Page 107 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 107
'Thursday, February 15, 1996 - Page 15 WMC women to face the best in Conference playoffs Team can face several Centennial Conference rivals while on their way to the top By JOHN MANARD The Green Terror traveled to in the teams meeting earlier in the points and 10.9 rebounds a game. the boards, averaging 11.3 points per AssistantSports Editor Memorial Hall on January 27 and year. The Bears lead the overall Allison Wentworth, a 5-10 jun- Depending on what scenario stunned the Mules with a 64-60 series 6-3. ior forward, from Millersville, game. plays out over the last couple of win. It was the third straight win The Bears are led by 5-10 Maryland, is another strong player. Arnold leads the conference in as- weeks of the season, the Western over Muhlenberg by the Green and sophomore forward Megan Larkin. She has been scoring in double fig- sists with an average of 5.45 per game. Maryland women's basketball Gold. WMC leads the series 3- I. A Gettysburg, Pennsylvania native, ures all year and is averaging 9.5 She also has made 45 steals this year. Dickinson Red Devil.~ team could find themselves facing Muhlenberg has been getting Larkin is averaging 11.5 boards a rebounds a game. The Red Devils and Green Terror anyone of severa! Centennial Con- big production of late from sopho- game. She is third overall among Both are shooting close to 50% split their games this year. WMC ference rivals in the playoffs. more Sarah Bedi of Warren, New conference players in steals with on the year from the field. The first thing that must hap- Jersey. Bedi IS one of the 3.12 a game. She is also a good Sophomore forward Megan grabbed an 91-88 overtime win at Gill pen is the Terror must defeat Johns Conference's most accurate shoot- shot blocker with 24 on the season Miller can also be dangerous. She Center and lost 89-81 at Kline Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania It was the sec- Hopkins University. Johns ers and is averaging in double-dig- Senior center Laura Coulter has hit 16 three-pointers this year. ond straight year that the teams split Hopkins was 9-2 in the conference its for the Mules. She has also blocked 16 shots. going into Saturday nights game. The Mutes have used a devas- Dickinson's Annie their series. WMC leads the overall se- ries22-19. WMC went into the game with a tating back court this year featur- THE WEST Dickinson'sAnnie Guzek is argu- 10-3 record. ing a balance of youth and experi- Guzek is arguably the If the Green Terror women ably the best player in the conference. If the Terror win, they will be ence. Senior Lori Milot of make it into the championship playing a semifinal game on Feb- Brockton, Pennsylvania, and fresh- conference's best game, they could play either The senior forward from Scranton, Pennsylvania has gotten better every ruary 21. If WMC wins the West- man Sarah Clarke of Nutley, New player. Hopkins or Dickinson, if one of year, and she is once again the most ern Division of the Centennial Con- Jersey have become a dangerous them survived the first round. dominant player in theconference. She ference they will host one of the duo. Two weeks ago Milot became from Vincentown, New Jersey, is lohns Hopkins Blue lays averages a conference high 25.6 points three Eastern Division teams fea- the school's 10th, 700 point scorer also a force inside with 23 blocked The Blue Jays lost a 73-67 de- agame and 13.7 rebounds a game. She tured below. If they get into the and Clarke scored a season high 23 shots. Coulter is also one of the cision to WMC at home in late has blocked 36 shots this year and av- playoffs as the second-place team against Moravian. better free throw shooters. She has January. It was the first time they erages 3.17 steals a game. She is a sure they will be on the road for that Clarke is a dangerous outside hit 78% of her foul shots on the had lost to the Green Terror since bet to win her second Conference game. shooter. She is hitting 35% from year. 1992, The Blue Jays had won six Player of the Year Award. For the Green Terror to outright outside the arc. .Sbe is also the Freshman guard Dede Boies is straight. WMC leads the overall Not to be overshadowed by her win the division, several things Centennial's most accurate free- having an excellent season. She has series 22-! 