Page 122 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 122
Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 10 FEATURES New T.V. series focuses on interracial frien-d~iiip r j "Buddies" will be on Wednesdays at 9:30 PM on ABC; produced by makers of "Home Improvement" The seeds of "Buddies" were planted men wrestle literally and psychologically when Disney executives suggested to the with attractive, smart women-John with his partners of Wind Dancer Production Group- strong-willed, conservative wife, and Dave -Matt Williams, David McFadzean and with his long-standing girlfriend, a sassy Carmen Pinestra- that they were due for wife wanna-be." another hit series. Rounding out the cast are veterans of Shortly thereafter, Disney's Senior Vice considerable expertise and sophistication, President of Casting, Glene Blythe, was im- including Tony Awa~d-winner Judith Ivey mensely impressed with the talents of Dave and "Shaft" graduate Richard Roundtree. Chappelle, a young stand-up comic he saw The craft and discipline these actors bring perform at the "Just for Laughs" comedy fes- to the set have a marvelous effect on the pro- tival in Montreal. Enter Christopher Gartin, duction as a whole," says Williams. "As in a young actor who perfectly fit the produc- tennis, you always get better when you play ers' vision for Dave's best friend. with people more experienced than you. The result is Dave Chappelle and Chris- Chappelle and Gartin have greatly benefited topher Gartin playing a couple of fledging from these season_ed actors' contributions to filmmakers out to make it big in Chicago, 'Buddies.' The audience response to the first Illinois. taping was extraordinary, and we look for- While the theme of "best friends" is not ward to a long and fruitful collaboration." unusual in series comedy, "Buddies" will "Buddies" is produced by Wind Dancer continue to break new ground in that one Production Group in association with character is black, the other white. While Touchtone Television. Matt Williams, David the show will not shrink from the subject of McFadzean, Carmen Finestra, Bob Burris racial tension, neither will it struggle with and Michael Ware are executive producers. an "issue of the week." The series is produced by Gayle S. Maffeo. "The point is to entertain the audience Billy Riback and Daphne Pollon are super- by celebrating racial differences and point- vising producers and Caterina Fiordellisi ing to positive experiences," says co-creator Nelli is co-producer. Carmen Finestra. "The fact that the two Touchstone Television is a part of the young men enjoy the company of one an- Walt Disney Television & Telecommunica- other so much in itself speaks volumes." tions group. "Buddies" will be a very hip, sexy show," adds co-creator David McFadzean. "Both Courtesy of Disney Films Leap year holds history (Clockwisefrom left) Richard Roundtree, Judith Ivey, Dave Chappelle, Tanya Wright, Christopher comedy throughout the years Gartin and Paula Ca[~ star in "Buddies," a new half-hour on ABC. which centers around the between two yaungfilmmakers. The series, from tne crealors of "Home friendship interracial Wednesdays airs Improvement," at 9:30 PM(ETIPT) may pro- BSU hosts songs of By SARAH SNELL "Bachelors'Day." According to The Folk- SlujJWriler lore of American Holidays, this is the one Surprisingly, no students attending West- day in four years in which women em Maryland College have a leap year birth- pose marriage to men. According to the celebration at WMC day, according to Associate Registrar Carole book, in 1288 the Scottish Parliament passed . Arrieta. a law that said, '''For (each year) known as If there were though, they would be re- lepe yeare, any maiden ladye of both highe lieved to know that during King Henry VIII's and lowe estait shall hae liberte to bespeke Gospel Jubilee rocked the crowds in Big Baker rule, February 28 was declared their official ye man she like' If he refused to make her birthday for the three years in which Febru- his wife, he was fined one pound, 'except. GRANT A. RICI!: renditions, a surprise father and daughter duo ary ends on the 28th, according to the Ency- .he can make it appeare that he is betrothed News Editor was performed by Kerry and Erin Brumfield clopedia Americana. to another woman. '" The Black Student Union hosted a night singing I'm lost without you. And since none of WMC's