Page 106 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 106
Thursday, February 15, 1996 ~ Page 14 Glar changes lines, tables, and eating atmosphere Table set up inhibits Greek traditions while food quality improves this semester By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL News Assistant In accordance with the report of the Resi dential College Task Force, Englar Dining Hall (GlAR) was renovated during the re- cent semester break. This renovation entailed new carpeting and tiling, new seating arrangements, and the construction of the "food court." According to Mary Roloff, Account Op- erations Manager for Sodexho Dining Ser- vices, there was "great concern about get- ting (GlAR) done" due to the Blizzard of '96. She was impressed with the construction company's efforts in doing a "great job get- ting one line ready" by the start of the new semester. In addition. she affirmed that the con- struction company expects to complete the renovation by the end of February, The completed second line will include the pizza bar, deli bar, condiment bar, salad bar, soup bar, a vegetarian/ethnic table, two hot-wells for vegetarian entrees, and the yo- gurt machine ELlZA\lETHVAI..UET Additional seating will also be available Students at IIII' newly renovated cafeteria experience the improved lines and food court set up Wilh Ihe updated can be kept honer on the Dining Porch upon the completion of andfresher 10 improve irs quality. the renovation at the end of the month. Student response to the newly-renovated dining hall has been mostly positive. vices because "comments are the most im- lisa Hopkins voiced, "It seems that the In addition, other campus organizations Jeremy Osteen, President of the Food portant thing to (the dining service)." She lack of sealing is a problem." such as sports teams can no longer congre- Committee, stated, "I think they've done a stressed the continuing importance of the According to IGC President Tim Collins, gate at the long tables. very exceJlentjob." . Food Service Committee on Glar improve- the Inter-Greek Committee has addressed the Regarding GlAR's usage of non-recy- He referred to the new design as "very ment. issue. Overall, WMC's Greek organizations clable plates and silverware, lisa Hopkins adequate." In addition, he offered comments Mark Resch, a member of the Food Ser- are pleased with the new dining facilities. said that she is "concerned about the use of about the nice atmosphere and quicker ser- vice Committee, said he "wants (to see) more Although some of the Greek organizations disposable products." vice in the new GLAR. participation in the committee even if you' are concerned that they may no longer per- According to Mary ROIof(the dishroom Roloff concurred with Osteen stating that come to one meeting to voice your opinion." form some of their rituals in the Dining Hall was scheduled to be completed by February "most of (the student response) is positive," Despite many of the positive reactions to without the long tables. 10th, placing real dishes and silverware on especially about the food. the new GlAR, many students have ex- "Some of the Greek organizations would students' trays. She would like students to offer more pressed concerns about the new seating ar- like some of the long tables back so that they suggestions and comments to the dining ser- rangements in GlAR. can sit together," commented Collins. ~~~~~~~~ ", , c ®TOYOTA
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