Page 124 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 124
Thursday. February 29, 1996 - Page 12 FEATURES A closer look at Josh Foster: his missionary work changes lives By KI<:I.LY A. FITZGERALD Conlribu/;ngWriler "The true children of God are those who let God's Spirit lead them" (Romans 8:14). On and off the Western Maryland College campus, senior Josh Foster has achieved a lot by following God's Spirit. Among the many clubs and organizations at WMC, one that has grown significantly in the past several years is the Christian Fel- lowship. As a leaderand oneof approximately30 core members this year, senior sports-journalism major Josh Foster has witnessed and been a contributing factor in the group's develop- ment as a result of his experiences within and outside of WMC. SITUATION WANTED FOSlerbecame involved in the Christian Mother's Helper. Minimum 10 varied Fellowship as a freshman three and a half hours a week. Must have own car and years ago. At that time, the group was fairly references. small consisting of about 10to 12members. Call 840-8995 Professor Alex Ober of the Physical Educa- tion Department, who is the group's advi- sor, explained that a Christian group has, to varying extents, existed on the campus for SPRING BREAKĀ· the past 20 years. Regarding the progress of NassaulParadise Island, Cancun arid the group, he stated, "The group has had its Jamaica from $299. Air, Hotel, ups and downs over time, but currently has Transfers, Parties and More! Organize a strong group of leaders." small group - earn FREE trips plus Such strong leadership began with efforts commissions! among memberswee yearsago. To improve Call 1-800-822-0321 organization, four areas within the group regarding outreach and various activities As a senior; he has served 4 years with The Phoenix, and uses many of his outside were formed during the spring semester of experiences, especially ones from Albania, to keep his sight on his goals in everyday life. Mexico/Caribbean $189 RT Fosters' freshman year. Europe $169 OW . According to Foster, much of the ing experience. was not as involved with the Christian Fel- & Domestic Destinations Cheapl! "gruntwork" of organizing and adjusting ''Those were, without a doubt, the quick- lowship as a result of an internship he did in IF YOU CAN BEAT THESE within the fellowship can be attributed to est two weeks of my life," he said. As mis- New York City. sions pastor at his church, Pascak Bible "It was a really neat experience and a lot PRICES START YOUR OWN fellow senior member and leader,Amy Sher- Church, Foster's father had informed him of of fun," he recalled. At the headquarters of iff. Sheriff said that the growth of the group DAMN AIRLINE. what to expect on the trip to Albania. As- Air-Tech, Ltd. 2121219-7000 has been "phenomenal" withthe adjustments pects such as the culture of the people and the CBS Sports research department, hisjob and "networking" done since their freshmen involved doing statistics for NFL games. year. their feelings regarding Americans were dis- Because he lives in Park Ridge, N.J., Foster http:!campus.netlaerotech "We used to have very spuratic get- cussed. "I really didn't know what to ex- was able to make the 20-minute drive into togethers," she said, "with only about 10 pect though," he recalled. It was not until the city each day and return home in the eve- members." Three years later, with a more he was there amidst Albania's poverty and nings. structured organization, attendance has newly acquired religious freedom that Fos- As for journalism experience on the tripled. Foster added: "Every year we get ler developed a true understanding of why WMC campus, this is his fourth year writ- great people that come in, but 1 am most he was there. ing for The Phoenix and third semester as impressed with the group of freshmen we "It was incredible to see their reaction," co-sports editor. The Christian Fellowship have this year." he said regarding the work the missionsteam and his journalism experiences on and off It was not until he was there amidst Albania's poverty and newly acquired religious freedom that Foster developed a true understanding of why he was there. Apparently the feelings are mutual. One was doing converting a building into a campus have helped Foster with his major of about 15 freshmen in the Fellowship this church and the message they were deliver- and in contemplating what he...wants to do year, Kerrie Willie said, "I think Josh is a ing about Christianity. When one of the mis- with his life. .d really motivated and inspiring person for the sionaries would say, "I've come from "I don't know what I would have done group." America to tell you about these hopes that 1 without the Fellowship in college," he said. With the dedication of Foster, Sheriff, have," Foster recalled, ''They would invite This year he has backed off from a lot of his and many others, activities involving the us into their homes and listen to us." previous leadership duties in order to give GOOD entire WMC community began two years Because Albania has only been open to younger members the experience they will the western world for about four or five WEEKLY ago. The birth of 'Happy Hour', a time for years, the people were quite receptive to the need when he andother active seniors gradu- ate in May. fellowship with singing, skits, and games INCOME was one of these activities. According to Bibles and words offered by Foster and his next year," he admitted. He has an opportu- "J really don't know what I will be doing fellowmissionaries. Previously,Albaniawas Foster, this tradition, held every other processing mail lor Wednesday night, brought a tremendous in- considered the only Atheistic country in the nity to go back to CBS and work after gradu- national company! Free crease in members during the latterpart of world..While they can now practice religion ation. "But," he added, "I think I left part of supplies. postage! No his sophomore year and has increased openly, Albania is still the poorest country my heart inAlbanialast summer ." He would selling! Bonuses! Start steadily since that time. in Europe. like to return at some point and stay for a immediately! Genuine In addition to his involvement in the Along with Foster's faith-building expe- longer period of time. While pondering his opportunity! RushSAS.E.: ChristianFellowship, Fosterstrengthenedhis riences outside of the Christian Fellowship goals, he mentioned that he is not worried GKC. SUIT!! 216 faith on a missions trip to Albania this past group, he has also had the opportunity to fo- about the future. Whatever he decides to do, 1861 N.F!!DERAL HWY summer. Having been to 30 of 50 states,plus cus on his self-designed sports journalism he simply states, "My number one priority living overseas with his family as mission- is to be used by the Lord." major outside of his work at WMC. During HOLLTWOOD.FL 33020 aries for five years, Foster has much travel- the first semester of his sophomore year, he
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