students have Events occurring around the world on this of gospel celebration Saturday, February The next performing ensemble was the a February 29 birthday, they could not pos- leap year day, according to Chase, are: The 17th, drawing in 70 students and commu- United Methodist's Union Street Choir sibly share in the misfortunes of Frederic Black Heritage Festival of Louisiana (Feb. nity members. which jolted the audience with excitement from the Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "The 29-March 3), Charro Days (Texas; Feb. 29- Students from across campus along with and energy. Songs performed were Church Pirates of Penzance." March 3), Florida Strawberry Festival (Feb. community members met in Baker Memo- medley, He that Dwelleth, Be encouraged. Frederic was mistakenly apprenticed to 29-March (0), International Underlings Day, rial Chapel to hear the splendid voices of This group consisted of about twenty adults a pirate instead of a pilot until his 21st birth- Los Angeles Marathon Quality of Life Expo three distinguished vocal groups from around with wide vocal ranges and years of gospel day. His birthday, unfortunately for him, fell (Feb. 29-March 2), Michigan Home and the county. experience, in and out of church. on the 29th of February. When he tried to Garden Show at the Pontiac Silverdome The festivities began with a prayer by "These songs were inspiration to us ail," end his apprenticeship, he realized, "Years (Feb. 29-March 3), Save the Rhino Day, Rev. Mark Lancaster and then continued to commented Levita Wespbrook, BSU presi- twenty-one I've been alive) Yet, reckoning Texas Cowboy Poetry Gathering (Feb. 29- warm up the crowd by getting the audience dent. by my natal day) I am a little boy of five!" march 3), and the Worldwide Leap Year Fes- to shout "Hallelujah," and, "Amen!" After The final performers were Sisters In Har- Not to worry, this is not how the legal tival (New Mexico-Texas; Feb. 29-March 3). the audience participation, Rev. Lancaster mony, a group of three talented ladies from drinking age is measured. Chase also says that Feb. 29 is the anni- went on to introduce the first group to per- the Westminster area. They performed Up Feb. 29 is a leap day added to the calen- versary of the Deerfield Massacre in 1704, form: Western Maryland's own Gospel There, Potter's House, and On There. Dur- dar to make up for-the extra five hours and the 260th anniversary of Ann Lee's birthday Choir. ing their last song several members of the 48 minutes it takes for the Earth to go around (the founder of Shakerism in America), the Melodies sang by the WMC Gospel audience stood and clapped along with the the sun each year. There is a leap year every anniversary of poet Howard Nemerov's Choir were / don't want no trouble down at melody. four years, "except century years which are birthday who was born in 1920, and the birth the river, Till we meet again, and Follow "These sisters know how to harmonize!" not exactly divisible by 400," Chase's 1996 anniversary of operatic composer me. exclaimed Michailia Patterson. Calendar of Events read. Gioacchino Antonio Rossini ("The Barber Swaying back and forth in tempo with The Jubilee concluded with a closing Common years have 52 weeks plus one of Seville"), bom in 1792. the music several spectators began clapping prayer by Rev. Lancaster, thanking God for day so that each year one's birthday is pushed Famous people who share leap year as a to the music as others joined them 4flaking a lively group and inspirational music. forward one day of the week. Leap years birthday are actor Joss Ackland, 68, (vThe the spirit of the gathering come alive. The festivities were followed by refresh- are so called because it pushes one's birth- Hunt for Red October"), astronaut Jack "It was different than what I am used to, ments served in Upper Decker. Drinks and day up two days, thereby leaping over a day. Lousma, 60, actress MicheIe Morgan, 76, but it was simply beautiful," commented Swedish meatballs along with fruit were of- Few others know what other significance ("The Fallen Idol"), and actor Antonio freshman Sharon Irwin. fered while performers and audience mem- the exira day holds. Sabato Jr, 24, ("Melrose Place"), according After the WMC Gospel Choir ended their bers mingled. Another name for it is "Ladies' Day" or to Chase.
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