Page 108 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 108
Thursday, February ,1~,r1996-,Page 16 ;-S J?ORTS Men-'s" OFF THE BEATEN TRACK B-ball to -----------------iI __ ~J~oh:n~A1~a~n~a~rd~_J~I----------------- conclude Well, here we are back on the season snow covered hill. It's colder than ously doing something wrong. This Needed Renovations I can think- Karen Alexander. This has been the Here's a thought-yes problem all year, Not enough swim- this issue of the Phoenix is covering want to melt. Through these treach- team can get some more swimmers for on this subject when it times and talked to some swimmers, Despite the fact that the men's when we left, and the snow doesn't story, and I am sure Iwill be writing I was looking at our swim teams' mel'S. I hope this young and talented commentary basketball team has not had a win- erous times, ( have traversed the is all over. and I came to this realization. We next year. ning season, they have remained paths of the Hill in search of tidbits Championship Fever need a ~ew ~ol! I'~ sure people Championship banners l dedicated and have strived for com- of information and whatever else With the women's basketball are saying this man IS nuts about Many of you can remember high comes out of the sports programs team chasing a playoff berth and now, but hear me out. The Harlow school, although some of you would ~::~t~~~ness in the :~st p~rt of t~:~~ here at WMC. I must say the past possible om national tournament Natatorium is old, dilapidated, vel)' rather not. but I remember seeing ban- Saturday, February 10, jhe two months have brought some berth I decided to do a little research boring, dark, extremely hot, and just ners hanging around the gym. These Green Terror men traveled t~ strange facts and ideas to light. into past NCAA tournament partici- plain inadequate. banners represented the hard work of , Gettysburg, but lost 97-Q5. .l,: The Scandal pants. Here is some WMC sports Besides all that, it is the only pool our athletes when it culminated in a Senior forward Jeff Daniels led First thing that I hear about trivia. The last team to compete in in the conference with only five lanes! League championship or even better; a the team with a season higbnwenry comes to me while I am working an NCAA tournament was the I'm sure that makes our swimmersfeel state championship! Has anyone no- points. David St. Rose scored thir- at the Frederick News-Post in our 1989 volleyball team. That team de- real good. ' ticed the conspicuous absence of these teen points to help the men. FoC· neighboring county. Stan, the feated Brockport State in the first I can hear F&M talking now, banners at our school? It's not because lowing SI. Rose was A'ndi I Sports Editor and my boss, asks me round and lost to Cortland State in ''Yeah we went down to WMC and we haven't won anything. In fact we Dziengeleski with twelve points in about some scandal involving ath- the 2nd round. The volleyball team swam in their baby pool." Our swim- have several championships. the game. letes at WMC. So I pick up a copy is the only team to make multiple mers are-good, and at adequate pools Last years softball team was co- Will Marshall, although not of the Carroll County Times and trips to an NCAA tournament. their times and scores are better, They champion of the Centennial Confer- scoring in double figures against promptly read all about the time- WMC volleyball teams competed in seem to swim faster in well lit, nice ence.ln fact they are now the two-time Gettysburg Saturday night, has had sheet scandal. the tournament in 1982, 1983, pools. Is there a connection here? defending CC champions. They were an outstanding season leading the All that came to my mind was, 1984,1985,1986, and 1989. Sega Tournament Rumors co-championsin 1994withGenysburg. team in overall scoring, field goal "Who do these people think they The only other team to make a Rumors have it that the 1996 The Conference only wenttoan a11- percentage, free throw percentage, are?" Where do they think they are trip to the big show was the 1987 WMC women's lacrosse team is sports setup in 1992. and rebounding averages. He also from, the University of Miami? I Women's lacrosse team. The lady going to have a Sega tournament How old is our school? Over 100 ranks third overall in the confer- don't remember seeing any Na- lax team defeated Johns Hopkins 12- as a fund raiser. Considering, that years, hence the Centennial name. ence in overall scoring with a tional Championships around here. II and then lost in the semifinals to ~y Sega was alrea~y asked ~ be Where is the tradition? Iam sl;IfCthere points per game average,of ,17.7. Sorry folks, this is quaint west- Ursinus23-5. Involved, by my neighbor, I gue~sare championships out there? A ban- Lastly, Marshall ranks fourth over- em Maryland College. And 1 wit! New tennis coach I should think about entering. n~rfor~-u;.