Page 105 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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FEATURES Thursday, February 15, 1996 - Page 13 Musician Holiday season WMC grant honors performs inspires charity in community service at WMC college community SCOTT LEE Past recipients of this award Local area benefits from donations COlI/ribmingWriler include: Wade Fanin who founded Arnold Gregorian of the Balti- Are you interested in pursuing the College's Lesbian and Gay Re- more Symphony Orchestra will Western Maryland College The outdoor clothing items will a community service project? Ifso, source Center in 1991. join faculty members of Western President Robert H. Chambers be distributed to area residents consider submitting an application David Radosetich who estab- Maryland College for the next con- played Santa on Friday, Dec. 22, through Carroll County's homeless for the Griswold- Zepp Award. lished a mentoring program for at cert in the Chamber Music on the delivering a decorated Christmas shelter, according to Sylvia Canon, Every year, this award is given fisk 9th and 10th graders in 1992. Hill series Sunday, Feb. [S, at 3 tree to the offices of Carroll executive director of the county's to a full-time WMC undergraduate Jodi Lankford and Jeff Peveto p.m., in Little Baker Chapel. County's Human Services Pro- Human Services Programs, who or group of undergraduates in good who established an orientation pro- The concert, highlighting the grams. accepted the tree and other gifts. academic standing who have de- gram to promote racial healing in use of keyboards in various peri- But the branches weren't "The community plays a piv- signed the most innovative 1993 after previously establishing ods of music, is open to the pub- adorned in lights and colorful or- otal role in the success of the col- volunteerism project. -rhe award a campus chapter of the Institute lic. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 naments. Rather the small tree held lege and this is one way we can recipient is given a stipend of for the Healing of Racism. for seniors and for WMC faculty some of the nearly 200 mittens, show our appreciation," Dr. Cham- $1250 to fund the proposed project, Susan Foreman who estab- and staff, and free for students with gloves, hats, and mufflers the col- bers said. and it is possible that with the spon- lished a program that works to cre- a valid WMC J.D. lege collected at its Holiday Cel- "It was a great showing and the sorship of an appropriate faculty ate educational opportunities for "Keyboard instruments have ebration small tree was toppling over, fully member, academic credit may be children who are receiving services always played a vital part in cham- The gloves and other items loaded with gifts. This is a won- arranged. from the Carroll County Family ber music," said David Kreider. were the price of "admission" for derful community and we love be- The Griswold-ZeppAward was Center and the homeless shelter in one of six WMC musicians fea- faculty and staff members who ing a part of it and being able to created in 1991 to honor two WMC 1994. tured. "This program shows the came to the party hosted by Dr. help those in need." faculty members, Dr. Ear! Elizabeth Value! and the mem- versatility of those keyboard in- Chambers at his campus home. Courresy of Public Information Griswold and Dr. Era Zepp. Dur- bers of AIDS: Support, Awareness, struments in compositions from ing their careers at WMC, Griswold and Prevention who created an several diverse periods in music and Zepp helped to establish two AIDS information and resource from the Baroque to the 20th cen- center on campus in 1995. tury." Applications will be available The program will feature: in the development office and at the Songs by Henry Purcell for voice Hinge in 1966. Participants in the information desk in Decker Cen- and harpsichord with Douglas SOS program completed such piv- ter. Completed applications should Crowder, baritone, accompanied.s] otal projects as registering voters be marked Griswold-Zepp Award, by Ken List, harpsichord; Sonata in Mississippi, promoting commu- c/o Development Office. A follow- for Flute and Harpsichord (The nity development in Bolivia, and up interview may be required. The Conversation Sonata) by C. P. E. building libraries in the Philip- deadline for project applications is Bach, with Ken List, harpsichord pines, Puerto Rico, Appalachia, and AprilS. ~and Linda Kirkpatrick, flute; Song For a sample application, please Cycle, Frauenliebe und Leben by call the Dev:elopment Office at ext". '!:;chumann, sung by Kyle Engler. Operation Hinge volunteers served 249 or pick [hem Lip at the infor- mezzo-soprano, accompanied by the Westminster community by mation desk in Decker Center. For David Kreider, piano; and Fantasy providing tutoring services for mi- additional information, please con- for String Bass and Piano by nority students 'during the school tact Dr. Colleen Galambos, Dr. Del Hovhaness, with Amold . year. Several SOS and Hinge Palmer, Dr. Pat Reed or Dr. Ron Gregorian, bass, and David alumni, in cooperation with WMC, Tait. Students are strongly encour- Kreider, piano. established the Griswold-Zepp aged to watch the film 'The Out- Courtesy of Public lnfonnation Award in hopes that recipients will ward Journey" and talk with one be provided an opportunity to vol- of the above individuals prior to unteer in the same spirit of selfless submitting an application. A video service as they did while college version of this film is on reserve in students. Hoover Library. CLASSIFIEDS Situation Wanted: Mother's For Whom: Students and other low to low moderate income Helper. Minimum 10 varied hours taxpayers a week. Must have own car and Where: Western Maryland College-Gold Room B references. When: Call 840-8995 Tuesday 7-9pm Thursday 7-9pm MACINTOSH COMPUTER for Feb. 20, 27 ~:~~~ ~~~~98 sale. Complete system including ~;;~h/9l2, 26 April 4, II printer only $499. Call Chris at' Westminster Shopping Center 1-800-665-4392 ext. 9460 For more information contact Karen Beamer at X8261 . Rt. 140 & EngJar Road SPRff-,G BREAK All students with ID get 10% off all tanntng packages and lotions! SpeCials for Fe~ruary· 71 West Mai.n Street Buy a one month u iilliteCl for $50.00 - Get two weeks free! ~[iJT~DE on P~~k~~~~ ~f$as8.'88'o?\;~tter! 15% discount SELL Stop in and check us out! on all $9.95 Pager electronics Activation and jewelry while you with this ad! wait* =witb 6 month service purchase Specials a~enot sub ect 10 discount
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