2( not including last teammate, 6-Osenior forward Gretchen must happen. Either Johns throw shooter. She is hitting 87% dished out 54 assists for a 3.18 av- nights game). Muller from Abu Dhabi, United Hopkins or Dickinson must lose from the line. erage. She is one of the better JHU features theone-two punch of Arab Emirates, has also had a solid twice in their final games. The Ter- Milot is a key defensive player. guards in the conference. sophomores Angie Arnold and Julie season. She is scoring 16.7 points ror could also win the division if She is averaging almost three steals Washing/Oil Shorewomell Anderson. The pair lead the Blue Jays a game and has blocked 22 shots they end up tied with either JHU a game. She is the only player in The Terror pulled off a close 53- in virtually every offensive category. or Dickinson, Muhlenberg history to register 250 50 win over Washington at the Cain Anderson, from West Chester, Penn- and made 53 steals. The Red Devils are not done yet steals. Junior center Elvira Center on January 18. It was sylvania, is averaging 17.2 points a though. Junior guard Selinda Stout / THE EAST LaRocca has been playing well re- WMC's second straight win over game and Arnold, from Mount Joy, from Williamsport, PA, and fresh- cently, also. She recorded back-to- the Shorewornen. WMC leads the Pennsylvania, averages 16.9. man guard Val Muravchik from of ~~~~~~~~:eTI~:~~e~~116~~~s~~~ back double-doubles a couple 'of series 2-1. Anderson is also the Jays top Wheaton, MD, are talented also. teams in the first round regardless weeks ago. luniorcenter Eboni Taylor from rebounder with a 15.2 average per Stout has hit a conference high 35, of where they 'are seeded: Ursinus Bears Germantown, Maryland, leads the game. Senior center Lori Leonard, of Muravchik Muhlenberg Mules Ursinus defeated WMC 82-72 Shorewomen. She is averaging 15 Media, Pennsylvania, is also tough on three-pointers. in assists with 75. is the team leader Wrestling teams finish season at home COli/in lied from page 20 excellent job with this team. He "J was wrestling up a weight really knows wrestling." Simmerer class for the first time this year," added, "John's a great coach and commented Simmerer after the he's improved this team 300% match. over the last two years." "My opponent was a younger Coach Lowe, a graduate of wrestler and his technique was not Washington and Lee University, as refined as I expected. J did not is in his second year as head want to be there (in the overtime coach at WMC and is very period), but I was confident I could pleased at this year's team. take him." Every guy on the team is in The overtime period is a sud- shape, has a [at of fire, a lot of den death situation, and Simmerer heart, and is very aggressive." smothered any chances of a Trim- Unfortunately the team did not "Every guy on the team is in shape, has a lot offire, a lot of heart, and is very aggressive." mer come-from-behind victory by have the depth to accompany their earning the win on a take down and talent as injuries presented a prob- , finishing the season 18-3. lem throughout the season. "When Phil Simmerer locks up Ursinus:s Eric Trimmer during the 167 pound match during the tri-meer against Despite their effort, the team we lost Joe (Flemming), Steve Swarthmore and Ursinus. This match highlighted an Outstanding meet. Trimmer fought back to force the match fell to Ursinus 23-18, but finished (Smiddy), and Teddy (Speers) to into overtime. But the more experienced Simmerer executed a take-down in sudden-death overtime for the win their season with a dual meet record injuries during the season," re- of 6-9, and improvement over last flected Lowe, "we just didn't have fuf , experience in the starling When asked to comment on have next year, and if we get the year's 4-14 campaign. the personnel to fill the holes, and slots this season. "John (Wert) the strong underclassman recruits that I am after, God help When asked what sparked this this cost us some meets." was phenomenal, Josh (Ellin) has complement of the team, (only the rest of the teams in the con- turnaround, Estes gave all the credit Lowe was very impressed with tons of potential, and Sean three seniors on this years team), ference." to head coach John Lowe. "He's a his freshmen wrestlers, who gained (Healey) improved every match," a spark immediately came to his great motivator and he's done an valuable, though sometimes pain- stated Coach Lowe. eyes. "With the returners I'll
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