the college seal and a commemo- Donna M. Sellman of West min- Wednesday, March 13. ing." publishing his compelling literary rative WMC green-and-gold pin. ster, Director, Alumni Affairs, 15 Upon returning from Spring In addition, RA's are expected work, American Indian Lacrosse, The 16 employees, their depart- years. Break, the 1996-97 RA's will be to be persons who approach their Little Brother of War: A Compre- ments, and the number of years they Helen M. Thompson of given a brief introduction to their jobs with enthusiasm and commit- hensive Study of the Origins and have served Western Maryland Col- Hanover, PA, Secretary, Mathemat- job, staff, and people they will be ment. They must also be willing History of this Native American lege are: ics and Computer Science, 15 years. working with. Then, in August, and able to confront and effectively Game. Barry L. Bosley of Finksburg, Sue Schmidt of Hanover PA, there will be an even more exten- resolve individual-and group prob- Vennum received his B.A. from Director, Facilities Management Bursar, Student Accounts, 20 years. sive, hands on training period. lems. Yale University, an M.A. from the and Auxiliary Services, 10 years. George T. Keeney of New This is designed to allow the Christian Abildso, an RA in New England Conservatory of Katherine L. Cousins of Windsor, Steam Plant Foreman, new RA's to get acquainted to the Blanche and ANW, offered, "I feel Music and his Ph.D. in Music from Finksburg, Special Events Coordi- Physical Plant, 25 years. program. Additionally, each month that my job as an RA is not as a Harvard University. nator, Conference Services, Facili- Ernest T. Ogle of Taneytown, there is an inservice day to provide police officer or a father, but to help TheWenner-WingateMemorial ' ties Management and Auxiliary Manager, Telecommunications, 25 on-going training for the RA's. develop community in each build- Lecture was established through I Services, 10 years. I years. Makeba Clay noted that training is ing and develop respect between the bequest of Dr. Evelyn Wingate Western Mary-I Bobby K. Fields of Westminster, Western Maryland College a very comprehensive component residents and RA's. Thejob's defi- Wenner, a longtime Groundskeeper, Physical Plant, 10 numbers among the largest employ- of the whole process. nitely difficult; but it has its ben- land professor of _literature and a years. er.s in Carroll County. The role of resident assistant is efits as well as its drawbacks. resident of Westminster. Paula M. Harris of Westminster, available to full-time students with Overall, I think it's been a good Before her death in 1989 at the Office Manager, Campus Safety, 10 Courtesy of Public lnfonnation at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, a experience for me. It's helped me age of 88, Dr. Wenner planned the .~~ years. good disciplinary record at WMC, build leadership qualities and leam new lectureship in honor of her hus- and having ar least 30 credit hours great time-management skills." band, C. Malcolm Wenner Jr., and Photographers neededfor completed. The student must be out that "it is very important for stu- her brother, W. Wilson Wingate. Clay pointed Overall, Makeba Mr. in working The Phoenix. interested of Residence with the De- dents to recognize that RA's are re- Prior to his death in 1975, offi- was a retired railroad Wenner Life to de- partment Call X8600 for details velop and implement student ser- ally on the front lines of the col- cial who was supportive of WMC I lege and help to build a stronger in the College's vices students and his wife's research. residence ,community." ~;:;;:;:~::;_;n~~_;::r;n:::;:;:T;;'::;:r.~~.facilities. RA's mUSI be sensitive Westminster's :Juff Service 5-faircare Center Walk-in or call for an appointment 848-2820 PHONE S.5.* _ SIGNAlURE _ N01E: MulerCilid b. Iqttateml"'.se_", rI MaslerCard l"tr;mlllor.l Inc. Visa II. ITgts~nd tnldenw.11r. 01 \ISs.-. USA.. Inc. .... VISA International
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