~nandjusttheyearand all in the conference in rebound- tell you this: People are laughing The Athletic Department, ~~~ :~; il:~Oyn;::t\~:~~ming soon ~:~:~~~ri~;n~ ing with an average of7.5 rebounds at how the school is handling this. I headed by Dr. Richard Carpenter, per game. . don't really care whose fault thi~~ finally hired a tennis coach over Swimming notes individual sport with a natiorial cfam- , Western Maryland plays t~eit whole scandal is. January. It's only been over a year! Back to the pool where some new pionship would be nice. ~ . last Centennial Conference game First, I feel the athletes and stu-:J No, seriously, I'm sure they were membershavestartOOswimM.ingsii1ce Of course they will s'ay ~ cart1tM- on Wednesday night, and finish cents involved have gotten off! Dec~ber ..'J1Iemeh'piCked ¥lfsbU01 ford it, and Iguessuiey are right, 'con- ..the. irseason .hostin~. wa.~lhin.'gloff pretty easy. Th~ li~t of actual crin;'e~ ~::~ k;;~:g ~~~ti~:n:O~~~~~v Paul Matkovicwbonaspromptlybeen ' siderin'gl ~~ 'school w!l." t~ C~ip.tO Ch.Il9ge Saturday afte.r?l9~nlat against them is pretty bad. Now,' women's basketball games.' B~t. i~bl~. The WOJJIenf tram pjc~' purchase tfieCoaference banners~19' I 3:00PM in GIll CenteJ". ~ let's get to the heat1~f,t~e.mAuer~ back to my original thought. We do, upfreshmanJamidvloyer.Shestarred~ . tJ;!I;..~?f~~gaveusthose11,i~- " ,Going into Wedne~day nights indeed have a new tennis coach. His' ono/J3:'.C?~~ping fie~~feY'~ ners hanging in the gym,and the pooL .' . game, the men hold·a:4-18 overall :~~7~s~:~~~~~~:~!;:a;~name is Jim Lopez, and an upeomj in the fall. Sin~joininglhetean:\,she.: Oh, me woes-of a om scbool where '" record, and a 2-9 Centennial Con- with this for so long? While I have ing issue of the Phoenix will have a has shown constant improvernept"lhe: money is spent on undeselVing kids ference record. not yet seen a report on this scan- J profile about the newest coach on women's team with Moyer only has":: who lie on their time sheets for four From Stat! Rep'orts I ~ dal, I do know the school was obvi-,. the Hill. nine swimmers and will lose senioq years . ;1!11b_f',!j,j' !1 iWomen:'s'soccer players Student achieves honored";'by NCAA coaches All-American status" Three women's soccer players earn All-Region status Sophomore Julie Backof of goals-against mark in conference 1995 FootballGazettehonors Krcma Westminster, freshman Stephanie contests. les this season to finish third on Van Deusen of Columbia, Mary- Van Deusen triggered the Western Maryla~d College de- the team. Among that total land, and junior Erin Murphey of Green Terror attack with her strong fensive tackle Joe Krcma of were 22 tackles which resulted Linwood, Maryland, have been se- midfield play, in addition to regis- Monrovia, Maryland has been se- in losses, a new school single- lected to the National Soccer tering eight goals and four assists lected to the 1995 Football Gazelle season record, and a team-high Coaches Association of America! herself. The first-year Western Division lIIAll-America team, an- 8.5 quarterback sacks. Umbro NCAA Division III All- Maryland standout was a unani- nounced recently by national bal- Krcma also was recognized Mid-Atlantic Region team. mous choice to the All-Centennial loting coordinator and Baldwin- as a 1995 All-Centennial Con- Wallace College spons information Backof and Van Deusen weer Conference first team. ference fir~t team performer, first-team honorees, Backof at Murphey also was an Ali-Cen- director Kevin Ruple. 235 pound after earning All-Centennial Krcma, a5-foot-ll, goalkeeper and Van Deusen at tennial Conference first-teamer af- senior, was named to the honor- Conference honorable-mention midfield. Murphey was named to tedeading the conference in scor- able-mention defensive squad. status each of the past two the third team at fOIward. -rytey ar~ ing, both overall with 28 points (II The team was picked by a com- years. believed to be Western Maryland's goals, six assists) and in Centen~ He concluded his career as firs,! All-Region selections in the nial Conference play with 21 mittee of NCAA Division III Western Maryland's all-time program's nine-year varsity his~ points (eight goals, five assists). sports information directors, leader in total tackles which re- tory. , Along with the accolades based on representing the division's four sulted in losses with 5~, among Backof recorded 119 saves an~ playin_g ability,.Murphey eall1ed a playoff regions .. , • his 227 overall stops. lallowed only 19 goals; with· a spot on the Centennial Football Gazelte,is a wee'kl~ The Green Terror finished 5- goals-against average of 1.45 and Conference's Academic Honor newsletter, based in Brookfie'ld; 3-2 overall for their 1995 sea- a save percentage of .862. She Roll, awarded to starters and keyi Illinois, which focuses on no~- son, and 3-2-2 in the Centennial earned her second straight All-Cep.- reserves who carry a 3.40 or bet- NCAA Division I programs Conference under third year tennial Conference first-team rec- ter cumulative grade-point average throughout the country. head coach Tim Keating. ognition, after finishing second in and an:. at least sophomores. The Green Terror honoree recognition the lO-team league with a 1.43 Courtesy of Sports Information was credited with 69 total tack- Courtesy of Sports Information
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